A letter to International SISUers

  • 2020-02-29

Dear students,

It's been a whole month since the first issue of " NIGHTLINE of COVID-19 by Study in SISU". Over the past month, the novel coronavirus infection has profoundly changed the lives of everyone. No matter where you come from, no matter where you are right now, we wish you good health and safety in this COVID-19 fight. One day, we hope to see your smiling face in SISU campus. At this moment, we have a few words to tell:

1. The school will not open until the epidemic situation is well controlled. According to the latest requirements of the MOE, please do not return to school for this moment. The opening time will be informed in advance;

2. You are advised not to buy tickets or buy tickets that can be changed if you are in your country.

3. If you are currently stranded in other provinces and cities, please do not return to school until the official start-of-school notice is announced. Meanwhile please obey the local government's arrangement for epidemic prevention and control, and keep in touch with the school at any time.

4. If you are living off campus in Shanghai, please take the initiative to report to the community, cooperate with the community's epidemic prevention and control management, and keep in touch with the school at any time.

5. If you currently live in the school dormitory, please abide by the rules and regulations of accommodation.

6. If you have a cough or fever, please go to the hospital in your area as soon as possible and report to Office International Student Affairs, dorm management staff or your college in time. If your doormate is sick, please cooperate actively with the investigation and isolation.

7. We strongly suggest that you try to avoid going out, especially long-distance travel for reducing the risk of infection.

In order to strengthen prevention and control etc. of the epidemic situation in accordance with the requirements of the relevant departments, SISU has also implemented the daily reporting of information by all units. All students are requested to cooperate and report your situations in a timely manner.

SISU also provides a variety of online learning methods, including MOOC, online learning platform, library resources, etc. for all of you to use. For details, please follow our Wechat.

If you have any questions during this period, please contact oisa@www.wcrra.com or shangwaiguojiao@126.com. We are glad to answer any questions from you. SISU Counseling Center also provides counseling services. Please contact xlzx@www.wcrra.com.

Tiny sparks will converge into a mighty flame. Success belong to the persevering!

Shanghai International Studies University

Office of International Student Affairs

Feb. 28, 2020
