Nüwa repairs the Sky

Nüwa repairs the Sky


The earlist account of Nüwa repairing the sky in ancient Chinese classics isas following:

往古之时,四极废,九州裂。天不兼覆,地不周载。火爁焱而不灭,水浩洋而不息。 猛兽食颛民,鸷鹰攫老弱。于是,女娲炼五色石,以补苍天;断鳌足,以立四极;杀黑龙, 以济冀州;积芦灰,以止淫水。

Please rewrite the story in English.


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the four directions of heaven and earth collapsed and the earth cracked; therefore, the sky could not cover all things as it used to be, so did the earth on containing all creatures; the fire spread and could not be extinguished, the floods were too great to be stopped; fierce beasts ate the mass, and fierce birds grabbed the old and the children with their claws. So Nvwa smelted the five-colored stones to repair the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtles in the sea to make pillars to hold up the four directions, killed the black dragon to save China, and used reed ash to stop the floods.
姓名:梁力乔 学号0213100937

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the corners of the sky collapsed and the land was shattered. The heaven could not shelter the whole world, nor could the earth bear its entire burden. Fiery flames scorched the earth and never extinguished; boundless floods engulfed the country and never receded. Terrible beasts devoured the kind; vicious raptors ravaged the weak. It was thus that Nuwa molded the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, chopped off the legs of the Great Turtle to support the four corners of the sky, killed the black serpent to salvage the land of Ji, and collected reed ashes to control the floods.

姓名:孙浩彦 学号:0213701043

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars holding up the sky collapsed suddenly, and the nine continents began to split. Sometimes the fires burned and spread endlessly. While sometimes torrents of rain poured down and everywhere was flooded by water. In such circumstances, fierce birds and beasts, often harmed the weak and the elder.
To cope with disasters, Nuwa resorted to refining the five-colored stones to mend the flawed sky. She cut off the feet of the great turtles and used them as pillars to support the sky so that the sky would not collapse. She killed black evil dragon to free the people of the state of Ji. Also, she piled up ashes of grass and wood to stop the flood.

姓名:黄钰涵 学号:0213701091

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, when four great pillars propping up the sky collapsed, the ground was also cracked. Since the sky was too broken to shield the whole world, flames that could not be put out were spreading everywhere and flood that could not be controlled was rushing all the time. Fierce beasts fed on innocent people, and monstrous birds preyed on the old and children. Under such circumstances, Nuwarefined rocks of five elements to replenish the sky, broke off the legs of a giant turtle and used them to support the four corners of the fallen sky. Then she killed the black dragon to save the people and checked the flood with reed ashes.

0213700995 罗亚曼


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars that supported the sky collapsed, so the earth fell into different parts. Since then, the sky could no longer cover the earth and the earth could not accommodate all creatures. The fire continued to burn without ceasing, and the floods kept surging. Fierce beasts devoured kind people, and ferocious birds caught the elders and children away. At this time, Nuwa melted the five-colored stone to mend the sky, cut the legs of giant turtles to support the sky, killed the water monster to save the State of Ji, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to prevent the deluge. In the end, the sky was mended, the pillars were strengthened, the flood was under control, the state of Ji was pacified, all cruel beasts were dead, and kind pe::ople survived.
姓名:刘翾 学号:0213100936

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long time ago, the four pillars that had once hold up the sky collapsed and the ground fractured, causing a series of disasters. For example, the sky could no longer cover the earth and nor could the earth foster anything; the wild animals devoured humans and the ferocious birds captured the old and the children. For this matter, Nüwa mended the sky with the five-color stones she forged, propped up the sky with the four legs of a giant turtle she killed in the sea, killed the black dragon to lift the country out of danger, and curbed the floods with the reed ashes.
姓名:许智钦 学号:0213701050

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Heaven did not completely cover the earth; Earth did not hold up Heaven all the way around. Fires blazed out of control and could not be extinguished; water flooded in great expanses and would not recede. Ferocious animals ate blameless people; Eagles snatched the elderly and the weak. Thereupon, Nüwa Smelted together five-colored stones in order to repair sky. She cut off the legs of the great turtle to set them up as the four pillars, killed the black dragon to provide relief for Ji Province, and piled up reeds and cinders to stop the surging waters.

赵甜馨 0213701068

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars supporting the sky began to rot and the land began to crack. As a result, Heaven did not completely cover the earth; Earth did not hold up Heaven all the way around its circumference. Fires blazed out of control; water flooded in great expanses. Ferocious animals ate innocent people. Predatory birds snatched the elderly and the weak. Nüwa pitied the humans she had made and attempted to repair the sky. She gathered five-colored stones (red, yellow, blue, black, and white) from the riverbed, melted them and used them to patch up the sky. She then killed a giant turtle and cut off the four legs of it to use as new pillars to support the sky. She also killed the black to dragon to protect her people. She controlled the flood with a huge amount of ashes from the burning reeds. After the job was done, the world became as peaceful as it was before.
姓名:田飞扬 学号:0213701022

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, it is said that there were four pillars that supported the heaven. But one day the four pillars collapsed and the earth cracked so that the heaven cannot covered all the things and the earth cannot contained all creatures. Moreover, the raging fire and flooding sea cannot be controlled. Beasts devoured good people, and ferocious birds caught the old and child to eat. Therefore, Nüwa refined five-colored stones to make up the heaven; cut off the four feet of giant turtle to replace the collapsed pillars; killed the monster dragon to save the world; piled up the ash of reeds to control flood. After that, the world is back to normal and order and people also survive.

佘子晨 0213700990

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars supporting the sky began to rot and the land began to crack. As a result, the sky could no longer cover the earth and the earth could not accommodate all creatures. The fire continued to burn without ceasing, and the floods kept surging. Ferocious animals ate innocent people, and ferocious birds caught the elders and children away. At this time, Nuwa melted the five-colored stone (yellow ,red, blue, black, and white) to mend the sky, cut the legs of giant turtles to support the sky, killed the water monster to save the State of Ji, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to prevent the deluge. In the end, the sky was mended, the pillars were strengthened, the flood was under control, the state of Ji was pacified, all cruel beasts were dead, and kind people survived. The world became as peaceful as it was before.

陈凯丽 0213701087

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars which propped up the heaven collapsed and the earth was rifted and cracked. Therefore, the sky could not cover everything and the ground could not contain all the living things. The flames were ever-raging and the waters were ever-flooding. The beasts ate kind people and the ferocious fowls grabbed the old and the weak to eat. So Nüwa smelted the five-colored stone to repair the sky, cut off the giant turtle's four feet as the four pillars,, killed the black dragon to save Yizhou and accumulated ashes of reeds to combat the flood. With those actions, kind people survived.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Nuwa Repairs the Sky
In the ancient times, the four skyscrapers fell down, the nine provinces of China ripped through. The sky could not cover the earth any more and the earth also could not carry all things on the earth. The fires and the flooding were raging out of control. The vicious beasts swallowed the civilians and the fierce birds caught the old and weak people. As a result, Nuwa refined five colour stones to repair the sky. Also, she took the feet of the huge legendary turtle as the skyscrapers. And she killed the black dragon to calm down the province Ji. Finally, she heaped the ashes of spear up to control the flood.
——Huai Nan Zi by Liu An

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient time, four pillars supporting the sky tilted, and the earth cracked. As a result, flames raged that exerted intolerable heat. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven, were covered. At that time, people were preyed by beasts and eagles. To stop such tragedy, Nuwa forged many stones which were dark, white, green, yellow, and red to repair the sky; cut four legs of turtle as pillars to support the sky; killed the dark dragon which cause the floods; and stopped the waters with the ash of reed.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, as the four pillars holding up the sky collapsed, the earth fell apart. Thus, the sky couldn’t cover the whole world, nor could the earth foster all lives. Flames that engulfed every land could not be extinguished, and uncontrollable floods never ended; fierce beasts would devour innocent people, and evil birds preyed on the old and the weak. Then Nvwa repaired the sky with five-colored stones, cut off the legs of a giant turtle to support the sky, killed the black evil dragon to save the people, and collected reed ash to stop the flood.

0213700971 刘晓芸

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient time, the sky fell, so it couldn't protect everything below. The earth cracked, so it couldn't hold everything on the ground. Fire spread and flood roared. Beasts ate innocent people and ferocious eagles snatched the elderly and children. At this critical juncture, Nüwa, the goddess, repaired the sky with the five-colored stones. She cut off the four feet of a large turtle to support the sky. she killed the evil black dragon to save the country. Also, she protected the people from the flood with the ash of reeds.

0213700984 许鑫怡

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, four poles propping up the sky collapsed and the land cracked and split. Thus the sky was too broken to cover the earth and the land could not bear any burden on it either. At the same time, big flames scorched the world and floods invaded every corner of the earth. Beasts devoured innocent people and raptors preyed the old and vulnerable. To reverse such terrible situation, Nu-Wa refined stones of five elements to fill the big hole in the sky. Moreover, she broke off the legs of a giant turtle and used them to support the four corners of the fallen sky, killed the black dragon to save the people in Ji, and curbed the flood with reed ashes.

