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Let us look at Confucius comment on the social function of poetry in general and on the Book of Songs. �tQ‰�(` � P[�f׋�N The Master said, 'My children, why do you not study the Book of Poetry? The Odes serve to stimulate the mind. They may be used for purposes of self"contemplation. They teach the art of sociability. They show how to regulate feelings of resentment. From them you learn the more immediate duty of serving one's father, and the remoter one of serving one's prince. From them we become largely acquainted with the names of birds, beasts, and plants. 2�The Master said,  The three hundred poems in the Odes can be judged with a single phrase:  Oh, they will not lead you astray.  (The Master said,  In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence""  Having no depraved thoughts.  � 3� The Master said,  The  Cry of the Osprey expresses joy without becoming licentious, and expresses sorrow without falling into excessive pathos. �The Master said,  The Kwan Tsu is expressive of enjoyment without being licentious, and of grief without being hurtfully excessive. � 4�The Master used the classical pronunciation when reading from the Odes, the History, and when conducting ritual. In all of these cases, he used the classical pronunciation. Ch-Y ��VΘ�hTWS � The peach tree is slender and sturdy,(Graceful and young the peach tree stands) Flaming red are its blossoms. (How rich its flowers, all gleaming bright) The girl is getting married, (This bride to her new home repairs) Most suitable for the house. (Chamber and house she�ll order right) The peach tree is slender and sturdy, (Gracefu and young the peach tree stands) Luscious and abundant is its fruit. (large crops of fruit it soon will show) The girl is getting married, (This bride to her new home repairs) Most suitable for the home. (Chamber and house her sway shall know) The peach tree is slender and sturdy, (Graceful and young, the peach tree stands) Exuberant and green are its leaves. (It�s foliage clustering green and full) The girl is getting married, (This bride to her new home repairs) Most suitable for the family. (Her househould will attest her rule) Il^ ��VΘ�hTWS � In the south there is a high tree; (High and compressed, the southern trees) It gives no shelter. (No shelter from the sun afford) Beyond the Han roams a maid; (The girls free ramble by the Han) I cannot reach her. (But will not hear enticing word) Ah, the Han it is so wide, (Like the broad Han are they) I cannot swim it, (Through which one can not dive) And the Yangtze is so long (And like the Keang long stream) I cannot pass it! (Where with no raft can strive) Il�v�iO In ancient Chinese mythology, there is a saying that, along the Hanshui River in Xiangyang, there lived fairies. This is the source of  Beyond the Han roams a maid . The myth in complete written version appears later in Han Dynasty, which is put in the allusion of  Il�v�iO and referred to by many poets and writers. But long before that, people all knew the story well. We people live along Hanshui, especially those who come from Xiangyang, should know this poem well and be able to explain the allusion to others. �g� ���Θ � Like cypress boat� �� �� �� Mid-stream afloat, I cannot sleep� �� �� �� �� �� In sorrow deep. I won't drink wine� �� �� ��� Nor roam nor pine. As on the brass� �� �� �� �� � Where images pass, On brothers I� �� �� �� �� �� � Cannot rely. When I complain,� �� �� �� � I meet disdain. ?