万博manbetx最新客户端 创立于一九四九年,与新中国同龄。我们秉承民族传统,服务国家战略;立足全球视野,引领时代潮流;追求学识真理,陶铸人文品格;建设特色高校,培育社会栋梁。
万博manbetx最新客户端 素有“新中国高等外语教育发祥地之一”和“江南第一高等外语学府”的美誉,经过六十多年的砥砺耕耘,今日的上外以其特色鲜明的治学理念和海纳百川的多元氛围,业已发展成为一所领先国内、享誉国际的外国语大学。
Welcome to Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).
Established in 1949, the year of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, SISU is now an internationally recognized, prestigious institution of higher education distinctive for its multidisciplinary and multicultural nature, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times.
SISU is known for being one of the earliest institutions where China’s higher education in foreign languages took shape. From remarkable beginnings and through more than six decades of the faculty’s endeavor, SISU has grown into a nationally leading and globally acclaimed academic institution with a mission to “introduce the rest of the world to China” and “present China globally”.
Here you will find information on our pioneering history, distinguished and dedicated faculty, outstanding teaching and scholarly achievements, progress in international exchange and cooperation, and diverse campus life.
We invite you to explore this website to learn about a dynamic, multicultural SISU. Better still, we are looking forward to welcoming you at our vibrant campuses.
Shanghai International Studies University
Hongkou Campus
550 Dalian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, China
Songjiang Campus
1550 Wenxiang Road, Shanghai 201620, China
【综合事务】General Inquiry
总机电话:+86 (21) 3537 2000
本科招生:+86 (21) 5538 6006 / 5538 3668 /ao@www.wcrra.com
硕博招生:+86 (21) 3537 3072 /shisuyzb@126.com