陈晓雪 0213700986


Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, there were four pillars that supported heaven. One day, those four pillars began to collapse, while the earth cracked and could not accommodate creatures anymore, the sky was unable to cover the earth either. The raging fire and flooding sea were out of control. Beasts devoured good people, old and weak people were also caught to eat by ferocious birds. To stop such tragedy, Nüwa repaired the sky with five-colored stones, cut off four legs of a giant turtle to replace the collapsed pillars, killed the black evil dragon to save people, and piled up the ash of reeds to control flood. As a result, the world is back to normal again.

PHAN, THI THANH VY 0217409012

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars that lifted the sky collapsed, and the earth cracked. Therefore, the sky couldn’t cover all as before, while the earth was unable to embrace the whole world. The big fire the flood destroyed all and couldn’t be stopped. Ferocious beasts ate people and evil birds pecked at old people and kids. In that case, Nuwa produced the five-colored stones to repair the sky. She cut off the Grand Turtle’s four feet to support four sides of the sky, killed the black beast to save people in ancient China, and collected the reed ashes to control the flood.

訾佳 0213700973

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the sky fell down, and the earth started to crack. The sky could no longer cover each corner of the world and the earth couldn't accommodate all the living things any more. Sometimes the fire burned and never got out, while sometimes the rain poured and never stopped. At the same time, the ferocious beasts preyed on those kind civilians, and the fierce birds dragged away the old and kids. In this case, Nǚwa led people to refine the five-colored stones to fill up the leak of the sky, cut off the four feet of the giant turtle to shore up the sky, killed the black devil dragon to save people from danger, and piled up the ash of reeds to control the blood.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars that supported the sky collapsed. Sky became shattered and couldn't cover things like before. Land sank and couldn't bear all things any more. Fire kept raging and flood was unstoppable. Beasts ate many people, and raptors caught the old and weak. Therefore, Nvwa melted the five-colored stones to repair the sky. She cut the legs of Ao(a huge legendary turtle) and used them as pillars to support the sky. She also killed the Black Dragon so the world became safe. Collecting the reed ashes, she used them to absorb the flood.
孙梦云 0213700998

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars of the sky collapsed, the earth cracked. The sky was damaged and could not shelter the earth, the earth could not carry the creatures on it. The blazes raged violently yet could not be put out, floods did not recede. Beasts preyed on kind people and feral birds fed on those old and weak. To end the chaos, Nvwa, a goddess, melted down rocks with five different colors to restore the sky; cut off the four legs of a large turtle to serve as the pillars of the sky; killed the Black Dragon, a sea monster, to save Jizhou and piled up the ashes of reeds to stop the floods. (Huainanzi by Liu An)
姓名:高艳 学号:0213701030

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars propping up the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. The sky is partly damaged, which could not completely cover all things, so did the earth, which could not fully bear all creatures. The fire spread over and could not be put off. The flood engulfed and could not be ceased. Beasts devoured innocent people, and ferocious birds grabbed the old and young with their claws to feed themselves. So Nüwa refined five-colored stones to repair the sky, cut off the feet of the Giant Turtle to support the four corners of the sky, killed the black dragon to save China, and accumulated reed ashes to stop excessive floods.

曹艺凡 0213701063

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, when four pillars holding up the sky collapsed, and the nine continents was cracked. Since the sky was broken and could not shield the whole world, the fire spreading everywhere and could not be extinguished,while the flood that could not be controlled was spreading all the time. Fierce beasts harm innocent people, and fierce birds grabbed the old and children. Therefore, Nuwa refined five-colored rocks to fix the sky, broke the legs of a giant turtle and used them as four pillar to support the sky. Then she killed the black dragon to save Ji. Also she stopped the flood with reed ashe.

姓名:卢雨欣 学号:0213701089

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time when the four great pillars that stood between sky and earth at four directions collapsed, the sky became too broken to cover the earth, while the earth turned to be too damaged to hold all things. Fire spread ferociously and could not be extinguished, and the waters flooded in and could not be contained. Violent beasts ate good masses and fierce birds grabbed away the old and children. It was then came Nüwa who smelted the five-colored stones to repair the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtle in the sea to replace the collapsed pillars to hold up the sky, killed the black dragon to save ancient China, and used reed ashes to block the floods.

0213700952 蒋丛蔚

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the earth at the edge of the world fell apart in all directions and collapsed. Heaven and earth passed away. The heaven departed as a scroll that could no longer cover the entire earth and the earth could not sustain all creatures it used to nourish. The devastating and quenchless inferno, in its full rage, ceaselessly wiped out life under the heavens, while the catastrophic and immense deluge, going on a rampage, incessantly took away creature that has the breath of life. Ferocious beasts dashing on the earth never stopped to devour the innocent human race, while fierce fowls hovering in the midst of heaven never paused to seize vulnerable human beings. Be it man tilling in the field or women grinding in the mill, creatures that swarm over the earth, and mankind would perish. There was weeping and gnashing of teeth in every corner of the world.
That being said, the goddess Nu-wa melted down rocks and moulded the amalgam into building blocks for celestial repairs, broke the limbs of the enormous turtle as four pillars to hold up the heaven, killed the black dragon to save the Ji Prefecture from peril, and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to ward off the deluge. Eventually, the heaven was made intact, the water was dried up, the Ji Prefecture found itself in peace, the beasts and fowls demised, and virtuous people survived.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four poles were abolished and nine states were divided. The heavens were not overlaid, the earth was not contained. The fires were burning and unquenchable, and the waters were vast and unending. Fierce beasts ate the Zhuan people, and eagles of prey seized the old and the weak. So Nuwa made the five-colored stones to mend the heavens; she broke the feet of the ao to establish the four poles; she killed the black dragon to help the Jizhou region, and she accumulated the ashes of the reed to stop the lustful waters.
钟诗彤 0213701133

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the four corners the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. Thus the sky could not cover the earth, and the earth could not carry all the life. Fires spread out of control, while floods continued to swell. Beasts devoured the innocent people, and raptors seized those old and weak. Nüwa decided to save the tortured creatures. She melted down the five-colored stones to mend the sky. Then she replace the collapsed pillars with the four feet of a giant tortoise. Also, she killed the black water monster to save the people, and blocked the flood with the ashes of reeds.
陈锐 0213700982

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars separating the heaven and the earth collapsed, and the earth cracked; the sky could not fully shelter everything, and the earth could not fully support everything.
Raging fire and torrential flood became unstoppable, ferocious beasts ate people and vicious birds use their claws to grab old people and children.
To help them out, Nuwa smelted five-color stones to mend the sky. Then she sacrificed a giant sea turtle and cut off its feet to support the sky, unwillingly killed the black dragon to save China, and used reed ash to stop the flood. Eventually, the world came to peace again.

Nvwa is a god who creates people and mend the sky, making great contributions to the development of humankind. It’s a positive image. So I don’t think we can directly translate the last sentence into “she killed blabla”... It sounds improper to her merciful image.


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four heavenly pillars tilted and the earth collapsed. The sky was broken and could not cover all things, and the earth cracked, unable to carry creatures. The fire burnt and could not be extinguished, while the flood is vast, and the ocean overflew and did not subside. Beasts devoured good people, and fierce birds grabbed the young and the old and ate them. In this Apocalyptic scenerio, the Goddess Nv Wa refined five colored stones to fix the sky. She cut off the four feet of the Giant Turtle, put up the four beams and columns in the sky, killed the water monster black dragon to save the Land of Ji, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to stop and resist the excessive flood. The sky was repaired and the four pillars were upright; floods dried up and Land of Ji was peaceful; cunning insects, evil birds and beasts died, and good people survived.

姓名:王庆伦 学号:0213701017

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In the ancient times, the four pillars that sustained the heaven broke down and the earth crumbled. The earth, which were not covered by the sky, failed to underpin everything. After that, fires and flood were seen everywhere with no signs of abation; beasts and creepy fowls preyed on people, the weak and the old in particular. To turn the tide, Nuwa took the five-coloured stone to salvage the heaven by cutting off the feet of the giant turtles to set them as the pillars. She also piled up reed ashes to stop the flood and slew the black dragon to rescue people in Jinzhou.



回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars supporting Heaven broke and Heaven collapsed, leaving the world partially uncovered. Moreover, the earth split as well, rendering parts of the world unloaded. The fire were raging and the flood were surging, neither of them stopped. Beasts of prey swallowed people and fierce birds grabbed physically weak people with sharp claws and ate them. To deal with the devastation, Nüwa smelted five colored stones to patched the holes in Heaven, used the legs of a tortoise to mend the pillars, killed a dark dragon to save lives and collected the reed ashes to control the flood.