�?�� ߏߏ���R�Y �?�?�f�l2k�f)Y0 _�_ ���Θ � It's near dusk, lo! Why not home go? Sire, it's for you We're wet with dew. It's near dusk, lo! Why not home go? For you, O sire, We toil in mire. ѐ�^b׋bZ  Why toil in mire?  When I complain,� �� �� �� � I meet disdain. �q�q ���Θ �A Farewell Song A pair of swallows fly With their wings low and high. You go home in your car, I see you off afar. When your car disappears, Like rain fall down my tears. A pair of swallows fly With their wings up and down. You go home with a sigh, I see you leave the town. When your car disappears, I stand there long in tears. Similar sentence patterns: �Q�Q�Nޘ ('YŖ) �Q�Q�Nޘ ���vQ� ��N�P�N)Y0<�<��sY T�N ��~TP[}T ��Z�N�^�N0 �Q�Q#��w ��N|_ؚ�Q0�hPhu�w ��N|_g3�0 Ux�N �kSΘ �The Buxom Lady The buxom lady is big and tall, Over a brocade garment she wears a cape. A daughter of the Duke of Qi, She is now the bride of our Duke of Wei; Younger sister of the heir of Qi, Sister-in-law of the Marquis of Xing The lord of Tan is her brother-in-law. Her delicate fingers tender as grass, Her skin white and smooth as lard, Her neck long and soft as a longicom�s larva, Her teeth even and white as melon seeds, Her head full and square, her brows long and curved, Sweet smile dimpling the corners of her mouth, Her pretty eyes, the black and white clearly defined. �l^ �kSΘ � Who says that the He is wide? (They tell me that the Ho is wide;-) With [a bundle of] reeds I can cross it. (with a few reeds I could cross through) Who says that Song is distant? (They tell me Sung is distant far;-) On tiptoe I can see it. (Rising on tiptoe Sung I view) � Who says that the He is wide? (They tell me that the Ho is wide;-) It will not admit a little boat. (A little boat it will not bear) Who says that Song is distant? (They tell me Sung is distant far) It would not take a whole morning to reach it. (Ere morning fades I might be there) Nǂ!n_l (g�t �kSΘ �Quince A quince she threw to my, (A tree-gourd they gave me in compliment) A jade pendant I gave her in return. (And I in return gave a lovely keu-gem) It was not just a requital, ( T was not in return for the compliment) But to show I d love her for ever. (I wished to make lasting my friendship with them) A peach she threw to me, (A peach they presented in compliment) A gem pendant I gave her in returen, (And I in return gave a lovely yaou-gem) It was not just a requital, (�T was not in return for the compliment) But to show I�d love her for ever. (I wished to make lasting my friendship with them) A plun she threw to me, (A plum they presented in compliment) A jasper pendant I gave her in return, (And I in return gave a lovely kew-stone) It was not just a requital, ( T was not in return for the compliment) But to show I d love her for ever. (I wished to make lasting my friendship with them) sY�f!�#� �ѐΘ � The wife says:  The cock is crowing. (The wife says,  Cocks Crow, hark! ) The husband replies: �It�s hardly dawn.� (The man says, �It's still dark.�) �Get up and look at the night sky, (�Rise and see if it�s night;) The morning star is high and bright.� (The morning star shines bright.) �I�ll get up at my ease, (Wild geese and ducks will fly.) And go to shoot wild ducks and geese.� (Shoot them down from on high!�) �When you shoot, you�ll make a good bag, (�At shooting you are good;) And I�ll dress them well for you. (I'll dress the game as food.) With these delicacies we�ll drink (Together we'll drink wine) To a blissful old age. (And live to ninety-nine.) With such harmonious love, (Lute and lyre by our side,) All will be happy and peaceful.