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Accountability: How easy is it to measure results? Affordability: How cost effective is it to ineract with the customer? Accessibility: How can you locate the people you want to reach, and are they ready, willing, and able to receive your message?�v�@���A���$���8���q�J               "        #    0           ���7 e-Marketing Imperatives�'�    ��1 - Use what you know to drive what you do - Make everything you do add to what you know 2 - Erase the line between Product and Service - Blend services with products to create offerings 3 - Make each relationship as different as each customer - Add relationship equity to brand equity 4 - Do as little as possible yourself - Others in the net economy can do it better 5 - Make your interactive process become the product - Process is the message 6 - Factor future value into every move - Make the brand experience exceed the brand perception 7 - Make business responsible for marketing, and marketing responsible for business - From a new partnership between IT and marketing Source : Stan Rapp��@S�@����X���a���b���R���M���_����d��               "         (                              +               q      � ��  ��  � ��Traditional Marketing��    ��3Product driven Bombards the consumer with messages Captures sales Information flow is primarily one away Responsibility of marketing department Mass marketing model Closely held planning New-technology resistant Unknown prospects and customers Single-channel distribution Indirect, imprecise accountability�44��      ) &                 � ��%The 7 steps to developing an offering�&& �8      ���1. What is your product? 2. Who is the consumer of your product? 3. What are that person� s interests? 4. What else does your customer need or desire? 5. How can you provide it cost effectively as part of the product offering? 6. How can you help your customer understand the full value of this new offering? 7. How do you use the service relationship to capture more information?��5@H������&���$���.���J���P���F�j                  "    (     .            �  ��$About information& �$�  ��;Think scalable Think modular Think current Think accessible�<;�0   � ��(Traditional Customer-information sources�)(�,     ���Market research (focus groups, paid syndicated research) Customer feedback (letters, suggestion boxes, customer service) Sales force anecdotes Data mining of batched information about customer transactions Mailing lists organized by demographics�By@Fg���               &         ( � ��He-CRM: Relationship marketing 4 I� s�%$$ �     ���Individualized marketing Integration across channels Information- and technology-based empowerment Internet-driven relationships�d            � ��  ��Suspect��  � ��Responding to the customer�$ �  ��eDo you involve customers in the product and service planning process? Do you provide a choice of response methods and allow the customer to choose? Do you encourage repeat sales (cross-sell, upsell, friend-sell, new sell)? Do you create future value from your existing customer base? Do you respect the privacy of the information provided by your customers?�f@f��                                                  ���Working with the customer�&@ �  �� Do you informe and educate the customer? Do you tier customers according to sales revenue and scale benefits at corresponding levels of contribution to the bottom line? Do you provide an absolute satisfaction guarantee and make good on it? Do you continually innovate pleasant surprises for your best customers? Do you offer personalized service that remembers past behavior and preferences? Do you create one-of-a-kind products that shut out the competition forever? Do you interact with the customer in meaningful ways?� @ ��         '                   "                     ���01 - Review the four A� s�@�      ���Addressability: What new avenues for identifying know customers are opening up as a result of the new information technology? Accountability: How do you monitor what� s working and what� s not? Affordability: Are you maximizing the potential of automated customer care software to reduce cost? Accessibility: How are you taking advantage of the new channels for customer contact online and offline? How do you decide what customer information is most important?���@���o���5���U�����                                                         \���*2 - Audit your existing Relationship Brand�+@+$�  ! ���Where are the weak links in your contacts with prospects and customers? What do you do to build customer bonding experiences? What do you do to stimulate customer loyalty?