王佳慧 0213700962

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four corners of the sky were abolished, kyushu was splited. Therefore, the sky could not support, and the earth could not bear. Furnace could not be extinguished, water ran without stopping. The beast ate the people, the eagle preyed the aged. Therefore, Nuwa refined colored stones to mend the sky. She chopped the Ao’s feet to set four poles; killed the black dragon, to save Jizhou’s people; gathered the reed ashes to silence the water.
贾钧涵 0213700948

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars of the sky tumbled down and the earth fell into different parts. As a result, the sky could not cover all things on the earth nor could the earth hold up the sky. The fire raged constantly and the water flooded relentlessly. Ferocious beasts and birds preyed on common people, regardless of the young or the elderly. In consequence, Nüwa the Goddess smelted the five-colored stones to mend the sky. She cut off the legs of the Great Turtle to replace the broken pillars and killed the black dragon to save the people in Jizhou. By piling up reed ashes, she managed to controlled the rampant flood.

姜子梁 0213100942

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars, which had held the sky up, broken down, therefore the sky cannot protect all things on earth. What’s worse, the earth had sunk, leading to unfavorable living environment in the world. The fire burnt violently as well as the flood swept through the entire land. Also, wild animals devoured kind-hearted people while the fierce birds captured those who were old and weak. Given this fact, Nüwa made five colored stones to repair the sky, and she cut the four legs of a giant turtle, which were used to support the sky in four directions. Moreover, she killed the black evil dragon to save the people, and the flood was tamed by the accumulated reed ashes.
吴红萱 0213100939

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the sky fell and broke, and the earth sank and cracked. Therefore, the sky could no longer fully cover all things, and the earth could no longer fully carry all things; fire burned and can’t be put out, and the rivers flooded and would not recede; the fierce beasts devoured the good people, and the raptor caught and ate the old or the weak. Then goddess Nuwa made the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the four feet of the tortoise to support the sky, killed the black dragon to relieve the people, and piled up the ashes of reeds to resist the flood.

0213700991 刘昱汝

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient time, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and so that the earth fractured, causing the breakup of the sky and the ground. On and on the fire kept burning and the water kept flooding. Ferocious beasts ate up ordinary beings; fierce eagles grabbed the old and the weak. To save the world, Nvwa refined five-color stones to repair the sky, and cut off the feet of the huge legendary turtle to serve as the pillars; also she killed the black dragon to save people in Jizhou, and accumulate the plant ash to stop the flood.

刘若琪 0213700969

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars which held the sky collapsed and the earth caved in. Therefore, the broken sky could not cover all while the earth could not hold all earthly beings. Fire could not be put out and the flood was unstoppable. Beasts devoured the innocent people as vultures preyed the weak and the vulnerable. To save the people, Nüwa made the five-colored stones to repair the sky, cut off the four feet of the Turtle to support the sky, killed the Black Dragon to relieve the people, and accmulated the ashes of reeds to block the flood.
0203700968 王汉一

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, when four pillars under the sky were broken, the sky couldn’t shelter things anymore. Meanwhile, the earth was tilted downwards, failing to bear the weight of things. Burning fire and heave floods were ceaseless. Even worse, ferocious beasts ate innocent people and fierce eagles caught the old and infirm. Therefore, Nvwa used stone which was melted and moulded to repair the sky, substituted four legs of giant tortoise for pillars under the sky, killed the black dragon who caused floods to save people in Ji prefecture, and collected reed ash to control floods.

陈安妮 0213700950

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, there were four pillars supporting the heaven. One day the pillars collapsed and the Kyushu broke. The heaven could not cover the earth and the earth could not bear everything. Fire spread, flash flooded. Ferocious beasts ate innocent people, fierce birds grabbed the old and young. In this case, Nüwa smelted five-colored stone to repair the sky and cut off the feet of the giant Ao to support the square pillars. She killed the dragon to save people in Jizhou and accumulated reed ashes to block the flood.
姓名:火豫萱 学号:0213700988

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven collapsed, and the earth cracked. Since then, the sky could not cover and the earth could not bear; the fire could not be extinguished, and the water could not be stopped; Wild beasts ate people, and ferocious birds caught old people and children. Facing this tough situation, Nüwa smelted five-color stones to mend the sky, cut off the feet of the giant tortoises in the sea to erect pillars, killed the black dragon to save Jizhou, and used reed ash to recede the flood. Finally, peace was restored. The ferocious birds and beasts died, and the kind people survived.

王惠 0213700976

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, the world was plunged into a catastrophic chaos. The heaven collapsed and got broken because its four supporting pillars had fallen apart; the land split into 9 separate parts. Sometimes, great fires would burn for a long time; sometimes, the ocean flooded the land. All of these created great havoc on the people, who were preyed and fed upon by beasts and falcons. Devastated by the horrible suffering of the humanity, Nüwa went to their rescue. To start with, the almighty goddess mended the broken heaven with a five-color stone that was created by burning a lot of different materials. Then, she hunted down the Giant Turtle and cut off his legs which were used as the new pillars for the heaven. After that, the Black Dragon and the like that endangered peoples’ lives were slaughtered. In the end, she built embankments with dust and reefs to absorb and prevent flooding.

徐浪 0213701025

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long time ago, one day four pillars supporting the heaven cracked, and the ground collapsed; the broken sky couldn’t cover the earth and the collapsed earth couldn’t carry all the things. The fire was burning and unstoppable, while the flood had no sign of receding. The beast devoured the kind people and the fierce bird caught the weak as prey. In such a circumstance, to end the disaster Nuwa made five-color stone to make up for the sky, cut four feet of the enormous turtle as replacements of the four pillars, killed the evil black dragon to save the people in state of Ji and accumulated ashes of reeds to control the flooding.
阮敏芝 0213700965

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the four directions of heaven and earth collapsed and the earth cracked; the sky could not universally cover all things, the earth could not fully contain all things; the fire spread and could not be extinguished, the waters were too great to be stopped; fierce beasts ate the good people, and fierce birds clawed at the old and the young. So Nuwa smelted the five-coloured stones to mend the heavens, cut off the feet of the giant turtles in the sea to make pillars to hold up the four directions, killed the black dragon to save the world, and used reed ash to stop the floods.
谷浩 0213701075

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the Heaven were bent and the earth rent. The Heaven broke, failing to protect all living creatures; the Earth cracked, unable to bear all things. The burning fire spread widely and did not go out for a long time, and the great flood overflowed and did not recede. The fierce beasts devoured the kind people, and the fierce birds seized the old and weak with their claws and then ate them. In face of the situation, Nüwa made five colored stones to mend the sky. Also, she cut off the four feet of the big turtle as the sky’s four pillars, killed the black dragon to save Yizhou, and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to ward off the excessive floods. Finally, the sky was mended along with the four pillars of heaven being made straight. The excessive floods receded, bringing Yizhou peace again. The fierce birds and beasts of prey died, leaving the kind people alive.

高伟华 0213700974

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars of the sky collapsed and the earth was also cracked. The sky was damaged and could not cover everything, and the ground was sunken and could not carry all creatures. Fire burned out of control, and floods overflowed and never subsided. Beasts swallowed the good people, and ferocious birds used their claws to grab the old and the weak and ate them. So Nuwa made five-color stones to fill the sky; cut off the big turtle's four legs to serve as four pillars; killed the black dragon to save Yizhou, and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to resist excessive flooding. The sky was repaired, and the four pillars were able to stand upright; the excessive floods dried up and Yizhou became peaceful.
姓名:杨佳琦 学号:0213701085

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillar that supported the heaven collapsed, and the earth cracked. The sky cannot cover everything and the earth cannot bear everything. The fire raged and couldn't be put out, and the flood inundated everywhere and didn't subside. The beasts ate people, and the vultures caught the old and the children. As a result, Nvwa refined the stone of five colors to repair the sky; she cut the four legs of the great turtles to replace the pillars; she killed the black dragon to save Yizhou; she also collected the reed ashes to stop the flood.

杨哲婧 0213701002

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four pillars of the heaven collapsed and the land shattered. Nor could the heaven could shelter or the land bore the world. Fiery and un-extinguished flames scorched the earth; boundless and un-receded floods engulfed the country. Terrible beasts devoured the kind; vicious raptors ravaged the weak. It was at this time when Nuwa molded the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, chopped off the legs of the Great Turtle to support the four pillars of the heaven, annihilated the black serpent to salvage the land of Ji, and accumulated reed ashes to curb the floods.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars which support the sky broke off, the earth collapsed. The sky was damaged so that it could’t protect the earth, and the mother earth was broken, so that it wasn’t able to bear it’s children. Fires were burning restless, inundations were flooding nonstop. The beasts devoured civilians, and the raptors seized the elderly and the weak with their claws. Therefore, Nüwa refined five-colored stones to mend the sky, broke off the legs of a giant turtle to support the four corners of the fallen sky. She killed the black dragon to save the people and checked the flood with reed aches.

