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Objectives By the end of this course, you should be able to: Understand a broad range of approaches to mass communication theory and models. Illustrate a detailed understanding of at least one specific theoretical approach to mass communication Recognize theoretical concepts and define their practical applications. Recognize how and why media may impact our lives. Analyze and critique the major mass communication theories that have guided mass communication research; Develop a theory-based argument in relation to a specific research question. Gain a theoretical foundation for development of a Master's thesis Textbooks and readings There are two textbooks that will be available as e-books: Baran, S. J., & Davis, D. K. (2012). Mass communication theory: Foundations, ferment, and future (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. Bryant, J., & Oliver, M. B. (Eds.) (2009). Media effects: Advances in theory and research (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge. Also, there is a recommended (but not-required) book. You can find it in the SISU library, as well as an e-book: McQuail, Denis. (2010). McQuail�s Mass Communication Theory (6th ed.). London: Sage. In addition to the two textbooks, you will be required to read journal articles and chapters in other books on nearly each topic. Some articles will be provided by the instructor online, the others you will have to find by yourselves using the SISU library (via Internet access to databases of the academic journals). Please see the Course Schedule for details. You may also want to deepen your knowledge even more and read additional journal articles on the course topics. Besides, you will need to find and read articles for your in-class presentations. Please find below the list (not comprehensive!) of some academic journals in the field you may find useful for the mentioned purposes: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Journal of Communication, Communication Research Communication Theory Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media Newspaper Research Journal, Journalism Studies Journalism Practice Journalism & Mass Communication Educator Mass Communication & Society, Public Opinion Quarterly Intl Journal of Public Opinion Research Quarterly Journal of Speech Communication Monographs Communication Quarterly Communication Studies Southern Communication Journal Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Western Journal of Communication Rhetoric Society Quarterly Media, Culture & Society Human Communication Research Rhetoric and Public Affairs Cultural Studies Journal of Communication Inquiry Journal of Advertising Research Public Relations Review Asian Journal of Communication Comunicar (Spain) European Journal of Communication International Journal of Advertising Intl Journal of Press-Politics International Journal of Public Opinion Research Journal of Advertising Journal of Applied Communication Research Journal of Computer-Mediated Comm. New Media & Society Political Communication Course requirements You are expected to read all of the assigned readings ahead of time to be able to participate in class. You are not expected to understand everything that you read prior to class, but you are expected to come to class with questions and/or insights from those readings. Given that lecture is typically an ineffective means of learning, this class will run as a seminar. Thus, you will be asked to prepare presentations, participate in discussions and other in-class activities, as well as reflect in writing to readings / lecture / presentations on each topic. Do not feel shy. There are no dumb questions or comments. Ask questions if you don�t understand something. Give comments if you think something is wrong. Asking questions If you, for some reason, cannot ask questions out loud during the lecture, you can write them on a piece of paper and pass it to us during or after the lecture. You can also email us your questions if those came to your mind after the lecture. We will respond to them either in class or individually. Assignments policy It is assumed that you will turn your assignments in on time. All assignments should be proofread carefully before turning them in. Late works will not be accepted resulting in a reduction of an assignment (and the final) grade. 'Late' here means more than 30 minutes after the deadline time. Plan ahead, manage your time effectively to be able to complete your assignments on time. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part OR a good reason for turning your work in late. Written assignments must be typed, double-spaced, and use normal size (which is 12) of Times New Roman or similar font. The page margins: 2cm left, 1.5 right, upper, and bottom. Every written assignment must include student ID, name, and date written in one line, and an assignment title in the second line. All written assignments should be turned in via email as a Microsoft Word & .pdf attachments unless otherwise specified. Grading Term paper - 30% Presentation - 30% Reflections - 20% Quizzes - 20% Assignments Term paper You may choose from two options: 1. You may want to write a literature review for your Master's thesis. Yes, we are aware that you may not know now what research topic you'll choose for your thesis - that's just your first year! Nevertheless, even if you don't know, you can practice writing the literature review section - the exercise that you will be able to appreciate later, when the time for writing your Master's thesis comes. 2. You will write an overview of the recent developments of a theory of your choice. Start from 2008 and move on, up to 2019. We�ll provide you details on requirements for your term papers later. What you have to decide right now is which option you are going to take. Whatever option you choose, however, the term paper is expected to be 12-15 pages of the text (excluding a title page, table of contents, tables and graphs, bibliography / references). Let us know which of the two options you chose before October 18. Presentations The course will depend heavily on in-class presentations the students will have to hold. Each class period from week 4 �October 10 �, several students (usually 3-4) will present current or recent research on the topic of the week. The students will be responsible for finding articles (1 article for each presenter) describing research on the assigned topics, confirming the articles with us, and sending us a copy of the article beforehand. You are to inform us about a presentation topic (theory) of your choice by next class, September 19, via email. Topics will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. That is, for example, if 3 students already signed up for a theory X, the fourth one will have to choose another theory for her/his presentation. The presenters of the day will be responsible then for coordinating among themselves that their articles differ and they will not present the same articles. The presentation should not last more than 10-12 minutes. Specific requirements on making presentations will be provided later. Along with the presentation, the presenters will also write a 2 to 3 page paper discussing the article. This paper has be turned in along with a Xeroxed copy of the article under discussion on the day when the presentation is held. 'Reflections' (reactions to readings and presentations on a topic): Starting October 10, the students will be required to write brief reactions about the assigned readings of the week and, later, presentations on the topic of the week. The papers should be no longer than 1-2 pages. In these papers, students should critically evaluate the readings and presentations on the topic of the week, and include points that remain unclear. Reflections are due next Thursday, 9:00 am after each class and should be sent me via email as both MS Word and .pdf attachments (say, if the class is held on Oct.10, the reflections are due 9:00 am. on Thursday, Oct.17). The late works will reduce your grades: see the Assignments Policy section. The reflections must be double-spaced, and use normal size (which is 12) of Times New Roman or similar font. The page margins: 2cm left, 1,5 right, upper, and bottom. Every written assignment must include student ID, name, and date written in one line, and an assignment title in the second line. Please note that we will not be able to respond to every one of you with my comments on your reflections. We will respond if something is wrong with your reflection and/or if you posed a question (or questions) in your reflection that we can answer. Quizzes During the course, students will take several occasional 10-minutes quizzes at the beginning of the class. The quizzes will test your knowledge of the topics covered and the readings assigned. There is no definite schedule for the quizzes. A prolonged quiz, summarizing all - or near all - that you learnt in the course, will be held in the last day of the class. Missing quizzes will result in lower grades unless a valid reason for your absence is provided. After 10 minutes, when we say "Stop!", you must stop writing, otherwise everyone who continues writing will get a lower quiz score. There should be nothing on your desk except for a pen/pencil, bottle of water, and the quiz sheet. If a student is late for the class when we have a quiz, the quiz time (10 minutes) will end for that student exactly when it ends for other students. So come to class on time. Missing a quiz means missing a quiz - no make-up will be given. Attendance Missing class is strongly discouraged. Please contact me prior to class if you are not going to attend and provide a valid reason. Of course, I do recognize that circumstances beyond your control may interfere with your attendance. So contact us as soon as possible (via e-mail, WeChat ) when you do need to miss our class (for a valid reason); also, if this is the case, plan to submit your assignment early. Academic Integrity Students shall not plagiarize, cheat, or falsify academic writings. The penalty for a first offense is a zero on the assignment on which the offense occurred. A plea of ignorance is not acceptable as a defense against the charge of academic dishonesty. Syllabus Changes We reserve the right to alter the syllabus or course schedule as the need arises.      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