    Language Life and Its Study in the Digital Age
    DAI Manchun
    2024, 47(1): 17-25.
    Abstract PDF
    Does Chinese Have Articles?
    SUN Chongfei, WANG Henglan
    2024, 47(1): 26-34.
    Abstract PDF
    The Semantic Primitives ofyǒuin Chinese: The Source and Properties of EXISTENCE and POSSESSION
    XUE Hongwu, YAN Mengyue
    2024, 47(1): 35-47.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Grammaticalization of “(NP1)dui对(duiyu对于) NP2zhi之N”: The First Use Cases of Formatting and Its Phenomenon of Code-Copying
    PAN Shiwen
    2024, 47(1): 48-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism of Existential Coda Construction in Chinese from the Perspective of Access and Activation Model
    HUANG Jun
    2024, 47(1): 58-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Proximization and Distanciation in Political Discourse: A Critical Cognitive Analysis of Tokayev’s 2022 State of the Nation Address
    GAO Xin, SUN Dongyang
    2024, 47(1): 69-78.
    Abstract PDF
    L2 Acquisition of Gradable Adjectives at the Semantics-pragmatics Interface
    XU Tong, FENG Shuo
    2024, 47(1): 79-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Exploring an Imagological Approach to Translation Studies
    SHI Xinyu, HUANG Libo
    2024, 47(1): 90-97.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study on the Construction of Chinese Cultural Image in the German Translation ofSix Records of a Floating Lifefrom the Perspective of Imagologie
    FU Tianhai, ZHAO Xuan
    2024, 47(1): 98-106.
    Abstract PDF
    An Ethical Approach to the Contradiction Between the Evaluative World and the Factual World
    HU Zuoyou, PENG Jiuzhou
    2024, 47(1): 107-115.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study of the Communication Effect of Chinese Children’s Literature in English-speaking World: Based on Website Reader Reviews
    LONG Xiaoxiang, HU Mu
    2024, 47(1): 116-126.
    Abstract PDF