李俊. 祈使句中“了”的句法层级[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(2): 68-78.
引用本文: 李俊. 祈使句中“了”的句法层级[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(2): 68-78.
LI Jun. The Hierarchy of Lein Chinese Imperatives[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(2): 68-78.
Citation: LI Jun. The Hierarchy ofLein Chinese Imperatives[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(2): 68-78.


The Hierarchy ofLein Chinese Imperatives

  • 摘要:本文考察祈使句中"了"的句法语义表现,勾勒"了"的句法层级图谱。以往研究将"了"分为动向补语"了 0"、完整体标记"了 1"和句末体貌词"了 2"。本研究发现进入祈使句的句尾"了"不定义时间关系,可以省略、不能嵌套、不能与其他句末语气词共现、表示说话人的强调语气,是句末语气词(了 3),而非句末体貌词(了 2)。"了"构成了句末语气词(了 3)、句末体貌词(了 2)、完整体标记(了 1)和动相补语(了 0)(SaP ( le 3) le 2)<(TP)outer(- le 1)<(vP)inner(- le 0))四层体层级图谱。完整体标记(了 1)和句末体貌词(了 2)因表达的时间关系与祈使句定义的时间关系冲突无法进入祈使句;动相补语(了 0)与句末语气词(了 3)不定义时间关系,可进入祈使句;在了 0-了 1-了 2-了 3的体层级中,祈使句里有了 0-了 3共现,基于经济性原则,实施同音删略,语音上实现为一个"了"。

    Abstract:This article investigates the occurrence of lein imperatives and attempts to outline the syntactical hierarchy of le.Previous research indicates that lein Chinese (the verbal - leand the sentential le) can be construed as the phasal complement (- le 0), the perfective marker (- le 1) and the sentence final aspect particle ( le 2).However, in this study it is found that the sentential lein imperatives behaves different from the sentence final aspect particle ( le 2) in that it does not express temporal relations of inchoativity or perfectness.On the other hand, it behaves the way the typical sentence final particle does in that it can be deleted, but it cannot be embedded, or co-occur with other sentence final particles or expresses the speaker's attitude of emphasis.Conclusively, lein Chinese consists of a four-layered hierarchy: SaP( le 3) le 2)<(TP)le 1)<(vP)le 0), where - le 1and le 2are not allowed in imperatives as the temporal relations they define run against that of imperatives.- Le 0and le 3can co-occur in imperatives but are phonetically reduced and realized as one leby the operation of haplology.

