

    万博manbetx最新客户端 自2007年开始孔子学院的建设工作,目前已与欧、美、亚、非、拉地区9个国家的高校和机构合作,承办了9所海外孔子学院,开办数量在全上海教育系统中名列前茅。目前万博manbetx最新客户端 承办的9所孔院分别是:意大利那不勒斯东方大学孔子学院、日本大阪产业大学孔子学院、秘鲁天主教大学孔子学院、匈牙利赛格德大学孔子学院、西班牙马德里孔子学院、摩洛哥哈桑二世大学孔子学院、乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕国立外国语学院孔子学院、加拿大滑铁卢孔子学院,以及希腊亚里士多德大学孔子学院。

    Since 2007, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) has established nine Confucius Institutes in Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North America, ranking among the top institutions of higher learning in Shanghai in the number of Confucius Institutes. The nine CIs are: Confucius Institute at Oriental University of Napoli (Italy), Confucius Institute at Osaka Sangyo University (Japan), Confucius Institute at Pontifical Catholic University (Peru), Confucius Institute at the University of Szeged (Hungary), Confucius Institute in Madrid (Spain), Confucius Institute at the University of Hassan II (Morocco), Confucius Institute at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages (Uzbekistan), Confucius Institute in Waterloo (Canada), and Confucius Institute at Aristotle University (Greece).

    万博manbetx最新客户端 孔子学院工作处成立于2015年,致力于推进孔子学院的全面建设和长足发展。孔院工作处充分发挥孔子学院交流服务平台的作用,主要工作职能包括:开拓、管理与协调我校孔子学院工作;选派孔子学院中方院长、国际中文教师及国际中文教师志愿者;根据学校的有关政策和规定及孔子学院的发展需要,制定相应的规定和措施;协调外方合作院校的相关工作;协同学校相关院系和职能部门助力孔子学院发展;实施“新汉学计划”;接待海外来华团组;申办和推进各类项目等。此外,工作处积极开展有关孔子学院现状和发展的调研,加强与教育部中外语言交流合作中心、中国国际中文教育基金会等各单位的交流,共同推动孔子学院的可持续发展。

    The Office of Confucius Institutes (OCI) of SISU was established in 2015 with the aim of promoting the establishment and long-term development of CIs. So far, the OCI has done a very good job as a platform of communication and service for CIs. It has helped to mobilize resources of SISU and its related disciplines, and effectively managed external (regarding Hanban and partner universities) and internal (regarding SISU itself) affairs. The functions of the OCI mainly include: promoting, managing and coordinating the work concerning CIs; selecting and appointing Chinese deans, teachers and volunteers; adopting regulations in alignment with the policies of SISU to ensure the proper operation and growth of CIs; cooperating with partner universities; cooperating with various educational and functional government agencies to facilitate the development of CIs; offering the China Studies Program; receiving international visitors and delegations to China; and carrying out various programs. Furthermore, the OCI has carried out wide-ranging research on the status quo and development of CIs, and tried to facilitate the sustainable development of CIs through communication and synergy with Center for Language Education andCooperation, Chinese International Education Foundationand other related institutions.

    万博manbetx最新客户端 于2014年、2015年、2018年先后三次荣获“孔子学院先进中方合作机构”荣誉,所承办孔子学院多次荣获“先进孔子学院”“先进考点”称号。秉承“办一所,办好一所”的理念,以“服务中外人文交流”为办学使命,万博manbetx最新客户端 将继续积极对接国家战略方针,致力于国际化人才培养,积极搭建国际合作与交流的平台,促进世界多元文化发展。

    SISU has been honored several times as an Outstanding Chinese Partner; its CIs have been entitled Model Confucius Institutes and Model Testing Centers. Determined to make every Confucius Institute a success, and committed to building a cultural bridge between China and the rest of the world, SISU will continue to create platforms for international cooperation and exchanges to develop students with global vision and advance the multicultural development of the international community according to national strategies and policies.

    (2022 年 11 月更新)

    (Last Update: November, 2020)