陆晓昱 0213701108

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

When the world was in its infancy, the four pillars supporting the four directions of the sky collapsed and huge cracks dotted the earth. The sky and the earth hence could not any longer shelter all the people. The fire and flood got out of control, creating catastrophes everywhere, and people were reduced to prey to fierce beasts and birds. Nüwa appeared right at that time. She then made color stones to mend the sky, broke the legs of a giant turtle to support the four corners of the sky, killed the black dragon to save people and combated the floods with reed ashes.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven were broken, and China's land collapsed. The heaven could not completely cover the earth, and the earth could not fully support all things. Fires burn without being extinguished, floods without being stopped; Fierce beasts devoured good people, fierce birds grabbed old people and children. Then Nuwa smelted colored stones to repair the heaven, cut off the four feet of a turtle in the sea as the four pillars of heaven, killed the water monster to relieve Jizhou, and collected reed ash to block the flood. The sky was mended, the four heavenly pillars were put in their proper position, the flood waters subsided and Jizhou was pacified. The evil birds and beasts died, but the good people survived.
姓名:吴佳寅 学号:0213701111

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long time ago, the four pillars that supported the sky suddenly collapsed and the earth cracked. Therefore, the sky can no longer serve as a shelter, while the earth sank and split into nine parts. The burning fire cannot be stopped, and the whelming flood will never recede. All these wreaked great havoc on the people, who were preyed and fed upon by beasts and falcons. Under such circumstance, Nüwa decided to make five colored stones to mend the sky. Also, she cut off the big turtle's four legs to replace the pillars; killed the black dragon to save Yizhou, and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to resist excessive flooding.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the heaven collapsed and the earth fell apart to pieces. As a dreadful result, the sky could no longer shelter the whole world it used to cover, while the earth could no longer bear the secular creatures it used to nourish. Wild flames kept roaring, fierce floods overran without fading away; beast of prey ate the mass, ferocious eagles grabbed the old and weak. To put a stop to this tragedy, Nüwa collected and smelted the five-colored stones to repair the leak of sky, broke the feet of the giant turtle to support the falling heaven, removed the evil black water dragon to rescue the people and accumulated reed ashes to stop the demon flooding.

I have added some conjunctions to show the inner connection between different phenomena because writings in classical Chinese tend to omit such kind of words. Also I avoid using direct „negative“ verbs to describe Nüwa’s action because of her perfect positive figure in the Chinese culture.

陈碧波 0213700016

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In time immemorial, the earth trembled and the pillars collapsed after the epic fight, ripping a hole in the heaven and earth. Fires raged and floods were pouring incessantly. Fierce beasts preyed on innocent people, ruthless raptors clawed at the weak and young. Hereupon Nuwa melted stones of five colors to to repair the heaven, cut off the feet of the tortoise to set upright the four extremities of the earth, killed the dark dragon to rescue the land, gathered the ashes of reeds to stop the flooding waters.

李艺 0213701020

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, a series of disasters befell the world: four pillars that were supposed to support the sky break and collapse; the earth sinks and there are big openings in the ground. The sky could no longer cover the world, and the land could no longer support the things on it; big fire burns and floods rage, with no sign of abating; fierce beasts and hawks capture people, those who are old, young and feeble in particular, and eat them alive. So the goddess Nüwa creates stones of five colors to mend the sky; she cuts the four feet of a great turtle, using them as pillars, to support the sky; she slays the black dragon, the brutal beast living under the water, to save the people in Jizhou; she collects the ashes of reed and uses them to absorb and stop the raging water.

王一凡 0213701003

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky crumbled and the earth collapsed. The broken sky couldn’t cover everything and the cracked earth was unable to bear all living things. The fire was hard to be extinguished while the flood didn’t mean to stop. Ferocious beasts preyed on kind people and fierce birds grabbed the old and the children to eat. Therefore, Nuwa made five-colored stones to mend the sky. She also cut off the four feet of the turtles and used them as four pillars of the sky. The black dragon was killed to save lives in Jizhou (a part of ancient China) and reed ashes were stored to protect people from the flood.

0213700964 宋雪婷

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven collapsed and the world broken apart
The sky fell down and the earth crumbled
Fire and flood was too rampant to stop
Beasts ate humans and eagles attacked the old and the children with their claws
So Nvwa made five-colored stone to repair the sky
She cut off the feet of the giant turtles to make pillars
Killed the black dragon(monster in the sea) to save people
And used reed ash to stop the floods
0213700989 陈佳鑫

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the earliest days, directions couldn’t be recognized and land split apart; Dome cracked, earth crushed; Fire raged relentlessly, water burst overwhelmingly. Beasts fed on people, ravens hunted the vulnerable. To transform this situation, Nuwa melt and mould five-colour blocks and repaired the sky; chop off feet of the turtle to signpost directions; killed the black dragon to survive Jizhou; accumulated grass dust to stop the water.

高成 0213701049

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars of the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, therefore, the sky could not cover all and the earth failed to bear lives. With raging fire and roaring flood, the world witnessed fierce beasts and birds attacking or even eating people. So, the goddess Nuwa melted the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtles to hold up the sky, killed the vicious black dragon to save the poor people, and collected reed ashes to stop the flood.

口译2班 刘芳雨

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the time of ancient, the four pillars holding the sky collapsed, the content cracked into pieces. The heaven and the earth could nor hold the entire world. The flame burned, the river flooded. The blaze that rages cannot be extinguished. Fierce beasts ate the people, The birds of prey grabbed the old and weak. Therefor, the goodness Newa smelted the five-color-stone to mending the fractured sky, cut four leg of the giant turtle as the four pillars, slaughtered the black dragon to cure the earth, accumulated the ash of reed to curb the flood.
姓名:季畅宇 学号:0213701110

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four heavenly pillars collapsed and the land fell apart. The heaven could no more cover the world, while the earth failed to bear all beings. With a fierce and unquenched fire, the situation was even worsened by an appalling flood which did not subside. Beasts devour innocent people, tyrannical eagles snatched the weak and old. As a response, Nuwa melt the colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the turtle’s four feet to erect the pillars, killed the black dragon to save Ji Zhou and accumulated the ashes of reeds to resist the excessive flood.
姓名:冯馨羽 学号:0213701066

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

ISHOLALabake Sikirat-
In ancient times, the ends of the earth lost their pillar supports, and the earth ruptured. The heavens were too weak to cover the world, and the earth was too broken to contain its creatures. The raging fire won't stop, the flooding sea won't cease; monstrous beasts devoured the people, and ferocious birds haunted the old and weak. The universe and everything it contains are in disarray.
To save the catastrophe, the goddess Nüwa refined the five-colored stone and used it to repair the heavens; cut the limbs of the giant turtle to fix the pillars holding up the ends of the earth; killed the dragon to save the Land of Ji; and collected reed ashes to control and stop the flood. The chaotic world then was in order once again.

Ishola Labake Sikirat 0217409024

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting Heaven collapsed and Earth crumbled. Heaven was unable to cover everything and Earth failed to sustain everything. Fire was blazing. Waters were overflowing. Under such circumstances, ferocious beasts and birds preyed on kind and vulnerable people. As a result, Nüwa smelted five-color stones to patch up the sky, propped it up by cutting off four turtle legs, killed the black dragon to save Jizhou and gathered reed ashes to stop the surging waters.

姓名:黄思怡 学号:0213701044

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supports the sky snapped, the earth was ripped in the middle. The sky no longer could cover the nature and the earth failed to hold what it’s been holding for thousands of years. Wild fire kept burning while grand flood filled everywhere of the ground. Beasts looked for kind-hearted people as food, the aged and the children were devoured by fierce eagles. Nuwa, therefore, refined the mud to get the five-color stone in order to patch the sky. The goddess took the four legs of the big turtle to rebuild the pilars, killed the black dragon in Jizhou to save the local people and accumulated burning ashes of reed to alleviate the flood.
叶加远 0213701130

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In Huainanzi, a book compiled by scholars at the court of Liu An, the story of Nüwamending the sky is recorded as follows.

Once upon a time, the four pillars that supported Heaven crumbled and the nine continents were cracked. Heaven and Earth were in such serious disruption that nothing could be held up. Fires blazed out of control, water flooded in great expanses, wild beasts devoured innocent human beings while predatory birds snatched the elderly and the weak. After witnessing the chaos, Goddess Nüwa smelted a five-colored stone to patch up Heaven. Then, she cut off the four legs of the great turtle Ao to use as the new four pillars, slew the black dragon to stop the floods in Ji Province, and burned reeds into ashes to check the surging waters.

