
  • 2019-04-28




1. 申请退学、退费(新生报到日期视为开学日期):

a. 下学期开学前(截止至开学前的最后一个工作日北京时间12:00整)申请:可退还该学期全部学费。

b. 下学期开学一周内(当周最后一个工作日北京时间12:00前)申请:退还该学期学费75%。

c. 下学期开学一周后申请:该学期学费不退。

2. 换班(强化班转进修班)申请退学费差价:

a. 因汉语水平原因,学校不能提供合适的强化班:差价全退

b. 开学前(截止至开学前的最后一个工作日北京时间12:00整)申请换班:可退还全部差价。

c. 开学后一周内(当周最后一个工作日北京时间12:00前)申请换班:差价退50%

d. 开学一周后申请换班:不退差价

3. 因违反中国法律、校纪校规而被退学的学生,本学期学费不予退还。



Terms & Conditions for Refunding

(Amended in December 2019)

If you wish to discontinue your study and receive a tuition refund, you will need to submit a refund application form and return your original payment receipts. Whether you could get the refund is subject to the following conditions:

1. If the application is submitted before the registration day of a new semester (technically by 12.00pm of the last working day), you will get a full tuition refund of the semester.

2. If the application is submitted within a week into a new semester (technically by 12.00pm of the last working day of that week), you will get a 75% tuition refund of the semester.

3. If the application is submitted later than one week into a new semester, you will get no refund.

4. Students who are expelled from school due to violations of regulations / laws will get no refund.

5. If you wish to change courses and receive a refund of tuition difference, for example, from the intensive Chinese language course to the regular Chinese language course, you should follow similar refund procedures and terms: a full refund before the starting of a new semester, 50% refund within a week into the new semester, and no refund after a week into the new semester.

Office of International Students Affairs

April 2019
