余静. 从象牙塔到竞技场——翻译能力的社会学研究[J]. 外国语, 2018, 41(2): 101-107.
引用本文: 余静. 从象牙塔到竞技场——翻译能力的社会学研究[J]. 外国语, 2018, 41(2): 101-107.
YU Jing. From the Ivory Tower to the Arena: A Sociological Study of Translation Competence[J]. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2018, 41(2): 101-107.
Citation: YU Jing. From the Ivory Tower to the Arena: A Sociological Study of Translation Competence[J].Journal of Foreign Languages, 2018, 41(2): 101-107.


From the Ivory Tower to the Arena: A Sociological Study of Translation Competence

  • 摘要:目前国内外翻译能力研究大多关注翻译能力构成、翻译能力培养、翻译能力测试等几个方面,围绕“翻译能力是什么?”和“如何培养翻译能力”展开,较少涉及译者从翻译课堂步入翻译职场之后,翻译能力如何从潜能变为现实,译者如何从文本层面的翻译任务执行者转变成为翻译社会活动行动者的过程。本文从翻译社会学的视角考察译者能力研究,利用布尔迪厄的场域理论中的“资本”理论,考察译者需要借助哪些条件把翻译能力变成场域竞争优势,从而获取有利的场域地位,赢得场域竞争。文章最后提出构建场域竞争为导向的译者能力培养模式,帮助译者更好适应全球化和市场化的场域竞争。

    Abstract:Previous studies on translation competence focus on what translation competence is and how to cultivate it.Only limited studies can be found on how translators implement their translation competence when playing their roles as social agents in the society.This article sets out to investigate key factors that turn a good translator into a successful player in the translation field.Concepts from Bourdieu's field theory are borrowed to shed light on how translators convert their translation competence into field capital and take advantage of other capitals they have access to so as to gain a better position in the field.The article concludes with a proposal to train translators as competitive social agents in the translation arena instead of fine craftsmen in the ivory tower.