许泳欣 0213701074

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


Once in ancient times, four big columns which connected the sky and the earth fell down, tearing the kyushu into pieces. At the same time, the sky could not cover the earth, the earth could not bear the weight of everything on it. Unstoppable fires and floods were spreading everywhere, while weird beasts were swallowing people and fierce birds were preying on the old and weak. To address these problems, Nuwa smelt five-color stone to repair the sky. Then she cut down the aojiang foot to rebuild the four big column and killed the black dragon to save Jizhou’s inhabitants. Finally, she piled up the reed ash to stop the flood.


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars supporting the sky began to rot and the land began to crack. As a result, the sky could no longer cover the earth and the earth could not accommodate all creatures. The fire continued to burn without ceasing, and the floods kept surging. Ferocious animals ate innocent people, and ferocious birds caught the elders and children away. At this time, Nuwa melted the five-colored stone (yellow ,red, blue, black, and white) to mend the sky, cut the legs of giant turtles to support the sky, killed the water monster to save the State of Ji, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to prevent the deluge. In the end, the sky was mended, the pillars were strengthened, the flood was under control, the state of Ji was pacified, all cruel beasts were dead, and kind people survived. The world became as peaceful as it was before.

闫一萱 0213701097

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. The sky couldn’t cover all the things under it while the earth couldn’t carry all the things on it. A great fire raged and went out of control; torrential water flooded all the lands. The wild animals devoured innocent people, especially the weak. Nüwa who created human beings melted the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the feet of the giant sea turtle to hold up the fallen sky. She killed the black dragon to free the people of Ji, and collected reed ashes to block the passage of flood.

英语口译二班 梁司颖 0213701019

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars which sustained the sky collapsed and the earth became cracked. The broken sky could not cover everything and the cracked earth could not support everything. The severe flame continued to burn without stopping and mighty ocean rendered rampant without subsiding. Beasts ate kind humanity and birds caught the old and weak to eat them up. Therefore, Nuwa made five color stones to repair the sky, cut the four feet of gaint turtle to support the four directions of the sky and the earth. She killed the black dragon to rescue the State of Ji from danger and accumulated ashes of reed to deter the surfeit of water.
范文君 0213100941

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Back in time immemorial, the four pillars supporting the heaven collapsed and the land was torn apart. As a result, the heaven could not cover everything and the earth could not hold up all. Roaring fires and floods overwhelmed the world and could not be stopped. Ferocious monsters consumed the innocent. Fierce birds gorged on the weak and elderly. Fortunately, Nüwa came to the rescue. She melted and moulded the five-color stones to patch up the heaven. She cut off the legs of the great turtle to rebuild the four pillars. She killed the black dragon to save Ji Province. She piled up the ashes of reed to curb the flood. Finally, the heaven was repaired. The four pillars stood straight again. Floods ceased to roar and Ji Province was back to peace. Evil monsters died and innocent people survived.

英语口译1班 陈晶雨 0213701067

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars which supported the sky collapsed and the nine continents were split. The sky could not cover the world and the ground couldn't support the lives. The fire will never go out, and the water will never cease. The beasts eat the people, the prey and the eagle grab the old and the weak. Therefore, Nüwa refined the five-color stone to mend the sky. She cut off the foot of a big turtle to build the four pillars, killed the black dragon to help the world, accumulated reed ash to stop the floods.

钱婧旖 0213701113

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

It was long time ago when the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed, and the nine provinces were in taters. The sky could not cover the land, and the land failed to accommodate lifebeings. Fires blazed incessantly, and floods expanded out of control. Wild beasts ate innocent people, fierce birds snatched the elderly and the weak. To save people from untold sufferings, Nvwa smelted a five-colored stone to repair the sky. She cut off the legs of a giant tortoise to replace the collapsed pillars, killed the black dragon for the peace of Ji Prefacture and piled up cinders of reeds to stop the floods.

陈悦 0213700946

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

From the time immemorial, the four pillars collapsed and the nine continents ruptured.Neither could the sky cover the whole earth, nor could the earth contain all the creatures. Burning fire, widespread and violent, never ceased,onrushing water, extensive and boundless, never receded.the kind and the honest were devoured by cruel beasts,the weak and the elder were captured by fierce birds.Hence, goddess Nvwa smelted the multicolored stones to mend the sky,broke off the giant turtle's legs as four pillars to prop the sky,killd the black evil dragon to save the state of Ji, and pile up the ashes of reed to resist the deluge.

王烁媛 0213701125

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once in ancient times, the Four Pillars which supported the heaven collapsed, and the earth on which they stood sank and cracked. Hence the heaven could not sheltered all the earth, and the earth could not bear all its load. Disasters then befell unto the world: fire blazed and slake not; flood stroke and subside not; beasts fed on people; and huge birds prayed on elders and children. Nüwa therefore melted down the Five-Coloured Stone to repair the heaven, cut off the feet of the Giant Turtle to rebuild the Four Pillars, slain the Black Dragon to deter evil creatures from harming people, and gather ashes of weeds to curb the floods.

李颖怡 0213701006

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed. The earth cracked. Neither the sky could cover all things on the earth nor the earth could take the weight of all things on itself. Fire spread everywhere but could never stop. Floods spread everywhere but could never stop, either. Beasts ate innocent people. Eagles took away the children and the elders. Nüwa melted the rock of five colors to repair the sky. She broke the giant turtle’s legs as the new pillar to support the sky. She killed the black dragon to save the world. She collected reed ash to block the floods.
姓名:陈学斌 学号:0213700959

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Aeons ago, the world underwent a catastrophe. The Heaven could no longer cover everything underneath because the four pillars supporting the Heaven collapsed. The Earth cracked so much so that it could not underpin everything aboveground. Flames were too rampant to be quenched; floods were too widespread to subside; ferocious beasts were feeding on benevolent people; fierce eagles were swooping on the old and young.
Seeing this, Nü Wa decided to save the world. First she cut off the feet of a giant turtle to replace the pillars. Then she killed the black dragon that was a dire threat to people’s lives. She also collected reed ashes, bringing the floods under control.


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Aeons ago, the world underwent a catastrophe. The Heaven could no longer cover everything underneath because the four pillars supporting the Heaven collapsed. The Earth cracked so much so that it could not underpin everything aboveground. Flames were too rampant to be quenched; floods were too widespread to subside; ferocious beasts were feeding on benevolent people; fierce eagles were swooping on the old and young.
Seeing this, Nü Wa decided to save the world. First she smelted Five-colored Stones to mend the sky. Then she cut off the feet of a giant turtle to replace the pillars. After that she killed the black dragon that was a dire threat to people’s lives. She also collected reed ashes to clog the course of water, bringing the floods under control.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, the four pillars that used to hold up the sky collapsed and the land of the continents cracked, so heaven and earth became incomplete and in some places, they were connected again. The fire roared and water flooded, unstopped. In that chaotic world, fierce beasts ate people for a living; brutal birds snatched children and the elderly. Nüwa was the one who standed out to save the world. She melted the five-colored stones and used them to patch up the broken sky. She then cut off the feet of a very big turtle and used them as the pillars sustaining the heaven, and saved the people from the middle of the continent from a black dragon by killing it. And she stopped the flood by using reed ashes.

张晓惟 0213701004

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed, so did the earth with its nine regions. The sky couldn’t cover the things under it while the earth couldn’t contain the things above it. A great fire spread and would not die out; a heavy flood engulfed and would not cease. The ferocious beasts devoured the innocent people, while the atrocious birds seized the weak and old. At this time, Nu Wa refined five colored stones to mend the sky and broke the turtle’s feet to support the four corners of the sky. She killed the black dragon and rescued the people in Jizhou, and stored reed ash to block the flood. Consequently, the sky is mended, its corners propped up, the flood blocked, Jizhou’s people safe, the beasts all dead and the innocent people could survive.

陈子盈 0213801585

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

From time immemorial, with the collapse of both four pillars bracing the heavens and the continent concluding nine regions, neither could the holey heavens shield the whole world, nor could the split earth contain all living things; neither could the blazing inferno cease, nor could the raging flood subside; neither did the ferocious beasts desist from devouring the innocent, nor did the savage vultures refrain from preying on the vulnerable. Hence, the goddess Nuwa smelted five-colored stones to mend the azure heavens, cut off the giant turtle’s legs to brace four corners of the heavens, killed the black dragon to save people in the state of Ji, and piled up reed ashes to block the flood.
——"Huai Nan Zi" by Liu An

张文萱 0213100935

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four poles were abolished, the nine states were split, the sky was not overwhelming, and the ground was not full; the fire would never go out, and the water would never cease; the beasts ate the people, the prey and the birds grab the old and the weak. So Nuwa refining five-color stones to replenish the sky, breaking the ao is enough to stand up to the four poles, killing the black dragon to help Jizhou, and accumulating reed ash to stop the lust.
佘能轩 0213701076

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars holding up the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. Therefore, the sky could not shelter the whole world, nor could the earth bear its entire burden. Fire scorched the earth and never be extinguished, and blood engulfed everywhere and never receded. Fierce beasts devoured kind people, and vicious birds grabbed the old and infirm. So Nüwa smelted the five-colored stones to repair the sky, chopped off the legs of the giant turtles to serve as four pillars, killed the black dragon to save the land of Ji, and collected reed ash to control the floods.

