Master of Business Administration

  • 2019-11-25

Master of Business Administration


Drawing on the strength of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) in over 70 years’ foreign languages and cross-cultural instruction, rich experience in comprehensive talent cultivation, as well as solid and creative platform for global talent education, SISU MBA program is dedicated to cultivating “Borderless Management” elites to create value for the world with solid theoretical foundation and management skills. It endeavors to cultivate advanced borderless-management talents featuring global vision, humanistic mentality, foreign language competence, practical capability and proficient cross-cultural communication.

The current mission of SISU MBA is to cultivate borderless management elites to create value for the world.

The current vision of SISU MBA is to become a domestically first-class and internationally renowned MBA program.

SISU MBA program has three features:

l Deepening Internationalization. The MBA program is to be inherently internationalized in terms of its guiding philosophy, faculty structure, student composition, learning process, and international accreditation. The program is to absorb from both the management and development philosophy and the frontline practices of such top business schools as the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, adjust them to the SISU context, and shape a unique SISU MBA curriculum and mode of education. In terms of faculty development, SISU MBA keeps abreast of the trends of MBA education, attracts foreign scholars with a global vision and a deep understanding of the differences between China and other countries and regions, and encourages Chinese teachers to participate more in international exchange activities, thereby continuously upgrading the MBA faculty structure. In terms of student composition, the program is to attract more applications from overseas by strengthening the international influence of the SISU MBA program and establishing an international alumni network. International applicants are to be evaluated in a way that improves the recruitment quality. In terms of the learning process, the program is to cooperate with more well-known overseas universities to provide opportunities for the MBA students to participate in Business Study Tours, exchange programs or dual-degree programs depending on their own interests, thereby broadening their horizon through personal experience. In addition, the program is to actively participate in high-quality international accreditation and benchmark against high international standards to enhance the international influence of the program.

l Elevating Alignment. The MBA program aims to employ a comprehensive and integrative way of talent training from such aspects as program design, curriculum design, and teaching pedagogy. The program is to borrow from top international business schools and combine their merits with its own characteristics and resources to form an innovative program design that consists of such progressive modules as Pre-term, Understanding the Basics, Management Foundation, Management Breadth and Management Depth. Integrated practical courses is absorbed into the SISU MBA program to improve students’ practical and applying ability. Adjustments are regularly required according to the domestic and foreign market trends and industry developments. Based its goals, the program adopts an integrated MBA + curriculum design. In addition to the two traditional modules of Understanding the Basics and Management Foundation, a third module of Management Breadth is offered to enhance the growth potential of the students, and integrated practice courses are added to improve students' ability to apply theory to practice. In setting the elective modules, the program offers cutting-edge and interdisciplinary courses, forming such concentrations as “Digital Transformation”, “Digital Marketing”, “Fintech”, “Behavioral Science”, “Borderless General Management”, “Fashion and Luxury Management”. In terms of teaching pedagogy, SISU MBA engages management practice professors with rich experience in business management, who keep abreast with the latest trends and bring contextualized business practices into the MBA classroom. Moreover, the program encourages its faculty to actively explore innovative MBA teaching methods and integrate the use of group learning, case studies and additional methods to provide students with diverse ways of practicing and learning.

l Promoting Professionalism. The program seeks to improve student professional competence and employability through career training, career planning, and career resources. In terms of career training, the program puts career development into the curriculum. Not only does the Pre-Term course module includes career development lectures, an independent module of Career Development is also designed to be an integral component running through the entire program to facilitate students' structured management thinking and practical management skills, which in turn enhances their core professional competency. In terms of career planning, the Career Development Office of SBM regularly holds Mentor-Mentee sessions and Career Guide sessions, where business mentors with rich industry experience are present to offer one-to-one consultation to students for career planning and industry advice. In terms of career resources, the program is continuously expanding cooperation with industries, creating a network of resources to both support the MBA education and match students with quality jobs and internship opportunities. The program organizes job fairs and face-to-face communication with corporate executives while encouraging qualified MBA students to start their own businesses.


Two-year full-time English study


The curriculum setting includes 5 modules: Pre-term, Understanding the Basics, Management Foundation, Management Breadth and Management Depth. Integrated practical courses is absorbed into the two-year program to improve students’ practical and applying ability. In light of the competitive advantages of the university, the trends of MBA education in leading international universities and the current market demand, we provide six featured concentrations under Management Depth module, i.e., “Digital Transformation”, “Digital Marketing”, “Fintech”, “Behavioral Science”, “Borderless General Management”, “Fashion and Luxury Management”.

Thesis writing must be completed when all modules are studied. The aim of MBA thesis is to reflect students’ ability to apply basic knowledge, theories and skills to primary scientific researches as well as independent and innovative abilities to solve management problems and improve their ability in real business setting.


A variety of teaching methods will be adopted to optimize teaching effectiveness.

l Lectures and Discussions

Lectures and discussions are widely employed in the MBA course teaching. Through sharing work experiences, students will be fully engaged in structured lectures and classroom discussions and absorb the quintessence from lecturers and classmates.

l Case Study and Group Work

Group study and case analysis will be integrated to help students combine theories with practical skills and improve their innovation abilities.

l Company Visit, Business Study Trips and Overseas Exchange Programmes

SISU students are encouraged to learn beyond classrooms and experience diverse business models and operational methods in different countries, cities and companies.

SISU MBA International programmes’ teaching language, teaching materials and assignments will be provided in English.

Examination in SISU MBA is set to evaluate students’ learning outcomes. The examination methods will include open-book exams, closed-book exams, after class exams, semester theses and group projects. Scores will be given in the hundred-mark system and those who fail the exams must re-study the courses.


1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China and be in good health, having a reliable economic payment guarantee and guardian.

2. Bachelor or above.

3. Minimum 3 years of work experience before formal registration.

4. Outstanding academic performance and potential.

5. TOEFL, GRE or GMAT test is not required but recommended for International applicants.


1. Diploma and academic record in original or notarized copy in English or Chinese.

2. Photocopy of passport.

3. Personal statement, about 1000 words, written in English, including study and work experience, research results and study plan.

4. The index and abstract of published papers and any other materials to certify your research abilities.

5. TOEFL, GRE or GMAT test is not required but recommended for International applicants.

6. Business card if available

7. One reference letter from previous professor or manager.

8. Pay application fee online: 800 RMB (or overseas transfer of 130 USD, upload payment voucher).

★ Under certain circumstances, SISU may require applicants to submit additional documents.


1. Submitting Your Application

Applicants must submit application to the Office of International Student Affairs of Shanghai International Studies University (OISA, SISU) first to assess the qualification. Online, on-site and mail registration are all accepted.

(Please refer to for further details).

Fill in the application form online (

2. Admissions Interview

Interview is by invitation only when the MBA Center completes assessing students’ application from the OISA. Instructions will be provided by the invitation email. Interview is conducted by the faculty.

3. Admissions Decisions

Admissions decision is made by the MBA Center within two weeks after interview. The result is announced by the OISA.


All completed application documents must be submitted by May 15th (fall intake). Application will be evaluated case by case if it is received after deadline. Applicants who are qualified for scholarships shall follow the scholarship instructions.


Application Fee

800RMB(or overseas transfer of 130 USD)/per time

Tuition for 2022intake

1st Year 140,000RMB

2nd Year 128,000RMB

Insurance Fee for 2022 intake
