Chief Librarian


Professor Ren Shuhuai (任树怀) became Chief Librarian of SHISU Library in 2015. Throughout his career, Professor Ren has focused on understanding the information needs of faculty, students and staff and enhancing and building services and collections and renewing library infrastructure to meet those needs. He is also active in the Library Society of China and other professional organizations including Shanghai Society for Library Science and Shanghai Library Association.

Areas of Academic Research and Major Achievements

Professor Ren Shuhuai has rich expertise in latest digital technologies and their application in library operations, as well as knowledge organization and management, data management and information commons functions, etc. He has undertaken several national- and provincial-level academic research projects over the years. His Research on Implementation Mechanism and Strategy of Information Commons (《信息共享空间实现机制与策略研究》)was included in the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievements Library (《国家哲学社会科学成果文库》) in 2010 and published in 2011. In addition, Professor Ren has published more than 50 articles in various SSCI and CSSCI journals.