Study Spaces Reservation


Study Spaces Reservation and Rules for Appropriate Use

SHISU Library study spaces are available to all SHISU students, faculty and staff. Individual users may make online reservations(Study Spaces Reservation) for study spaces for collaborative study and group discussions.

Locations & Opening Hours


Study Spaces

Opening Hours


1stFloor (S1,S2,N1,N2)

Monday to Sunday (Except Public Holidays, Winter and Summer Vacations), 8:00-21:30

6thFloor (Room 604,606,608)

Monday to Sunday (Except Public Holidays, Winter and Summer Vacations), 8:00-17:00


Study Spaces (1-5)

Monday to Sunday (Except Public Holidays, Winter and Summer Vacations), 8:00-21:30

One Button Studio

Monday to Sunday (Except Public Holidays, Winter and Summer Vacations),8:00-18:30

Reservation Policies

lStudy spaces are available for collaborative study and group discussions with an attendance of3 people or more.

lTo gain access to the room, the reservation holder needs to check out its key at the Information Desk with their validSHISU campus card.

lFineswill occur if the key is not returned on time.

lStudents may reserve study spaces for amaximum of 4 hours per day, and faculty and staff for a maximum of 9 hours per day.

lReservations should be made one week in advance.

lOnly current SHISU students, staff, and faculty with valid campus cards are qualified to make reservations.

lReserving more than one study space is not allowed.

lIf the reservation holder is late for 30 minutes, the reservation will be invalid and canceled. If an individual makes three invalid reservations, they will be blocked from making further reservation for the next 30 days.

lReservations cannot be made during summer and winter vacations and public holidays.

lDo not leave your belongings unattended: they are vulnerable to theft.

General Rules of Use

lAttendance at reserved events shall not exceed the maximum room capacity.

lBurning of any materials, including incense and candles, is prohibited.

lEvents must be conducted in such manner that does not disrupt library operations.

lFood is not permitted in the study spaces. Reservations for events with food will be taken to the Events Office so an appropriate alternate space may be located.

lUse of audio-visual equipment in the rooms must be arranged prior to the event.

lSHISU Library does not provide storage space and assumes no responsibility for equipment or personal belongings of event organizers or attendees.

lSHISU Library reserves the right to make changes to or cancel any reservations without prior notice.

For more information, please contact our librarians:

021-35373667, 021-35372696 (Hongkou Campus), or:

021-67701112 (Songjiang Campus)