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Academic Research

The Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) occupies a leading position in China’s academic research in the field of translation and interpreting (T&I) studies, thanks to a large volume of published academic treatises, monographs, international edited volumes and textbooks on T&I teaching and research, significantly contributing to the development of T&I as an independent discipline and research area. GIIT has undertaken numerous research projects , including:

- Introduction to Comparative Literature, a major textbook for Chinese universities approved by the Ministry of Education;

- 60 Years of Foreign Literature Studies in China Since 1949, a major scholarly work funded by the National Social Science Foundation;

- Guidelines for the Use of Foreign Languages in Public Service Areas, sponsored by the National Language Committee;

- Shaanxi Guidelines for English Translations in Public Places, sponsored by the National Language Committee;

- Shanghai Guidelines for English Translations in Public Places, sponsored by the National Language Committee;

- English edition of Encyclopedia of Shanghai (co-editing);

- Basic Requirements and Evaluation Indicators for Professional Master’s Degrees Dissertations in Shanghai, commissioned by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission;

- A Study of Post-1978 Chinese Translations of English Novels by Women Writers, funded by the Ministry of Education;

- “Design and Management of Internship Programs for MTI Students”, and “Development of MTI Students’ Professional Skills”, both commissioned by the National Steering Committee for MTI Education.

- Global Insights into Public Service Interpreting: Theory, Practice and Training, a valuable reference published by Routledge for any student or academic working in interpreting, particularly those focusing on Public Service Interpreting anywhere in the world;

- Ecocriticism and Chinese Literature: Imagined Landscapes and Real Lived Spaces, an international volume published by Routledge focusing on ecocritical aspects throughout Chinese literature, particularly modern and contemporary Chinese literature;

- Chinese Literature in the World: Dissemination and Translation Practices, an international co-edited volume published by Springer which reflects on the phenomenon of the Going Out of the Chinese Literature, focusing on the translation of Chinese literary works in the context of world literature.