� (In peace we shall abide.�) �Knowing your deep concern for me, (�I know your wifely care;) A colourful jade pendant I�ll present you. (I'll give you pearls to wear.) Knowing your tender feeling for me, (I know you will obey.) A colourful jade pendant I ll give you. (Can pearls and jade repay?) Knowing your virtuous love for me, (I know your steadfast love;) A colourful jade pendant I ll require you. (I value nothing above. )��� � N�e*gf �ѐΘ �A Tryst before Dawn Before the east sees dawn, You get up with dress upside down. O upside down you put our gown, For order comes from ducal crown. Before the east is bright, You take the left sleeve for the right. You put in left sleeve your right arm, For ducal order brings alarm. P[� �ѐΘ � Blue Blue Your Collar�From�the Book of Odes Blue blue your collar, sad sad my heart: though I do not go to you, why don't you send word? Blue blue your belt-stone, sad sad my thoughts: though I do not go to you, why don't you come? Restless, heedless, I walk the gate tower. One day not seeing you is three months long. ��m�The Reed Green, green the reed, Dew and frost gleam. Where s she I need? Beyond the stream. Upstream I go, The way is long. Downstream I go, She s thereamong. (White, white the reed, Dew not yet dried. Where s she I need? On the other side. Upstream I go, Hard is the way. Downstream I go, She s far away. Bright, bright the reed, Dew and frost blend. Where's she I need? At river's end. Upstream I go, The way does wind. Downstream I go, She's far behind.) �ec� Comradeship Are you not battle-dressed? Let's share the plate for breast! We shall go up the line. Let's make your lances shine! Your foe is mine. Are you not battle-dressed? Let's share the coat and vest! We shall go up the line. Let's make our halberds shine! Your job is mine. Are you not battle-dressed? Let's share kilt and the rest! We shall go up the line. Let's make our armor shine! And march your hand in mine! hjl���    ( � � � 8 > F ` b d p r | ~ � �  X Z p r � � � ������������������̵̮�����w�k�k]k�kh�nh�n>*KHaJo(h�nh�n>*KHaJh�nh�nKHaJo(h�nh�nKHaJ*h�nB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%& h�ZHo( h�no( h�ZHh�ZHh>�h>�6�\�o( h\=A\�o( h>�\� h>�\�o( h�ZH\� h�ZH\�o(h�ZHh�ZH5�6�\�o(h�ZHh�ZH5�\�o(h�ZH5�\�o($jl  ( d r | ~ � � BDn|~��������������������� $7$8$H$a$gd�n $7$8$H$a$gd*W� $7$8$H$a$gdE� 7$8$H$gd�n��7$8$H$WD�`��gd*W� & Fgd�ngd�ZH� �  j v x |   � � � � � blz���&�������������۸��xaxx�xKKC�hE�KHaJ*hE�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&-h*W�6�B*CJKHOJQJ]�^JaJph'%&'h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&*h�nB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&*h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&,h�nh�nB*KHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&h�nh�nKHaJo(h�nh�nKHaJh�nh�n>*KHaJh�nh�n>*KHaJo(�>@BDJz����Z\lnp���02vxz|~����Ȳ����ȞȞȁ��u��u���^Ȳ��,h�nh�nB*KHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&h�nh�nKHaJo(h�nKHaJo('h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&'h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&*h�nB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&*h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&h�nh�nB*KHaJph'%&h�nh�nKHaJhE�KHaJ,�������=Ig����  =Bl����=A���ԾԾ��unniinininiein]nninininiihE�h�o(h>� h>�o( hE�h�-h�h�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&6h�h�5�B*CJKHOJQJ\�^JaJo(ph'%&*h�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&*h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph'%&'h*W�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&-h*W�6�B*CJKHOJQJ]�^JaJph'%&"��BChi������� � $!