Instructions on Seats Reservation


Seats Reservation System

Stop wasting your time looking for a vacant seat. As a SHISU student you can book your own seat throughout SHISU campus online.

The library is open to all to meet SHISU student’s need of study facilities ---- the seats on the reading room on the 4th floor at Hongkou Campus, and the west reading room on the 1st floor at Songjiang Campus.

Seat Reservation Step-by-Step

Students can select seats on-site via the library's seat reservation machine, or online at: via SHISU’s official account on WeChat.

The following three actions are not allowed:

lLeaving the seat before expiring time without releasing the seat;

lSelecting “temporary leave” but not returning within 30 minutes;

lReserving a seat but not signing in within 30 minutes.

If you break any the above rules three times, you will be blocked by the system for three days.

Please note your password for seat reservation system is the same as the self-service machine (both username and password are your Student ID). If it is valid, please contact our librarians .

For more information, please contact our librarians:

021-35373667(Hongkou Campus), or:

021-67701112 (Songjiang Campus)