Notification of SISU SCHOLARSHIP Winners 万博manbetx最新客户端 外国留学生奖学金获奖者名单
- 2018-11-21
经过评审,以下学生被授予“2018-2019学年万博manbetx最新客户端 外国留学生奖学金”。A奖和B奖分两次发放完毕,C奖一次性发放完毕。发放时间为2019年春学期,具体领奖时间和地点将于2019年3月份通知。
The Winner list of SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP(2018/2019 academic year)is as follows.The scholarship Type A and B will be given twice (half each time),type C will be given once in spring semester 2019. The time and place to collect will be noticed in March, 2019.
万博manbetx最新客户端 留学生办公室
Shanghai International Studies University
Office of International Student Affairs