王峰, 周璐, 宋凯歌. 基于语料库的《狼图腾》英译策略与生态意蕴变异研究[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(2): 110-118.
引用本文: 王峰, 周璐, 宋凯歌. 基于语料库的《狼图腾》英译策略与生态意蕴变异研究[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(2): 110-118.
WANG Feng, ZHOU Lu, SONG Kaige. A Corpus-based Study on the English Translation Strategies of Wolf Totemand the Ecological Meanings’ Shifting[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(2): 110-118.
Citation: WANG Feng, ZHOU Lu, SONG Kaige. A Corpus-based Study on the English Translation Strategies ofWolf Totemand the Ecological Meanings’ Shifting[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(2): 110-118.


A Corpus-based Study on the English Translation Strategies ofWolf Totemand the Ecological Meanings’ Shifting

  • 摘要:本研究通过建设《狼图腾》平行语料库研究葛浩文的英译改写策略以及译文生态意蕴的变异。研究发现全译内容73.99%,译者最常用的变译手段是整句甚至整段摘译(高达26.01%)。译者舍弃的内容与小说主人公陈阵的言语思想有极强的相关性(r=.989,p<.001)。结合变译语料词表,我们确认小说主人公陈阵的大量独白与心理活动成为删减的主要对象。结合层次聚类分析与内容分析,葛浩文舍弃的内容为:1)陈阵驯养小狼的生活细节刻画;2)杨克视角下对天鹅的欣赏以及天鹅被民工屠杀时的心理震动;3)陈阵对生态、民族、历史与世界关系的辩证思考。小说的生态意蕴栖居于北京知青在草原生活中的思想成熟过程,折射出他们从外来者到信奉"狼图腾"的草原人的身份转变。变译一方面加速了译文的叙事节奏,另一方面也冲淡了人物言语思想隐含的生态整体观、生态本质观、可持续发展观。

    Abstract:This study investigates Howard Goldblatt's translation of Wolf Totemand the consequent shifting of the ecological meanings by investigating a parallel corpus of Wolf Totem.It was found that 73.99% of the original content was translated, and the most common means of variation used by the translator was to omit whole sentences or paragraphs (26.01%).A strong correlation between the translator's extensive omission and the speech and thoughts of the protagonist, Chen Zhen, was demonstrated by Pearson's correlation analysis (r=.989, p<.001).Combined with the most frequent word list, we confirmed that the abundant monologues and mental activities of Chen Zhen were one of the main targets of omission.Combining hierarchical clustering analysis with content analysis, we confirmed that the content of omission mainly includes 1) Chen Zhen's life in taming the coyote, 2) the appreciation of the swan from Yangke's perspective and his psychological shock of the swan being slaughtered by rural workers, and 3) Chen Zhen's reflection on the relationship between ecology, nation, history and the world.The ecological implications of the novel reside in the intellectual maturation of the Beijing youth in the course of their life on the grassland, reflecting their identity transformation from grassland outsiders to herdsmen believing in "Wolf Totem".Goldblatt's omission accelerates the narrative pace and dilutes the implications of ecological holism, ecological naturalism and sustainable development embedded in the characters' speeches and thoughts.