*"�������������������$ & F7$8$H$a$gd{l� �;WD�`�;gd{l� & FgdE�$ & F7$8$H$a$gd\=A $7$8$H$a$gd*W�gdE�$ & F7$8$H$a$gd�ABCh������#=@ghiZ��X��D��� HJd��������������������ƪ���������������������掎shE�h�KHaJ o(h�h�5�KH\�aJ o( hE�o(-h�h�B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph'%&6h�h�5�B*CJKHOJQJ\�^JaJo(ph'%&&h�B*CJ KHOJQJ^Jo(phDDDhE�h�o(h>� h>�o( hE�h�hE�h>�o( h�o(*���"$p������������H���p��������������������������sh]hQh{l�h{l�KHaJ o(h>�KH\�aJ o(h{l�KH\�aJ o(h{l�5�KH\�aJ o(h{l�h{l�KH\�aJ o(h>�h>�KH\�aJ o(h>�5�KH\�aJ o(h>�5�KH\�aJ h�h>�5�KH\�aJ o(h>�h>�KHaJ o(h{l�KHaJ o(h�d�KHaJ o(h�d�KHaJ h{l�KHaJ h>�KHaJ o(h>�KHaJ ������� & - 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I have here admirable guests; The lutes are struck, and the organ is blown [for them]; -- The organ is blown till its tongues are all moving. The baskets of offerings [also] are presented to them. The men love me, And will show me the perfect path. � With pleased sounds the deer call to one another, Eating the southernwood of the fields. I have here admirable guests; Whose virtuous fame is grandly brilliant. They show the people not to be mean; The officers have in them a pattern and model. I have good wine, Which my admirable guests drink, enjoying themselves. � With pleased sounds the deer call to one another, Eating the salsola of the fields. I have here admirable guests; For whom are struck the lutes, large and small. The lutes, large and small, are struck, And our harmonious joy is long-continued. I have good wine, To feast and make glad the hearts of my admirable guests Ǒ�� �\Ŗ �We gather Vetch When we left home The willows were softly swaying Now as we turn back Snowflakes fly Our road is a long one And we thirst and hunger Our hears are filled with sorrow But who knows our misery? �^�q �\Ŗ �JL How goes the night? It is not yet midnight. The torch is blazing in the court-yard. My princely men are arriving; -- There is the tinkling of their bells. � How goes the night? The night is not yet through. The torch is growing pale in the court-yard. My princely men are arriving; -- There is the sound of their bells, regular and near. � How goes the night? It is getting towards morning. The torch is smoking in the court-yard. My princely men are arriving; -- I see their banners. �e�sJL King Wen is on high; Oh! bright is he in heaven. Although Zhou was an old country, The [favouring] appointment lighted on it recently. Illustrious was the House of Zhou, And the appointment of God came at the proper season. King Wen ascends and descends, On the left and the right of God. Ng}v�'YŖEN N\O �>Tp��z�H�0 �y�� When first upon my face my lord s eye glanced. For my auspicious names he straight advanced. Denoting that in me Heaven s marks divine, Should with the virtues of the earth combine. Without delay the sun and moon sped fast, In swift succession spring and autumn passed, The fallen flowers lay scattered on the ground, The dusk might fall before my dream was found. 3) Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears, To see my people bowed by griefs and fears. 