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The course explores its media management system and how to better understand media-related key concepts such as freedom of speech and democracy. In addition, the course expounds the roles and influences of internet media in the Chinese society in terms of its convergence with radio, TV and newspapers. To achieve an effective understanding among students, the course also offers a comparison with foreign countries such as the West. The course also organizes field visits to local media organizations and asks students to provide reflections upon their field visits. Course Objectives To assist students to get to know the historical development of China�s media (including foreign-language media operating inside China) under the context of the Chinese culture; To understand media-related concepts such as freedom of speech and democracy in a Chinese discourse and explore the roles of China media organizations in the different periods of China in comparison with counterparts in the West; To invite students to pay field visits to local media organizations and discuss with local media practitioners so as to better understand the changing landscape of China media, its management system and particularly media convergence and effect of new media on traditional media. Textbook Susan Shirk (ed.), 2011, Changing Media Changing China, University Oxford University Press: New York. Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies The course hopes to combine lectures (by the instructor) with individual discussions together with some case studies and demonstrations. Students may also be required to do pre-class reading assignments to achieve a better understanding of discussions in class. Teaching Schedule Contents may be subject to changes. Session 1 Course introductionApproaches, case studies, media tours, media roles, requirements and evaluationSession 2China & its Media StructureCountry facts �overview, media structure, trends, perspectivesSession 3Media tourShanghai Radio Station: Lu Jun introduction and Q&ASession 4Class consultationReflection on media operation in China based media tourSession 5Swing & Progress: Media Development in ChinaHistorical development of media in China, current status quo: assignment for classroom presentationSession 6Classroom discussion Students presentation and critiquesSession 7China Media from A Cultural PerspectiveMedia landscape, its cultural roots, social rolesSession 8Classroom discussion Students presentation and critiquesSession 9Media tourShanghai Media Group: ICS, WANG Lijun, introduction and Q&ASession 10Class consultationReflection on media operation in China based media tourSession 11Freedom of Speech & DemocracyLecture and comparison Session 12Classroom discussionCase studies and analysis: Russia, Singapore and US, UK and China Session 13Media System and Social Development in China Lecture and comparison Session 14Classroom discussion Students presentation and critiques and final paper assignedSession 15Discussions on final papersCollection and revision and date set for final submission V. Assessment Methods The following evidence will be used to determine your grade: 1. Attendance 5% 2. Class Participation and Presentation 35% 3. Final paper (class project) 60% VII. Faculty Bio Dr. GUO Ke is professor and dean at the School of International Journalism, director of the Center of Global Public Opinions of China at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). He holds a BA degree in English Linguistics and Literature from Zhejiang University and a BA degree in International Journalism from SISU, a MS degree in Journalism from Kansas State University, USA (under the 1995-1996 Fulbright Grant), and a Ph.D. degree in Mass Communication from Fudan University, China. Dr. GUO is also one of the founding members of SISU�s international journalism program both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, which is known as a pioneer of bilingual journalism education in China. He is also a member of the China Association of Journalism & Communications Education, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), USA, and a member of the Journalism Education Supervisory & Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Education of China. Dr. GUO is now actively promoting journalism education accreditation among Chinese journalism education programs. In the past 20 years, Dr. GUO�s research focus has included international communication, global media (particularly the English-language media in a non-English environment), global public opinion, media effect and evaluation as well as international journalism education models and accreditation. He has published two academic books on international communication and media effect and evaluation, and more than 50 academic papers, in both Chinese and English. He has also organized four international conferences on media, communication and journalism education and has been involved in several national and international research projects on global media, English-language media in China and international journalism education.  ,>@tv����������������B D F j l n � � � � � �����Ƽ������������مxo_xox���X�� h�=�CJo(�jh�=�h�y3CJUh�=�h�y3CJjh�=�h�y3CJU h:^�CJo(h�U�h�s`CJo(h�U�h�y3CJh�U�h:^�CJo(h�U�h�=�CJo(h�U�h.CJh�U�h.5�CJh�U�h.CJo(h�?�h�?�CJh�=�h.CJh�=�h.5�CJh:^�5�CJo(h�=�h.CJaJ!v�n � � � � � F i � �  � �������������������������1$gd�2� & F1$gd�G_ & F1$gd>61 ��1$`��gd�g1$gd^|O & F1$gd^|O&d1$P��gd.1$gd.gd�=�� � � E F h i � � � � �   ( ? 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