
讲次 第 1 讲
主讲人 Guido van Leerzem
开始时间 2020年12月11日(周五)16:00
结束时间 2020年12月11日(周五)17:30
地点 腾讯会议会议ID和链接将在“上外外事”微信群公布
主办方 对外manbet客户端下载 处
语言 英语 English

1. Introduction to Tilburg University / internationalization concept / strategy & implementation
2. Successful experience and practices
3. University's internationalization in the post COVID-19 era
4. Innovative cooperative program European University Initiative ENGAGE
5. Way forward [opening for discussion]


Guido van Leerzem

Guido van Leerzem is working as senior policy advisor internationalization at Tilburg University (www.tilburguniversity.edu). He focuses on the overall development and implementation of the university’s internationalization strategy and supporting policies. This includes the design, coordination and monitoring of university wide projects such as international joint programmes (double and joint degrees), European programs, and strategic partner network. Guido acts as institutional program manager of the European University Initiative ENGAGE.EU in which Tilburg University participates. He is member of the Dutch Bologna expert group, which supports the development of a stronger, more transparent, inclusive and functional European Higher Education Area. He is also member of the National Commission which monitors the compliance of Dutch higher education institutions with the Code of Conduct through which institutions oblige themselves to offer international students education of good quality. Previously, Guido was involved in setting up a national structure to exchange best practices between Dutch Universities in the field of international joint programs and coordinated joint programs at bachelor and master level funded by European programs. Guido participated in European capacity building projects in Latin America and South Africa, focusing on internationalization strategy, formulated priorities and ways of implementation. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Development Studies, and a Master’s degree in Social and Community Studies.
