    The Effability of Semantic Relations: Describing Attitude
    James R. Martin
    2020, 43(6): 2-20.
    Abstract PDF
    GRADUATION in Play with Other Systems of Meaning in the Enactment of Interpersonal Relations
    Susan Hood, Dongbing Zhang
    2020, 43(6): 21-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Appraisal Study of Multimodal Texts in China: Past, Present and Future
    WANG Zhenhua, QU Tao
    2020, 43(6): 42-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Why Such Word Order as “On the stage were sitting X”/“Y died his father”?—A Functional Account of Message-Salient Constructions in Modern Chinese
    XU Hongying, PENG Xuanwei
    2020, 43(6): 52-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Sketching a Semantic Interaction Model for Lexical Collocating Constructions with “Adj.+N.” Examples
    LIN Zhengjun, ZHANG Hui
    2020, 43(6): 64-72.
    Abstract PDF
    The Advent of Embodied Semantics Along with the Advancing Neuroscience
    ZHOU Pin
    2020, 43(6): 73-83.
    Abstract PDF
    A Comparative Study of the Translation of Key Terms inManifesto of the Communist Partyin China During the Hundred Years
    FANG Hong
    2020, 43(6): 84-93.
    Abstract PDF
    The Image of Huawei Corporation in the English Translations ofSustainable Development Report
    HU Kaibao, SHENG Dandan
    2020, 43(6): 94-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Thick Translation of Ancient Chinese Dictionary via the Conversion of Annotation-Commentary Texts into Body Text: A Case Study of the English Translation ofShih-ku in Erh-ya
    LI Zhiqiang, FENG Zhiqiang
    2020, 43(6): 107-115.
    Abstract PDF
    Toward an Assessment System of Simultaneous Interpreting Fidelity Based on Information Structure Theory
    LU Xinchao
    2020, 43(6): 116-128.
    Abstract PDF