Cybersecurity Group


Final Battle for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

SHANGHAI, 8th Nov.- Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump crisscrossed battleground states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Michigan to appeal for votes in the final, frenzied hours of the presidential campaign.

In Raleigh, N.C, the Republican nominee charged his democratic rival of rigging the national criminal investigative system, based on the declaration of the head of FBI James Comey that he has completed his examination of newly discovered emails, and denounced a "broader media conspiracy" to undermine his campaign, as "the so-called opinion polls" that shows him tailing "in key states such as Pennsylvania are dead wrong."

At the same time, Trump revealed his resolution to "challenge any victory" that may be claimed by Hillary Clinton before all the votes were counted, stating that he will "legally contest the outcome if the result is questionable."

"It's up to the American people to deliver the justice that we deserve at the ballot box in coming hours. We're going to win."

Hillary Clinton canvassed her supporters and enhanced their morale by reviewing the early voting path. She expressed her strong aspiration to be “the president for everybody”, accusing Trump of widening splits in the country. “We’re just going to work until the last vote is counted. We are on a good track,” She said.

In a surprise move on, Oct. 25, Donald Trump withdrew his candidacy of U.S. president in the suburban of Shanghai, and one week later, roared back to the race. He condemned Hillary Clinton’s deceitful election and corruption, urging for fairness and transparency.

Comments (1)

Jim Wolf - 8 Nov, 18:29

A nicely crafted piece. It hits the high points in good order. Still, I think the lead should be Trump's plan to challenge any early Clinton victory claim. Also, please think again about your last sentence: "He condemned Hillary Clinton’s deceitful election and corruption, urging for fairness and transparency." As discussed in class, this should say something like xxx He condemned WHAT HE CALLED Clinton’s deceitful election and corruption, urging fairness and transparency. Unless you add the words "what he called" it'd be as if you yourselves were saying that Clinton's campaign indeed was deceitful and corrupt. Remember, newswriting is careful writing -- with the emphasis on careful.

Covering closing of U.S. White House race

Taiwan and mainland of China group work

A 19-month-long wild ride: who will control the fate of America?

Mid-afternoon rally in Raleigh, N.C., Republican Donald Trump openly attacks his democratic opponent Hillary Clinton saying that she is on the route to steal this election. Donald Trump hesitates in the transparency of Hillary Clinton’s policy. He assumes the opinion polls are“dead wrong”and all the system is rigged to help his opponent to win.

The US presidential election has lasted for 19 months and now it comes to the most intense final battle. Hillary Clinton claims that she really wants to be the president for every American but Trump will do everything to reveal all the shaded aspects of her policy. FBI director has already completed his examination of newly discovered private emails used by Clinton to rig the election. Clinton at the same time accuses Trump of splitting the country in this presidential campaign.

“Early voting is breaking our way”, Hillary Clinton says. There is the biggest amount of voters that USA has ever seen in any election campaign.

Critique: This should be in the past tense throughout the piece, not the present tense. Hard news (as opposed to feature writing) is almost always in the past tense, notably because the events that you are reporting took place in the past, by definition. As discussed in class, you should lead on something more specific than "openly attacks his Democratic opponent." Also, be careful with the nuance of your wording here: "Trump will do everything to reveal all the shaded aspects of her policy." As discussed, this could be construed as if you, along with Trump, are accusing Clinton of some misguided shady business. Far better to say xxx what he criticized (or tarred) as all the shady aspects of her campaign xxx

Sino-U.S. Relations Group

Republican Donald Trump claims Clinton's stealing election on the Election Eve

Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton gave their final speechs at rally held on the eve of Election Day, urging voters to consider the election critical and gaining more votes before Nov.8, the Election Day.

Trump critized Clinton's "steal this election", announced that he will "challenge any victory" and "legally contest the outcome" if the result questionable.

According to the report from NBC, The FBI had finished examination of newly discovered emails tied to Clinton, and the bureau won't change the conclusion it made in July.Trump indicated that the FBI director was under tremendous pressure from Democrats, and it proves that "the system is rigged to help elect Crooked Hillary".

Trump called on his supporter that it's up to the American people to deliver the justice, and confidented about his election.

Clinton also presented her confidence to her election. “We are on the path to see more Americans vote than we have ever seen in our history.", said Clinton,"The splits in the country have been widened by the Trump campaign. We’re just going to work until the last vote is counted. We are on a good track."

The final national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of the 2016 president race shows a tightening race with Clinton hanging on a four-point lead. She had an 11-point edge in the poll last month following the release of a 2005 tape where Trump talks about groping women.

11 days before the election, FBI director James Comey had pitched the race into turmoil by announcing a newly discovered batch of Clinton emails would be investigated. The bombshell infuriated the Clinton camp, but threw a lifeline to a Trump campaign that had been receding in the polls.The latest ABC News battleground map shows the Clinton net 274 electoral votes. Trump garners 188 with 76 votes in the toss up column, following the release of a 2005 tape last month where Trump talks about groping women.

Critique: This is a good piece overall, but the lead should be hardened. I think you buried it in the second paragraph. (Your lead doesn't tell us the real news of the day, only that : "Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton gave their final speechs at rally held on the eve of Election Day, urging voters to consider the election critical and gaining more votes before Nov.8, the Election Day." ) On the other hand, you did very well to wrap in the background on the FBI Director's "bombshell" announcement 11 days before the voting. Likewise, you did very well to cite the latest polls as you did.

The US Election 2016: Trump questions Hillary `s votes

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Donald Trump claimed he would legally contest the outcome if the result is questionable, suspecting that Hillary Clinton stole the election, on Nov. 7, in Raleigh, N.C.

“So-called opinion polls that show me tailing in key states such as Pennsylvania are dead wrong,” said Trump, adding that they were part of a broader media conspiracy to undermine his campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump challenged the FBl for no investigation for Hillary, saying The FBI director obviously was under tremendous pressure from Democrats to clear Hillary again.

James Comey, head of the FBI, said that after reviewing the newly discovered emails, the FBI has not changed its position that Mrs Clinton's should not face criminal charges.

“But voters know that she should face criminal charges for her use of a private internet server instead of an official e-mail account as U.S. secretary of state.”, said Trump.

It is quoted from BBC that Mrs Clinton used a private email server when she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 in the Obama administration.

“I really do want to be the president for everybody,” said Hillary Clinton, on Nov.7, in Pennsylvania, holding a strong willing to win the election, “The splits in the country have been widened by the Trump campaign. We’re just going to work until the last vote is counted. We are on a good track

Critique: Congratulations. You nailed the lead. On the other hand, you fell into a trap in your second paragraph when you cited Trump as xxx "adding that (so-called opinion polls) were part of a broader media conspiracy to undermine his campaign xxx A careful writer would say instead xxx were part of what he called a broad media conspiracy to undermine his campaign or, alternatively, put the "broad media conspiracy" in quote marks to make clear that these were Trump's words, not yours

最后修改: 2016年11月13日 星期日 14:35