余虹村 0213700972

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long ago, the sky had fallen and the earth had broken, so not all creatures could be covered or contained. The spreading fire and flooding water had not shown any sign of stop. Vicious beats had eaten kind people, and ferocious eagles had caught the elderly and children. It was at this time that Nüwa melted and moulded rocks of five colors so as to repair the sky. And she cut the feet of a huge turtle to serve as the four columns that support the sky. What's more, she killed the black dragon to save people in the Ji state. Also, she accumulated ashes from reeds that she burnt in order to stop the floods.

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars were collapsed, and the nine states split. The sky could not cover the whole world, nor the ground its burden. The fire could not be distinguished, and the water could not be ceased. The beasts ate the moraine, the prey and the eagle grabbed the old and the weak. Therefore, Nuwa refined five-color stones to repair the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtle to rebuild the four pillars, killed the black dragon to save Jizhou and accumulated reed ash to stop the flood.
左定昌 0213701099

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long long ago, the sky suddenly split open. Floods and fires like monsters engulfed people's homes while living creatures like beasts ate people.
The whole world was in chaos. People were hopeless and scared. Seeing this, Nüwa then looked up the sky, thinking ways to repair the sky.
She travelled around the world to find the magic muds. When she collected all of them, she put a spell on the muds, which magically covered the gap.
At once, floods and fires stopped. Then she used four limbs of an old turtle to support the sky.
Everthing was back to what it used to be. Nüwa's face split into a wide smile and people cheered.

朱纯玲 0213701046

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that used to hold up the sky collapsed and the earth cracked into parts. As a result, the sky couldn’t cover the world, nor could the earth bear all creatures. Flames wouldn’t go out and floods wouldn’t subside. Beasts devoured innocent people and ferocious birds captured the weak. So Nüwa forged five-color stones to mend the sky, cut off the giant turtle’s four legs to prop it up. She also killed the black dragon to save the country and piled up reed ashes to curb the floods.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four pillars holding up the sky collapsed, hence the fractured nine regions. As a result, the sky could no longer shelter the land, and the land failed to accommodate all living beings. The scorching fire could not be extinguished, nor could the floods be tamed. Ferocious beasts devoured the innocent, and savage birds harried the weak. In the thick of the disaster, Nüwa alchemized the five-colored stone to mend the sky, cut the legs off the giant turtles to hold up the sky, killed the black dragon to save the State of Ji, and collected reed ashes to control floods. Without her, the world couldn’t be saved, let alone thrive.

何咏婷 0213701052 谢谢老师

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the distant past, the four pillars support the heaven fell and the earth was split. Therefore, the sky could not cover all things in general, nor could the earth hold all things in its entirety. The fire is fierce and cannot be quenched. The waters are mighty and endless. And the fierce beasts devour the good people.
Fierce birds clawed at old people and children. Therefore, Nuwa smelt colored stones to repair the holes in the sky, cut off the horns of giant turtles to make the four-side optimus prime, kill the black dragon to save China, gather reed ashes to quench the waters of prostitution, and use reed ash to stop the flood. The sky was mended, the pillars of heaven and earth were erected again, the flood receded, the land of China was restored to level off, the fierce birds and beasts died, and the good people could live on.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient time, the four pillars for supporting the sky broke down, the land collapsed and the world cracked. Thus, the sky was unable to cover and the land was unable to carry everything in the world. Fire burned day and night while floods was overwhelming and endless. Fierce animals came out and ate kind people, and ferocious bird grabbed the old and the weak. Knowing the situation, Nüwa smelted the five-colored stones for mending the sky. And then, she chopped off four feet of giant tortoise to support four corners of sky, killed the black dragon to save people in Jizhou and cumulated reed ashes to withstand floods.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars that supported the four directions of heaven collapsed and the earth fell apart . Then no longer could the heavens cover everything, nor the earth could contain all creatures like before. Fires together with the floodings raged out of control. Beasts devoured civilians and the fierce birds grabbed the elderly and the weak. In order to heal the whole world Nüwa refined five-colored stones to mend the sky; cut off the feet of a giant turtle to replace the original pillars; killed the black dragon to save the land of China and accumulated the ashes of reed to stop the flood.
苏滢涵 0213701131

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth split apart. The sky could not cover the things under it and the earth could not hold what were on it. Fires spread and floods surged. Ferocious beasts devoured innocent people and vicious birds preyed on the weak and old. Under the circumstances, Nüwa smelted five-color stones to mend the sky, cut off the legs of a giant turtle and used them as four pillars to support the sky, killed the black dragon to save the people in ancient China, and used ashes of reeds to stop the floods.

马晞茹 0213700975

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient time, four pillars that had sustained the sky collapsed, which cracked the earth. Therefore, the sky was unable to protect all the creatures, the earth unable to bear the weight of everything; strong fire kept burning and couldn't be extinguished while violent flood was raging and unable to stop. Beasts ate civilians and fierce birds took the old and infirm.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, it was said that there were four pillars supporting the sky. One day, the four pillars were broken and the earth collapsed. As a result, the sky could not cover all the creatures and the earth was unable to sustain all creatures’ lives. Furthermore, fires were raging without stopping and floods struck the world without subsiding; beasts preyed on the innocent and ferocious wild fowls caught the old and weak. To save the world, Nüwa refined five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the four legs of Giant Turtle to replace the four broken pillars, killed Black Dragon to save the inundated Jizhou Region and collected the ash of flamed reed to fight against floods.
张奕林 0213700979

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long long ago, the four pillars that underpin the sky snapped, and the earth cracked. As a result, the world became a mess. Since the sky couldn’t cover the world, creatures on the earth were exposed to unpredictable dangers from the upward. The earth, being fragmented, couldn’t bear the weight of them now. Meanwhile, fires were raging in some parts of the world while floods were wrecking havoc across others. What’s even worse, humans were targeted by predatory animals. Beasts hunted down human beings. Ferocious birds hovered around tribes. When the right time comes, they would dive down to the old or the young, grasping their flesh with boney claws and flying away in a second.

Witnessing the sufferings, Nüwa decided to do something. She processed the five-colored stones to fix the sky, killed an enormous tortoise and used its leg to replace the broken pillars. In Jizhou, she killed the vicious black dragon for the local people. To stop the rampaging flood, she accumulated ashes to absorb the water. With her efforts, the world finally restored peace.

卓倩倩 0213701038

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Back in remote antiquity, the four pillars supporting heaven were broken and the nine provinces were in tatters. Heaven could not cover the earth completely; Earth could not carry everything. Fires flamed fiercely and could not be put out; Waters rushed violently and never seem to recede. Beasts would attack and eat unarmed people; Birds of prey grab the elderly and the weak with their talons. In order to save the world, therefore, goddess Nüwa melted five-colored stones to repair the azure sky, cut off the legs of the great turtle to stand them as the four pillars, killed the black dragon to save Ji Province, and piled up the ashes of reeds to block the floods.

0213701011 朱棋钰

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the land was filled with depressions. Under such circumstance, the sky and the land can’t contain the world. What’s more, the fire and flood were raging, beasts were eating people, and fierce birds were preying on the elderly and weak ones. To save the world, Nüwa forged stones of five colors to mend the sky, chopped down the feet of the giant turtle to prop up the sky, killed the monster to save the life of her people, and blocked the flood with the ash of reeds.


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Nuwa Repairs the Sky
Long, long ago, the edges of the earth collapsed, and the land cracked. The sky was destroyed so that it could not cover the land. The earth became a hell to the creatures. The rampant fire burned the forest, and the flood overwhelmed the land. Beasts ate the human, and fierce birds caught the old and kids. To save the world, the goddess Nu-wa moulded five-color stones to repair the sky. She broke off turtles’ legs to hold up the sky, killed black dragons to save the Yi State and collected ashes of reeds to control the flood.

热米拉 0213300977

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, the whole world was plunged into a mess of chaos as the four pillars supporting the heaven collapsed. The heaven could no longer serve as a shelter and the earth could no longer nourish all living things. As far as the eye could see, there was raging fire and roaring floods. Innocent people fell prey to ferocious beasts, especially the elderly and the infirm. Nüwa couldn’t bear to see the humans she had made suffering like this, so she decided to restore everything back: She gathered and melted five colored-stones and used them to patch up the sky. After that, she chopped off the legs of a giant tortoise to support the heaven. Finally, she killed the water monster called Hei Long and controlled the flood with a huge amount of ashes from the burning reeds.

