    A Review of Shi Guangan's Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions in Contemporary Chinese
    SHEN Jiaxuan
    2023, 46(5): 2-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Nouns and Verbs
    WU Yicheng
    2023, 46(5): 13-23.
    Abstract PDF
    Expressions of Peripheral Categories: The Example of "Ban GeNP"
    ZHAO Yu
    2023, 46(5): 24-34.
    Abstract PDF
    A New Account ofChi (Le) ta san ge ping guoBased on Cognitive Grammar
    JIA Guangmao
    2023, 46(5): 35-43.
    Abstract PDF
    The Roles of Linguistic Comprehension Skills, Decoding Skills and Metalinguistic-Cognitive Skills in Chinese-Speaking Children's English Reading Comprehension
    LI Guangze, LI Rongbao
    2023, 46(5): 44-55.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Generation of Legal Image in Translated Literature: A Comparative Analysis of Buck's and Shapiro's Translations ofShuihu Zhuan
    ZHAO Junfeng, LONG Xinyuan
    2023, 46(5): 56-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Reconstruction of China's Image in Science Policy Translation
    LEI Xuan, ZHANG Wei
    2023, 46(5): 66-78.
    Abstract PDF
    Distance Between the Self and the Other—The Translation and Identification of Lin Tao-ching's Image inThe Song of Youth
    ZHOU Xiaomei
    2023, 46(5): 79-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Mapping the Structure of Cognitive Machine Translation Post-Editing Studies (2011—2021)
    WANG Xiangling, CHEN Guangjiao, ZHOU Xiangyan
    2023, 46(5): 90-100.
    Abstract PDF
    On Culture-specific Words in Chinese-English Dictionaries: A Corpus Translatology Approach
    HU Wenfei
    2023, 46(5): 101-111.
    Abstract PDF
    Languages, Symbols and Science: Wording of Mathematical Terms in Science Translations in Ming and Qing Dynasties
    ZHANG Bisheng
    2023, 46(5): 112-120.
    Abstract PDF
    The Original Aspiration and Pursuance of Translators: An Interview with Professor Xu Jun
    ZAO Binji, XU Jun
    2023, 46(5): 121-128.
    Abstract PDF