张天伟, 吴菡. 现代汉语省略结构中焦点副词的作用及其句法语义功能[J]. 外国语, 2021, 44(6): 33-43.
引用本文: 张天伟, 吴菡. 现代汉语省略结构中焦点副词的作用及其句法语义功能[J]. 外国语, 2021, 44(6): 33-43.
ZHANG Tianwei, WU Han. The Syntactic and Semantic Function of Focusing Adverbs in Ellipsis Structure of Modern Chinese[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2021, 44(6): 33-43.
Citation: ZHANG Tianwei, WU Han. The Syntactic and Semantic Function of Focusing Adverbs in Ellipsis Structure of Modern Chinese[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2021, 44(6): 33-43.


The Syntactic and Semantic Function of Focusing Adverbs in Ellipsis Structure of Modern Chinese

  • 摘要:以往现代汉语省略结构研究文献很少关注焦点副词在省略结构中的作用。本文认为焦点副词的语义功能恰好满足了概化锚定原则(GAP)的焦点锚定条件和部分时间锚定条件,从而提高了省略句的可接受度。焦点副词"才""就""也""都""却"的不同语义功能和句法位置也对省略结构的允准和同一(identity)机制造成影响。同时,不同焦点副词还存在连用共现现象,而针对焦点投射中无法同时存在多个核心的情况,本文根据制图理论的基本思想,认为不同焦点副词具有不同的句法位置层级,焦点副词的语义前指是名词短语提升带来的必然结果。

    Abstract:In the study of the ellipsis structure of modern Chinese, very few researches were made on the role of focusing adverbs.This paper proposes that the semantic function of the focusing adverbs meets the focus anchoring condition and parts of the temporal anchoring conditions of the generalized anchoring principle (GAP), thereby improving the acceptability of ellipsis sentences.The different semantic functions and syntactic positions of the focusing adverbs "cai"才, "jiu"就, "ye"也, "dou"都 and "que"却 also affect the licensing and identity of ellipsis structures.As for the co-occurrence of different focusing adverbs, we suggest that different focusing adverbs have different syntactic positions, which is consistent with the one functional head in one focus projection assumption, while the semantic orientation of focusing adverbs is only an effect of the raising of noun phrases.

