王倩, 梁君英. 空代词和显性代词在语篇回指中的分工机制研究[J]. 外国语, 2020, 43(1): 2-12.
引用本文: 王倩, 梁君英. 空代词和显性代词在语篇回指中的分工机制研究[J]. 外国语, 2020, 43(1): 2-12.
WANG Qian, LIANG Junying. The Division of Labor Between Null and Overt Pronouns in Discourse Anaphora[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2020, 43(1): 2-12.
Citation: WANG Qian, LIANG Junying. The Division of Labor Between Null and Overt Pronouns in Discourse Anaphora[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2020, 43(1): 2-12.


The Division of Labor Between Null and Overt Pronouns in Discourse Anaphora

  • 摘要:本研究通过自定步速阅读实验和语料库研究,分别从理解和产出的角度考察了空代词和显性代词在汉语语篇回指中的分工机制。结果显示:1)空代词和显性代词在语篇连贯中具有不同的分工:当先行语为主语时,空代词的作用更大;当先行语为宾语时,显性代词的作用更大;2)空代词和显性代词在回指解析中没有非常明确的分工,但是存在回指倾向上的差异:空代词对于主语先行语有显著的回指倾向,而显性代词在语言理解中没有显著的回指倾向,在语言产出中倾向于回指主语先行语,但倾向性弱于空代词;3)空代词和显性代词的回指倾向受到两方面的语篇连贯因素的影响:一是不同的连贯关系在语篇中出现的倾向性,二是空代词和显性代词在不同的连贯关系中的作用。

    Abstract:The primary purpose of the current research is to investigate the division of labor between null pronouns and overt pronouns in Chinese discourse anaphora.Two studies were conducted, with Study 1 (the self-paced reading experiment) investigating comprehension processing and Study 2 (the corpus analysis) investigating production processing. The results indicate that:1) There is a division of labor in promoting discourse coherence:when referring to subject antecedents, the null pronouns play a larger role; when referring to object antecedents, the overt pronouns play a larger role.2) Despite the absence of a clear-cut division of labor in anaphoric interpretation, the null pronouns and overt pronouns diverge in their preference patterns:the null pronouns are significantly biased towards referring to the subject antecedents, whereas the overt pronouns are not significantly biased in comprehension processing and are more mildly subject-based than the null pronouns in production processing.3) The anaphoric biases of null pronouns and overt pronouns are affected by two discourse coherence factors:one is the expectancy of different coherence relations in the discourse, and the other is the contributions of null pronouns and overt pronouns in different coherence relations.