4) But since my heart did love such purity, I d not regret a thousand deaths to die. 5) The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem, As I urged on to seek my vanishe dream. �long, long had been my road and far, far was the journey I would go up and down to seek my heart s desire ]N�z 0�m_l 0�The Voyage � 1) For his unique attire my taste has been strong, Which has not the least wan d thouth I am now old. The sheath of th sword I wear is motley and long; My cloud-Touching Hat bears a grandeur untold. For a perfect entity my Moon Pearls glow, And jade pendants are pleasant to the eye. The confounded world, howe er, does not me know, And hence without regret I ll go far and high! 2)I and Chonghua tour the Jade Garden. We dine On the ruby bloom, and enternity we share With Earth and Heaven, and like the stars we shine! 3) When integrity s maintain d, nothing to me Matters even banishment in such a plight! Unwilling to conform to worldliness, I m bound to suffer lifelong plight and woe. I shall uphold the truth resolutely, Though future heralds endless pain and cares! ]N�z 0Xj�� 0(Ode to the Orange Tree) Oh, under th sky and on the earth Your solemn existence you claim. You live in th south with joy and mirth Adhering firmly to you aim. Deep-rooted and distraction-tight, You defy attempts to you sway. Oh, though you are tender in age, A worthy tutor you can be. As virtuous as Boyi th sage, You re a fine example for me! ]NLk q\<�A Mountain Fairy One may you see that haunts the moutain combe, In kirtle of clinging fig-leaves frocked, girdled with Trailing dodlers green. Lustrous-eyed is she, smiling fair; Of winsome mien and debonair. Her team of brinded panthers driving, followed by ratels streaked, she moves In chairot hewn of sapan-wood with flags of cinnamon, Wild danthus all her gems, her braid of winter-green, To gather posies of the field, a gift for him she loves. Xn+Y�N The Lady of Xiang To the northern bank descends the Lady Goddess; Sombre and wistful the expression in her eyes. Sighing softly the autumn breeze; Leaves fall on the ripples of Dongting Lake. |T$UupB��vNLu� Th rites performed, majestic th drum sound And melodious th belles chant. To pay Homage we dance in turn and pass round The posy.Orchids in spring we ll lay And asters in fall for e er and aye.( |�|�|�|}D}l}�}�}�},~���������������������������� & Fgdhq�gdhq�>|�|�|�|�|�|�|}D}l}�}�}�}�},~^~`~b~p~t~v~�~�~`�����n�����F���ԁ��>�@�B�F�J�L�v����Z����� �J�����������������p�����ƅ܅"��������������������������������������������������������������������htU hOd_o( htU o( hhq�o( h��o(hhq�5�\�o( hhq�\�o(hhq�hhq�o(hhq�hhq�\�o(hhq�hhq�5�\�o( hhq�h%96hhq� hhq�hhq�C,~`~b~v~�~�~`����n�����F���ԁ�@�B�L�v����Z������������������������������ & FgdtU  & Fgdhq�gdhq��� �J����������p�ƅ"�v�҆2����B�����X��� ���������������������������� & F gdtU gdtU �h^�hgdtU ��^��gdtU  & FgdtU gdOd_ & FgdtU gdhq�"�v�҆2���܇�B���������T�X���܉ �r�t������������J�L�z�����܋��>������J�~�����܍��Z�\�Ž�������,�.�r�������܏�`���Ɛ����B�������ܑ֑�T�V�����ؒ�:�<�J�P�R�����������ܓ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� h"�o(hC � hC �o(htU htU o(\���z���>����J����Z�Ž�r����`�����B���֑�T�����ؒ���������������������������� & F gdC � & F gdC �gdC ��J��������������6�Е<�����H����J��������\������������������������ ��WD�`��gdC � & F gdC � & F gdC ���^��gd%96gdtU  & F gdtU gdC �������������6�Еܕ<�����H���ܗ�J����������������.�0�\���֙����$�&�����ښ:�����������֛�~��������d�֝؝8�:���������О�F���Ɵȟԟ֟ڟ�4�6������������������������������������������������������������������������� h1 Co(hC �hC �o(hC � hC �o( h"�o( htU o(htU H\���������ښ:���������d�؝����О�F���ڟ6���������������������� & FgdC �gdC � �;WD�`�;gdC � ��WD�`��gdC �01�82P��. ��A!