张庆美 0213701047

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the sky collapsed and the land cracked. As a result, neither heaven could completely cover the earth nor the earth could hold up the sky anymore. Fiery fires blazed out of control and enormous floods engulfed the land. Ferocious beasts devoured the kind and predatory birds harmed the elderly and the weak. Thus, Nüwa smelted the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, cut off the legs of the Great Turtle to support the heaven, killed the black dragon to salvage the people on the land of Ji, and collected reed ashes to curb the floods.

时艺菲 0213701024

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In the ancient past, the four pillars that uphold the azure sky crumbled inexplicably, causing the crackdown of the earth. The sky did not completely cover the earth; The earth did not hold up the sky around its circumference. The wildfire was blazing consistently and the flood was raging unceasingly. Ferocious animals devoured innocent people; predatory birds swallowed the elderly and the weak. Having had witnessed this, Nvwa gathered five-colour stones to mend the azure sky. She then killed the giant turtle named Ao and used its four legs to pillar the sky. She killed the black dragon to save the middle land. She also gathered a huge amount of ashes from the burning reeds to harness the flood.

Huainanziby Liu'an

周琨杰 0213701045


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed, and the earth surface caved in. The heaven was so broken that it could not cover the human world below, and the earth was so subsided that it could not hold the world above. Disasters prevailed and people were plunged into an abyss of suffering. Fires raged without ceasing, flood surged showing no sign of receding. Monsters and beasts appeared to devour innocent people, birds of prey clawed the old and the weak away. In order to save the people under heaven, Nüwa melt five precious stones to patch up the sky. She used the four legs of giant turtle as pillars for the sky, killed the flood monster—a black dragon to save people in the state of Ji, and collected reed ashes to keep the flood in check.

鲍瑾 0213700949

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the sky were broken, so the earth collapsed. Since then, the sky failed to cover the land, and the land couldn’t accommodate all things. The fire spread widely without ceasing, meanwhile, extensive floods continuously destroyed the houses. Savage beasts ate meek people, and ferocious eagles captured the elderly and vulnerable. Hence, Nuwa came to save the world. She melted rocks of five colors to mend the sky and cut the legs of a giant turtle to support the four corners of the fallen sky. She also killed the black dragon to save the people and controlled the flood with reed ashes.

欧慧敏 0213700970

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed, and the earth cracked, therefore, the sky no longer cover everything, and the earth no longer support everything, fire and flood were unstoppable, beasts ate kind people, fierce birds grabbed old people. Therefore, Nüwa melted the five-colored stones to repair the sky; she cut off a large turtle’ feet to support the sky, killed the black dragon to save Jizhou, and collected reed ash to control the flood.
姓名:朱一璇 学号:0213701141

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

吴国艳 0203701036

A long long time ago, the four supporting pillars of the sky collapsed, then the sky fell apart and the land scattered away. The sky could no longer shelter the world, nor could the earth accommodate all creatures. The whole world was reduced to a disastrous chaos. Wild fires kept burning everywhere and torrents of the floods nearly submerged the land. Ferocious beasts preyed on kind people while violent hawks fed on the vulnerable. In that critical period, Nüwa came to save the mankind. She forged a five-color stone to mend the sky, chopped off the legs of the Giant Turtle to serve as new pillars, slaughtered the black dragon to protect the people on the land Ji and gathered reed ashes to plug up the floods.
—— Huainan Ziby Liu An

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that held up heaven and earth collapsed and the earth cracked. Heaven cannot cover all things, nor earth can contain all things; The fire spreads and cannot be extinguished; the water surges and cannot be stopped; Fierce beasts devour good people, and fierce birds snatch old people and children with their claws. So nuwa smelted colored stones to repair the sky, cut off the feet of giant turtles in the sea to make pillars that held up all sides, killed the black dragon to save China, and blocked the flood with reed ash.

罗舒维 0213701092

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars of heaven were broken and the earth was collapsed. The damaged heaven could not cover all things, and the broken earth could not carry all things. The fire burned and did not go out, and the floods were vast and did not subside. The beasts devoured the people, and the fierce birds seized with their claws the old and weak and ate them. Then Nuwa made the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the four legs of the great tortoise to erect the four pillars of the sky, killed the black dragon, the water monster, to save the winged state, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to resist the excessive flood.

王梦雪 0213701101

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the four Optimus pillars fell, the land of Kyushu was destroyed, the sky could not cover the earth, the earth could not carry everything, the fire would not go out, the floods would not stop, the beasts devoured the good people, and the ferocious birds attacked the old and weak. So Nüwa smelted the five-color stone to repair the sky, cut off the foot as the primordial pillar, slayed the black dragon to calm Jizhou, and piled up reed ash to stop the flood.

靳家兴 0213701137


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven were broken, the land collapsed and the earth cracked. The heaven could not completely cover the earth, and the earth could not fully support all things. Fires burn without being extinguished, floods without being stopped; Fierce beasts eat good people, fierce birds grab old people and children.
Then Nuwa smelted the five colored stones to repair the heaven, cut off the four feet of a turtle in the sea as the four pillars of heaven, killed the water monster to relieve Jizhou, and collected reed ash to block the flood.
潘虹羽 0213701139

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars of the sky collapsed and the earth was cracked so that the heaven and earth can no longer shelter the whole world. Sometimes restless fires were spreading over the world, sometimes ceaseless floods were rushing everything away. The beasts ate the innocent and ferocious birds caught the old and the weak. Therefore, Nüwa melted the five-colored stone to mend the heaven and killed a giant turtle for using its four legs as the new four pillars of the world. What’s more, she killed the black dragon to save Yizhou and stopped the floods with the ash of reed.

0213701116 赵雨秋

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the land fell apart. Therefore, the broken sky could not cover all things, the broken earth could not contain all the living things. The fires and the flooding were raging out of control. The beasts devour innocent people, the fierce birds snatched and ate the old and the weak. So Nuwa made five-colored stones to fill up the leak of the sky, cut off the turtle's four feet to make four beams and pillars, killed the black dragon, a sea monster, to save Ji. And used reed ash to stop the floods.
娄晓君 0213701120

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

A long time ago, the four pillars that support the quartet of heaven and earth had fallen, and then the earth cracked. There were colossal holes and deep cracks in the sky and earth. The infernos were raging everywhere and the deluge was engulfing everything. Humans were teared into pieces by ferocious beasts and the elderly and young fell in fierce birds’ hands. So Nvwa smelt five-color stones to repair the sky, cut off the horns of giant turtles to make the dynamite columns that hold up the Quartet, killed the beasts to rescue humans, and used reed ash to block the flood. The sky was patched up. The pillars of the Heaven and Earth Quartet were erected again. The floodwaters receded. The land of China was restored to leveling. The ferocious birds and beasts were killed. As a result, humans survive.
刘伟 0213701042

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient time, four great pillars holding up the sky collapsed and the earth began to crack. As a result, the sky could no longer cover the earth and the earth can’t accommodate all creatures any more. At the same time, the raging fire and the furious flood engulfed the earth and were out of control, and beasts devoured innocent people, no matter how old or young. To end the apocalypse, Nüwa, the goddess of creating people, repaired the sky with five-colored stones and cut off the four legs of a large turtle to serve as the four pillars of the sky. Besides, she also saved residents in Jizhou from the Black Dragon, a sea monster, and controlled the flood by reed ashes.

阎雪晗 0213700987

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that propped up the Heaven and Earth collapsed and the land cracked. The sky could not cover everything, and the Earth could not hold all everything, either. The fire spread and could not be extinguished, the flood was too great to be controlled. Brutal beasts ate the civilians, and firece birds grabbed the elderly and children with their claws. Nuwa smelted the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the legs of the giant turtles in the sea to make pillars that hold up the Heaven, killed the black dragon to save the nation, and collected reed ash to curb the floods.

王晓文 0213701062

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the four directions of heaven were broken and the earth was sunken. The heavens were destroyed and could not cover all things. The earth was sunken and could not bear all things. The flames burned and could not be extinguished, the floods were vast and did not subside. Fierce beasts and birds clawed at the old and weak then devoured them. So Nüwa made the five-coloured stones to repair the sky, chopped off the four feet of the giant turtle to serve as the four pillars to support the sky, killed the black dragon, a water monster, to save the state of Ji, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to control the flood.

曹苏媛 0213701109

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the pillars supporting the sky began to rot and the land began to crack. so that the heaven cannot covered all the things and the earth cannot contained all creatures. The fire continued to burn without ceasing, and the floods kept surging. Ferocious animals ate innocent people, and ferocious birds caught the elders and children away. It was at this time when Nuwa molded the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, chopped off the legs of the Great Turtle to support the four pillars of the heaven, killed the black dragon to save Yizhou and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to resist excessive flooding.

