2021年,为进一步深化教育对外开放,丰富国际manbet客户端下载 形式,积极对接《上外全球战略(2021-2025)》,实现“国际化”向“化国际”的转变,国际教育学院联合海外合作伙伴,展开系列云端交流活动。
Based on the most cited definition, Learning Analytics (LA) is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs (Siemens & Long, 2011). LA aims at providing ways to gather and make sense of educational data, which is generated while educators and learners interact with digital technologies.
In this lecture, Dr. Evangelia (Eva) Triantafyllou will present the recent developments in the LA field and will discuss how LA can be used to improve the learning experience for learners and teachers, and better adapt courses’ design. Finally, she will discuss how LA can encourage adaptive learning and self-regulated learning.