    Embracing Digital Technologies in Language Research: An Emerging Language Research Paradigm driven by Science and Technology Development
    LU Jianming
    2020, 43(4): 2-11.
    Abstract PDF
    Arguments' Introducing and Licensing
    XIONG Zhongru
    2020, 43(4): 12-22.
    Abstract PDF
    The Interaction Among the Event Structure, the Syntactic Structure and Gesture: The Case of the Dative Alternation
    WU Suwei, Alan Cienki
    2020, 43(4): 23-33.
    Abstract PDF
    A Systemic-Functional Grammar Approach to the Clause-Pivot Model of Chinese Grammar
    WANG Yong, ZHOU Yingfang
    2020, 43(4): 34-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Temporality in Chinese: A Semantic Co-relation Perspective
    WANG Jun
    2020, 43(4): 44-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Ordering Distributions of Main and Adverbial Clauses in English and Chinese: A Contrastive Study
    YE Ai, JIN Lixin
    2020, 43(4): 53-64.
    Abstract PDF
    A Dynamic Account of Chinese QAP Construction and Its Association Effect
    YANG Xiaolong, LI Kesheng
    2020, 43(4): 65-74.
    Abstract PDF
    The Origin and Grammaticalization of Content Question
    LIN Hao, CHEN Zhenyu
    2020, 43(4): 75-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Translation Behaviours in Norm Conflicts
    YU Jing
    2020, 43(4): 92-99.
    Abstract PDF
    The Beauty of Lyrical and Narrative Poetry-A Study of the Literariness of Watson's Translation of Song Dynasty Poet Su Shi
    JI Lingjuan, TAN Zaixi
    2020, 43(4): 100-110.
    Abstract PDF
    “Literary Consecration” in the Translation of Chinese Literary Works: A Case Study ofDecodedand Its “Pseudo-Canonization”
    QIAN Menghan, ZHANG Wei
    2020, 43(4): 111-118.
    Abstract PDF
    Contemporary Foreign Linguistics Studies in China: A Review of the National Forum on Foreign Linguistics in 2020
    LI Yi
    2020, 43(4): 119-123.
    Abstract PDF
    From Margin to Center: A Review of the Special Theme in the 16thInternational Pragmatics Conference
    WANG Xiaojing, CHEN Xinren
    2020, 43(4): 124-128.
    Abstract PDF