�"�#��$��%��S�� ��x2����&6FVfv������2(��&6FVfv������&6FVfv������&6FVfv������&6FVfv������&6FVfv������&6FVfv��8X�V~�������� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@�� 0@66666PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`��J ck�e $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A ���$ ؞���k=�W[SOBi���B nf�h� ���C���ݓ�v�U�A ��6F�������͌�n�|Q�sAX\�� ���>�8�����O����( �b\�'X�77?��ڐ!����@5?�2�XY}XF�Kp ���GH�%V�ވ�� �����b�������׫��|���G_���9�Ѣ`(�B-�)�( ������b"�{G��|07`�]�P�EB�_�?����1�r��!��?S���`��m�-�ʥ�V�_�\ĵ��J�������NS.���j�4����Cw��\+ZxC��筲�����/-���x��kP�//����z�֯A)���������_�BJ���P��5f�� CF����r�]]�*�Q� Yv)C�e��C��P@�$�=9I��!�_�������vHB�%(fV ��va ��ߒ���602�- "�O�9IdͿ Z}r�����'�=y�����S�Z�%�����{��W�<����wo�~���� omͩv�{����_�8}���:�oq�3�]a���c�.�`���/&� 1%��@�)+�-Z� �ȁ�cۏ�9T����"� �X��;adw�uƝ^��ln���m��M�]��\�(���'Pb�Ke#���b�c�{l��cw���K�� 6����q��KzV6�B�$��L\!ޖov�{uF]�n�# ���]L-7�Bc�"��.����$C�΄�M\KH�t�)�Z,�Kf��~���APܜaߥ��FrIF.�;�1�d�F��ą�84����(��t�w����k�����>�V�Ϯ��š��Qw���[�Y�ۙ�!®R��#��nq�̎�8�R{c���c�ާu�X>�I���lcWb�Fv��� ���f�N�a�ll ���\ᙠ8B|��=����V������>�L��I���}:��^�� DVS��n��<�<���s<� �/,�ݔy�o��Z��"���-�X��ETs�bc���~h�0�pd�<����F��7���q��sG��qǭتUt�Ւ��fn~�i0> �L�D��CY,XW#��H���G�e��� �lܸd|0������d���uޑ��C�h�ϐPڑ�w�>��ufІE%��=qv���Q�90`����Ǚ��Ȱ����R���@x pf�������]6H�:�Eu��vV�d�^(g�pL%St���e�5�@��(ً�0��$�$��E�$}� Ns��;{/,�,�+��P-�jYT�����k~�" �q0�T��PϢ���>#�̙V��=ˀ<�����ݥ�v�H[$�t�Ih��O��-x��j�<4.��<�=� mR+�Q��.��5��������qͯ��!e�(��C82��Q�#�W.Dx�җ<}�/SY.d�0u�.:i5���ܣ$��j�Yh�k��V\�����[����A��!�K3�Ɗ�tz >�λZ��`%���N88�zt��"H�r��8 ^So� � Y�s�iZv�wQ:��uD�M;�Y�S�.�}������j�d�{�j��S�n�u���Ү{���Q4�iU�5�U̲0ks��\�7X�\ 5���i�/��Z77'd]����u�� j�1��b�X�U͞�ڽc��3���IU�2S;緬G8���:?��g-, gs���~un��f�C(M�r�T Jxi� D=�deC�n� ��PK! ѐ��'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels��M �0���wooӺ�&݈Э���5 6?$Q�� �,.�a��i����c2�1h�:�q��m��@RN��;d�`��o7�g�K(M&$R(.1�r'J��ЊT���8��V�"��AȻ�H�u}��|�$�b{��P����8�g/]�QAsم(����#��L�[������PK-!����[Content_Types].xmlPK-!�֧��6 0_rels/.relsPK-!ky���theme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!�R���theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ��'� theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]� �;"������ �A��l#�&�(.�1 4B6�9�A>|"���6�"$%&()*,-/023467RUX�*"�(�.C6�Ajw,~�����\�6�#'+.158QSTVWY�8�@�����������0�( � ��B �S ���� ?�46EFjk��������0389=Svw��������57;<������CDHI�����"$%NOde������<?������������ IJgi��������+,BDlm��������AChj������� " $ @ C g i k m s t � � � � � � � �   9 : M P p r � � � � � � � � � �     - / M O S T z { � � � � � � � � ; = ] ^ b d � � � � K L V X Z \ _ ` � � � � � � p}��=EVY�������������"#79;?@OMNsv�����������()GJmn�������� -.LNop������������@Bhi������"GHln�������24DEKNrs������  -0acgklm|}����������(1LNrx������ *.UYrt������3KMgv���������HKhj�������� !:<fi����������������� � � � � � !!�!�!�!�!�"�"�"�"�"�"b#c#r${$k%l%�%�%�%�%/&1&P&R&n&p&�&�&�&�&''&'('I'M'}''�'�'�'�'�'�'((@(B(R(T(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(,).)T)V)~)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�*�*�*�*�*�*I+K+]+_+{+}+�+�+�+�+�+,,,3,5,[,],},�,�,�,�-�-�-�-f/h/�/�/�/�/0!0H0J0�0�0�0�0�0�0&1'1A1B1J2K2�2�2�2�2 3 3P3Q3}3~3�3�3�3�3�3�3�3�3D4E4y4z4�4�455557595:5�5�57777�7�7�7�7 8!8G8H8P8Q8l8m8�8�8�8�8�8�8�8�8@9A9�9�9�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:;;;:;;;_;`;�;�;�;�;??��89cc��� � �"�"�)�)�)�)�,�,�-�-�7�7�;2?��B t . 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