��@d���                %        ��� 3 - Assess what you already know�!@d!$�  ���How close are you to achieving the 51 percent rule? How many individual data points do you have on each customer? What existing customer touch points offer possibilities for capturing useful information, and are they being actualized? How do you reward customers for giving you valuable information, both initially and ongoing? What Net Future customer care technologies are you already using in your marketing efforts? Are you exploiting them to the fullest?��@���                                           "  ���%4 - Decide what else you need to know�&@&$� " ��mWhat do you need to know to cross-sell, upsell, and new-sell your customers more effectively? How do you need to structure the organization to get the first-mover advantage and proceed profitably? How can you use existing customers to help you find other customers? What information-gathering efforts can be out-sourced to specialists to leverage their expertise?�n@n��                     "         3          )   ���T5 - Decide how you� ll use the information�+@+$�L        ���How will you use customer data to drive the development of new offerings? To improve customer service? Distribution? Marketing? How will you disseminate vital customer information throughout the company? How will you totally protect customer privacy?��@���              "         -  ���:6 - Organize so that Marketing and IT are on the same page�;@;$�6      ��iWho currently makes decisions about prioritizing the implementation of new technologies? How do you create a structure that facilitates cooperation in the decision-making process? What mechanisms are in place to ensure that Marketing and IT have compative goals and strategies? How do Marketing and IT join forces to make the best possible use of customer data?�j@j�`                                         ��� � `� ������̙33�������`� ��������������`� ���ff3��3�3�3���f`� ���333������MMM���`� ��������f������`� ���������f���`� ������3�����������>��?" dd@���������,����~��?" dd�@��������� � � �" �@� �H���P �n��?" dd@���������   @@``��P�R    @ H P`� p�>��> ����O�( ����������������� ��� � � �6�D������� ����P�� � �g��1Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque�2� 2 �< � � �0�������� ������ � ����vCliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxi�me niveau Troisi�me niveau Quatri�me niveau Cinqui�me niveau�4� w � � � �0�d ������ �`����� � ���*D. Xardel ESSEC�& ��*    �� � � �0�� ������ �`�����  � �[��*���  �� � � �0�$!������ �0 �P�� � ���� *�& ��*    �B � s �*�f������޽h�� ?� ������̙33������� �*Nouvelle pr�sentation��� 0 ���0� �d�( ����������������� � �� � � �0�4������� �:��  � �]��*� ��  �� � � �0��������� �Q p:�� � �_��*� ��  �d � c �$��� ?��Y �� ��< � � �0��������� �� 1?��� � ����vCliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxi�me niveau Troisi�me niveau Quatri�me niveau Cinqui�me niveau�4� w �� � � �6�T�������� �E��  � �]��*� ��  �� � � �6���������� �EQ p�� � �_��*� ��  �H � � �0���Vf�[��� ?� ������̙33��������d�� �  ����( � ���l �� C ��ԣ�������p�� � � ��H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ������̙33���������� � ��@��*�( ����� ��l � C ����������P��  � � ��~ � C ��t���������� � ��� ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ������̙33���������� � ���P���( �� ��l � C �����������P��  � � ��l � C ��T���������� � � ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ������̙33���������� � ���`� ��( �� � �l � C ��t��������P��  � � ��l � C ������������ � � ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� 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3�Affichage � l'�cranESSECag^��1 Times New RomanOfficinaSanItcTNouvelle pr�sentationEvolution of new marketingEvolution of new marketingThe 4 P��s of marketing$The 4 A��s of direct mass marketing7 e-Marketing ImperativesAucun titre de diapositiveTraditional Marketing&The 7 steps to developing an offeringAbout information�)Traditional Customer-information sources%e-CRM: Relationship marketing 4 I��sAucun titre de diapositiveResponding to the customerWorking with the customer1 - Review the four A��s+2 - Audit your existing Relationship Brand!3 - Assess what you already know&4 - Decide what else you need to know+5 - Decide how you��ll use the information;6 - Organize so that Marketing and IT are on the same page Polices utilis�esMod�le de conceptionTitres des diapositives� 6> _PID_GUID�AN{083058F0-0341-11D5-BE49-00508B6ACD1B}Root Entry����������d�O�����)���ډ�^@Current User������������5SummaryInformation(��������KPowerPoint Document(����^�  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