Insurance Guidance

  • 2022-09-14

According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education of China on international students, international students MUST have valid insurance in China to study in the University, otherwise they cannot register for study. Among them:

1. Those who have studied for less than 180 days can purchase comprehensive insurance whose standard is not less than the following and can be used in China, orpurchase comprehensive insurance with the insurance broker designated by our school (Lianhua International Insurance) not lower than the following standards:

1.1 The amount of death insurance (death or disability quota compensation) shall not be less than 100000 yuan;

1.2 medical insurance for personal accidental injury, with an insured amount of not less than 10000 yuan;

1.3 The amount of hospitalization medical insurance shall not be less than 400000 yuan.

2. Those who have studied for at least 180 days must purchase comprehensive insurance for international student groups at the insurance brokerage agency designated by our University (Lianhua international insurance) which is not lower than the above insurance standard.

You can get the relevant national laws and regulations and online purchase links at the link at the end of the text.

This statement is made and executed in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between the two languages, Chinese version shall prevail.

Lianhua international insurance
Interim Provisions of Colleges and Universities on Demanding Foreign Students to Purchase Insurance
Decree No. 42 of the Ministry of education, the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of public security of the people's Republic of China on the administrative measures for schools to recruit and train international students
