    On the Head Issue of Mandarin Resultative Verb Compounds from the Perspective of Generative Constructionism
    YANG Daran
    2018, 41(2): 2-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Hidden Complexity: The Case of[NP1+lái+Non-locative NP2] Construction
    HU Tunan, WU Yicheng
    2018, 41(2): 14-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Ta-de-Laoshi Dang-de-Hao” Construction: A Cognitive Grammar Perspective
    ZHANG Yi
    2018, 41(2): 23-30.
    Abstract PDF
    The Qualia Role Distribution in Word Meaning and Its Influence on Word Interpretation-Taking “Color(yán)+Noun(míng)” Compound Words as An Example
    WANG Enxu, YUAN Yulin
    2018, 41(2): 31-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Semantic References and Discourse Acts ofwein Hard Science Articles
    LI Jingjie, HOU Huili
    2018, 41(2): 42-53.
    Abstract PDF
    The Influence of Cognitive Pressure and Word Familiarity on English Word Meaning Access Modes: Evidence from the Eye Movement Experiments of Sight Translation and Reading
    SU Yankui, LI Rongbao
    2018, 41(2): 54-62.
    Abstract PDF
    The Role of Working Memory Capacity on the Effects of Different Types of Corrective Feedbacks
    ZHANG Wei, LIAO Yi, CHEN Xiaoxiang
    2018, 41(2): 63-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Processes and Values of Corpus-Based Discourse-Historical Analysis: A Case Study of Discursive Constructions of Clinton Email in American Mainstream Media
    YANG Min, FU Xiaoli
    2018, 41(2): 77-85.
    Abstract PDF
    The Gestural Expression of Spatial Metaphors for Affective Valence in Chinese
    LI Heng, JIANG Guiying
    2018, 41(2): 86-93.
    Abstract PDF
    On Translation Typology and Transformation Mechanism of Minority Living Epics
    WANG Zhiguo
    2018, 41(2): 94-100.
    Abstract PDF
    From the Ivory Tower to the Arena: A Sociological Study of Translation Competence
    YU Jing
    2018, 41(2): 101-107.
    Abstract PDF
    Book Review:Encyclopedia of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
    LIU Jinfeng, WANG Xuemei
    2018, 41(2): 108-111.
    Abstract PDF