周晓梅. 自我与他者的距离——《青春之歌》中林道静形象的译介与认同[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(5): 79-89.
引用本文: 周晓梅. 自我与他者的距离——《青春之歌》中林道静形象的译介与认同[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(5): 79-89.
ZHOU Xiaomei. Distance Between the Self and the Other—The Translation and Identification of Lin Tao-ching's Image in The Song of Youth[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(5): 79-89.
Citation: ZHOU Xiaomei. Distance Between the Self and the Other—The Translation and Identification of Lin Tao-ching's Image inThe Song of Youth[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(5): 79-89.


Distance Between the Self and the Other—The Translation and Identification of Lin Tao-ching's Image inThe Song of Youth

  • 摘要:本文尝试运用文学形象学分析《青春之歌》中林道静的形象特征,以探知红色经典中知识女性形象的书写特色、译介方式和认同过程。研究发现,源语文本中林道静的自我形象呈现多元化的性格侧面,目标语文本中的他者形象则更强化其作为革命者的角色特征。而由于核心价值观、文化身份、政治语境、形象认同方式等方面的差异,国外研究者对这一他者形象进行了差异化解读,由此加大了与自我形象的距离。本研究突显了红色经典译介中形象建构与社会认同的重要意义。

    Abstract:Within the framework of literary imagology, this paper makes an analysis of the image features of Lin Tao-ching in The Song of Youth, as a case study on the writing, translation and identification of female intellectual images in revolutionary or red classics.It is found that in the source text, Lin's auto-image is characterized by diversified personalities, while in the target text, her hetero-image as a revolutionary has been intensified.Due to their differences in core values, cultural identities, political contexts, image identity approaches, etcJP10., researchers abroad made differentiated interpretations of Lin's hetero-image, hence far distanced from her self-image.The present study highlights the importance of image formation and social identification in translating red classics.

