Welcome to the official site of the 2nd International Symposium on Common Grounds for Multilingual Interdisciplinary Research and Development.

A flagship academic joint initiative between China and Switzerland, the Symposium is co-organized by Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and Swissnex Shanghai.

The Interdisciplinary Research Center, Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, SISU serves as the Secretariat to the Symposium.

You are invited to one week program with keynote speeches, research presentations,working groups and networking opportunities. The Seminar will host a maximum of 50 participants. It welcomes all.

Registration is now open.
Registration Deadline: September 30 2017.
For registration and more details please visit the website at:http://giit.www.wcrra.com/sgic.html
Or write to giitss@www.wcrra.com
Official Phone Number: +86-021-35312991 Francis Zhou

Annoni, Jean-Marie Dean, Neurology Faculty, Department of Medicine, University of Fribourg
Forstner, Martin University of Mainz, Former Secretary-general, CIUTI
Huang, Youyi Chairman, National Committee of MTI Education
Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore Co-Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Center, GIIT, SISU
Li, Zhengren Chief, Interpretation Service, United Nations Office at Geneva
Massion, François Director, Dokumentation ohne Grenzen (D.O.G.), GmbH
Morard, Bernard Dean, Faculty of Economic & Social Sciences, University of Geneva
Zhang, Ailing Dean, GIIT, Co-Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Center, GIIT, SISU
Zhang, Xiaoling Director, China Policy Institute, Nottingham, UK