Kinship myths of ancient Greece and International Relations

讲次 第 87 讲
主讲人 Dr. Maria Fragoulaki
开始时间 2022年11月08日(周二)17:00
结束时间 2022年11月08日(周二)19:00
地点 腾讯会议-会议号: 491 209 640
主办方 英语学院
语言 英语 English

“International relations (IR) as a field of study deals with decisions that are made within a country that have implications for relationships outside the borders of that country.” (Kaufman, J. (2013) Introduction to International Relations: Theory and Practice). The field of IR was established in the aftermath of the First World War, placing particular attention on war and peace at international level. While IR as a discipline is relatively recent in the history of political science, its concerns have occupied all societies since antiquity. In this talk I will use the modern tool of IR theory, in order to approach the particularities of ancient Greek society, and more specifically myth’s central role in Greek “international” politics, concentrating on myths of kinship between cities and ethnic sub-groups among the Greeks. Kinship myths were associated with gods and heroes as common ancestors of whole communities and the foundation of new settlements abroad, being rooted in a very distant past. At the same time they had a very practical application in the sphere of politics and interstate relations. They were used (often by being adapted according to the needs of the moment) by leaders and communities as powerful arguments of diplomacy and decision-making in times of war and peace, and were constitutive of a community’s ethnic identity.


Dr. Maria Fragoulaki

Dr. Maria Fragoulaki 是英国卡迪夫大学历史、考古及宗教学院的古代历史方向负责人,是修昔底德研究专家,著有Kinship in Thucydides: Intercommunal Ties and Historical Narrative (Oxford University Press 2013),其研究领域包括古希腊戏剧、荷马史诗和希腊神话。
