任东升, 高玉霞. 国家翻译学的建构理据[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(1): 77-85.
引用本文: 任东升, 高玉霞. 国家翻译学的建构理据[J]. 外国语, 2023, 46(1): 77-85.
REN Dongsheng, GAO Yuxia. Rationales for State Translation Studies in Construction[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(1): 77-85.
Citation: REN Dongsheng, GAO Yuxia. Rationales for State Translation Studies in Construction[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2023, 46(1): 77-85.


Rationales for State Translation Studies in Construction

  • 摘要:国家翻译研究不断深化拓展, 已涵括国家翻译实践、国家翻译能力、国家翻译制度等核心议题, 关涉国家翻译功用引发的国家相关议题, 使其成为新的研究领域, 且研究论题有横向拓展和纵向深化之势。在此研究背景下, 中国学者提出建构以国家翻译为研究对象的新学科——国家翻译学。从概念界定和理论探索走向学科体系建构的常态机制, 首先需要论证学科建构的理据。本文对国家翻译学建构的学理基础加以剖析, 发现以国家翻译及其相关要素为主要研究对象建构国家翻译学具有客观必然性、现实必要性和逻辑合理性。建构国家翻译学是可以做, 且应该做、必须做的重要课题。

    Abstract:Studies on State Translation, deepened and expanded in recent scholarship, have embraced key sub-topics concerning state translation program, state translation capacity and state translation institution, covering state-related issues regarding state translation values.Research on State Translation as a new domain is proved fertile by previous explorations, and requires further in-depth analysis.Against this backdrop, Chinese scholars have proposed to develop State Translation Studies (STS) into a new discipline.Concept definition and theoretical explorations naturally lead to disciplinary construction.This paper attempts to clarify the rationale for constructing State Translation Studies into a discipline and justify the objectivity, necessity and rationality of such efforts.To integrate studies on State translation so as to develop relevant studies into a new discipline is an academic target that is worthwhile, urgent and feasible.

