    On the Logical Problem of the "Noun-verb Inclusion" Hypothesis
    JIN Lixin
    2022, 45(1): 2-13.
    Abstract PDF
    ERPs Evidence for Semantic Processing of Chinese Gapping Verbs: Also on the Chinese Verb Gapping Sentences
    WANG Peng, LI Pei, ZHANG Shanshan, YANG Yiming
    2022, 45(1): 14-24.
    Abstract PDF
    An Experimental Pragmatic Study of Gradability of Negative Implicature and (Im) politeness in Rhetorical Questions
    ZHOU Ling, ZHANG Shaojie
    2022, 45(1): 25-35.
    Abstract PDF
    On Event Spatiotemporal Hermaphroditism
    ZHANG Jiangli, MA Shudong
    2022, 45(1): 36-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Children's Zero Anaphora Understanding and Co-narrative Construction under Contextual Functional Pressure
    FAN Xiaoling
    2022, 45(1): 45-55.
    Abstract PDF
    The Review of Prosody-Syntax Interface Research in the Past Two Decades
    MA Baopeng, ZHUANG Huibin
    2022, 45(1): 56-66.
    Abstract PDF
    The Study of Affect from a Linguistic Perspective: A Systemic Review
    ZHANG Yu
    2022, 45(1): 67-78.
    Abstract PDF
    An Analysis of the Philosophical Implications of Berman's Translation Ethics
    HU Chenyao
    2022, 45(1): 79-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Reinterpretation of the Features of Contemporary Chinese Translation Theories-A Historical Symptomatic Reading ofCollected Essays on Translationby Luo Xinzhang
    GENG Qiang
    2022, 45(1): 86-94.
    Abstract PDF
    “Creative Treason” as a Travelling Theory and Its Changed Connotations: A Study on the Classic Term in Medio-Translatology of Comparative Literature
    LIANG Xinjun
    2022, 45(1): 95-102.
    Abstract PDF
    The TranslatedAnalectsand the Contemporary American Political Philosophy
    LI Yuliang
    2022, 45(1): 103-110.
    Abstract PDF
    Translation Criticism and Functions of Translation Works: On the Past and Present Use of Liu Bannong's Translation ofLord Macartney's Journal to China
    LIU Li
    2022, 45(1): 111-118.
    Abstract PDF
    Towards the Oral History of Translation: Contents and Methods
    ZHANG Mi
    2022, 45(1): 119-126.
    Abstract PDF