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Do you agree? What is the changing media landscape like, according to the article? What are the author s suggestions for the new direction of research?��� ��What do you think of the function of theories? Any limitations of the author s argument? 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What are the author s suggestions for the new direction of research?��� ��What do you think of the function of theories? Any limitations of the author s argument? What is your idea of new possibilities in research?�,? 5�rI�� �HYS � �(���� �D/� 0��|�DArialBlackman���(4��2� 0����D�[SOalBlackman���(4��2� 0���� �DTimes New Roman���(4��2� 0���0�DWingdingsRoman���(4��2� 0���@�DArial Blackman���(4��2� 0���"��@� .�  @�n��?" d�d@�����  @@``�� �����80       � �0���A���A�@���8�����3����ʚ;���ʚ;�g��4EdEd,�4��2� 0��������p�pp�@ <�4dddd�� 0��(4� �8�0�___PPT10� p�p�����Reading and Discussion�� ����� Tsan Kuo Chang, Changing Global Media Landscape, Unchanging Theories? �(HH�6?��� Discussion���Why does the author think the Cultural Imperialism paradigm is outdated? Do you agree? What is the changing media landscape like, according to the article? What are the author s suggestions for the new direction of research?��� ��What do you think of the function of theories? 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