Borrowing, Renewals and Reservations Regulations


Borrowing Privileges

You need your campus card to borrow books in SHISU Library. The books will be issued for one month and can be renewed for another month unless reserved by another reader.

Faculty and staff

40 items – 20 Chinese items and 20 non-Chinese items

PhD and graduate students

40 items – 20 Chinese items and 20 non-Chinese items

Undergraduate students

20 items – 10 Chinese items and 10 non-Chinese items


10 items – 5 Chinese items and 5 non-Chinese items

External users

4 items – 2 Chinese items and 2 non-Chinese items


Items will be issued for two weeks and then renewed on request for another month unless reserved by another reader.

We will notify you via your registered email account and/or cell phone number one week prior to return date, so please make sure that you check your emails and/or text messages regularly. It is also advisable to regularly check My Library account to monitor return dates.

If you don't return an item which has been recalled by the Library, you will be blocked for the same number of days as book overdue.

How to renew items

To renew items, you can:

1)Request renewal online via My Library account;

2)Go to the information desk;

3)Use the self-service machines with your campus card

You will not be able to renew items if:

1)The item is reserved;

2)Your account is blocked;

3)You have already renewed the item.

Important information about renewals

Please note that:

  • Inter-library loans cannot be renewed online. They have to be presented at the information desk.

  • We recommend that you renew in advance of the renewal date to allow you time to return any items reserved by other users without getting blocked.

  • Access My Library account on SHISU Library website.

Book Reservation and Campus Document Delivery Services

You are encouraged to use SHISU Library Catalog to search for library items, locate them on the shelves and then borrow them using the self-service machines.

If the item is showing as Available on the Library Catalog, you won't be able to reserve it.

The item will be kept on the reservation shelves for eight days. You are encouraged to collect your reserved item as soon as it is available.

If you can't find the item on the shelf, please talk to a librarian at the help desk or contact us.

SHISU Library has two locations. If the item you want to borrow is in the other location, you can request Campus Document Delivery at the information desk. We will notify you via email and/or text messages once the item arrives. The requested item will remain available for you for eight days.

About Books Overdue

1)If you don’t return an item on time, you will be subject to suspension of all library services and privileges, including but not restricted to borrowing, reservation and interlibrary loan.

2)Length of suspension = Length ofbook overdue * number of overdue items. For instance, if the length of book overdue is 3 days, and the number of overdue items is 3, your length ofsuspension is 3 * 3 = 9 days.

About Lost, Stolen or Damaged Items

If an item on your Library account is lost, stolen or damaged, please report this to our librarians at the information desk as soon as possible. You can also contact us by email, phone or WeChat.

You will be responsible for the item's replacement and we will arrange for an invoice to be produced. The invoice will include the replacement cost of the item.

Once an invoice has been produced you have the following options:

lReturn the overdue item and pay any fine that has accrued

lPay for the replacement cost of the item

lProvide your own replacement item and pay the administration charge, if you are a current borrower.