时一杰 0213701142


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four heavenly pillars collapsed and the earth collapsed; the sky could not cover everything, and the earth could not fully carry everything; the fire burned and was immortal, the floods were vast and would not disappear; the beasts devoured kind people, and the ferocious birds Grab the old and the weak. So Nuwa made five-color stones to fill the sky, cut off the big turtle's feet to erect four pillars, killed the black dragon to save Yizhou, and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to prevent excessive flooding.

姓名:林志颖 学号:0213701138

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the pillars that supported the heaven collapsed and the earth cracked, leaving the world between heaven and earth barely sheltered and supported. Then came unrelenting, raging flames and floods. Beasts rushed out and devoured our people; raptors flitted and snatched the weak. It was at such critical time when Nuwa came to salvage the world. She smelted the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, chopped the limbs off the Giant Turtle as four new pillars to hold the sky, killed the evil Black Dragon to save the people living in Jizhou (one of the largest lands of the world), and gathered reed ashes to stop the floods.

李飞彤 0213701054

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times four pillars that support the heaven collapsed and the earth cracked.The sky can’t hold the things over it anymore and so did the earth on bearing all the creatures.Endless fire and flood flow to everywhere.Beasts ate the innocent, fierce eagles captured the old and the weak.Thus Nuwa made the five-color stone to patch the sky,cut off the four leg of the tortoise to replace the four pillars in four direction,kill the black dragon who causing the flood to save the people on land Ji,and collected reed ashes to stop the flood.
姓名:曹芝源 学号:0213701069

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times (when Panku had created the world), the four pillars that supported the four sides of heaven and earth collapsed and the earth cracked. The sky could not cover everything universally, and the earth could not contain everything fully. The fire burned fiercely and could not be extinguished, while the flood was boundless without stopping. Besides, the fierce beasts ate the innocent people, and the fierce birds grabbed the old and the children with their claws. In this situation, Nüwa smelted the five-colored stones to mend the holes in the sky. What’s more, by cutting off the feet of the giant turtle to hold up the four directions, the sky would not fell down. By killing the black dragon, people in Jizhou were saved. And by piling up the reed ashes, the floods were controlled and subsided.

马瑜含 0213700956

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky fell down and the earth ripped through. The sky could not shelter the earth any more, nor could the earth bear all things on it. The fires and the flooding were raging out of control. The vicious beasts devoured the civilians and the fierce birds caught the old and the weak. So Nüwa refined five colour stones to repair the sky and took the feet of the huge legendary turtle as the pillars. She killed the black dragon to calm down the province Ji and heaped the ashes of spear up to control the flood.
姓名:汤晓文 学号:0213700994

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Going back to time immemorial, the four pillars supporting the sky were broken and the nine provinces were in tatters. As a result, things could neither be completely shielded by the Heaven nor held up by the Earth. Fires, out of control, couldn’t be extinguished. Simultaneously, flood, in great expanses, would not subside. Ferocious beasts ate innocent people while predatory birds snatched the elderly and the weak. To save the people, Nüwa smelted out five-colored stones to patch up the broken sky, cut off legs of the great turtle to re-erect the four supporting pillars, killed the black dragon to restore peace to Ji Province, and piled up reed ashes to stop the flood.
姓名:杨智婷 学号:0213701018

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, 4 pillars supporting the sky collapsed. And 9 areas of the earth cracked and began to disperse. The heavenly space was reduced and could no longer cover everything that was supposed to cover. And the earth could not accommodate all living beings. The earth began to burn with an unquenchable fire, and the water began to overflow and became an uncontrolled flood. The predators ate the young and kind people, and the falcons grabbed the children and the elderly. Then Nüwa created a five-color magic stone of five elements, thanks to which she restored the sky, cut off the legs of a giant tortoise to support the four edges of the sky, she defeated the black dragon and saved the state from its aggression, and with the help of the ash of the reed stopped the uncontrolled flood. 姓名: CHERKASSKAYA MARGARITA (马丽塔) 学号: 0217409009

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. Consequently, the sky could not cover as much as it used to do, nor could the earth carry the same as before. Fire raged so rampantly that it showed no sign of dying, and flood sweeped over everything so relentlessly that it seemed impossible to recede. Kind people fell prey to beasts, and falcons fed on children and elders. In light of the disaster, Nuwa patched the broken sky with stones forged from five-coloured ores, held up the sky with feet severed from the Great Turtoise, saved Ji State by slaying the black dragon, and blocked flood with reed ash.

0213701029 瞿甫


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In remote antiquity, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. As a result, the sky could not fully cover the earth and nor could the earth sustain things on top of it. At that time, raging flames ripped through the earth and floods threatened to engulf the earth where ferocious beasts and birds also wrecked havoc on people's lives. Seeing this, Nüwa melted multicolored stones into slurry to fill the chasms of the sky, cut off the feet of a big turtle to prop up the sky, killed the evil dragon to save the state of Ji and piled up ashes of reeds to block the floods.

朱若芊 0213701072

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the past, in ancient times, the four heavenly pillars tilted and the earth collapsed; The sky is damaged and cannot cover all things, and the earth is damaged and cannot fully carry all things; The fire burns and does not extinguish, the flood is vast, the ocean overflows and does not subside; Beasts devour good people, and fierce birds grab young and old people with their claws and eat them. So Nu Wa refined five colored stones to fill the sky, cut off the four feet of the big turtle, put up the four beams and columns in the sky, killed the water monster black dragon to save Yizhou, and accumulated the ashes of reeds to stop and resist the excessive flood.
孙毓 学号 0213700963

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Before the repairing of the sky, the four pillars that were supposed to support the sky were broken and the land cracked. Thus, the sky could not cover the creatures on earth and the land could not bear them. Continuous fire and flood harassed the people. Ferocious beasts and birds hunted the old and the weak. Under this circumstance, Nüwa decided to use stones of five colors to mend the sky. She killed the monster in water and used its four legs to serve as sky pillars. The black dragon was also pacified and the peace was restored. To curb the flood, the goddess utillized the ash of reed.

姓名:沈天超 学号:0213701034

رد: Nüwa repairs the Sky

From the time immemorial, four pillars were supporting the sky tilted, and the earth cracked. Burning fire, widespread and violent, never ceased,onrushing water. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven, were covered. .Hence, goddess Nvwa smelted the multicolored stones to mend the sky,broke off the giant turtle's legs as four pillars to prop the sky smashed the black evil dragon to save the state of Ji, and pile up the ashes of reed to resist the deluge. To stop such tragedy, Nuwa forged many stones which were dark, white, green, yellow, and red to repair the sky; cut four legs of turtle as pillars to support the sky; killed the dark dragon which cause the floods; and stopped the waters with the ash of reed.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient time, the world was in a complete chaos. The four pillars supporting the heavens were broken, and the earth fell apart. Unquenchable flames and floodwater scourged the world. People fell pry to savage beasts and fierce falcons. Seeing the affliction of her people, the goddess of Nüwa collected five different colored stones and smelted them to mend the sky, cut the legs off the giant sea turtle Ao to replace the four pillars, killed the black dragon that ravaged the state of Ji, and piled up reed ashes to block the floodwater.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the four directions of heaven and earth collapsed and the earth cracked; the sky could not universally cover all things, the earth could not fully contain all things; the fire spread and could not be extinguished, the waters were too great to be stopped; fierce beasts ate the good people, and fierce vultures grabbed the old and the children with their claws. So Nuwa smelted the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtles in the sea to make pillars to hold up the four directions, killed the black dragon to save China, and used reed ash to stop the floods.
钟子轩 0213701107

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four poles were abolished and the nine states were divided. The sky did not cover both, and the earth did not carry. The fires were burning and unquenchable, the waters were vast and unending. The beasts ate the Zhuan people, and the eagles grabbed the old and the weak. Then Nuwa made the five-colored stones to mend the sky; broke the feet of the ao to establish the four poles; killed the black dragon to help Jizhou; and accumulated the ashes of reeds to stop the lustful waters.

洪安楠 0213701088

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient tiems, the corners of the sky collapsed and the land is cracked. The sky cannot protect the secular world and the earth cannot hold the human beings. Wild fire was burning in great momentum and flood engulfed the surfaceof the ground. In this chaos, wild beasts and began to prey upon innocent people, among which the young and the old were especially vulnerable.
Hence Nvwa collected a pile of luminous stones to mend the sky, and held it up with the feet of giant turtles. She killed the devil dragon in the river to quell the flooding, and used the reed ashes to dry the land.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven had been broken and the earth had been cracked. So the sky were not able to shelter all the creatures, and the earth were not able to accommodate all. The big fires and great floods were life-threatening. Beasts devoured innocent people and fierce eagles teared through flesh of the old and weak, and children. At the worst possible moment, Nüwa repaired the sky with five-colored stones, cut off the four legs of a large tortoise to support the sky, killed the black dragon, a water monster, to save people in Ji, and controlled the floods with reed ashes.

龚晗潇 0213700967

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. As a result, the sky could no longer cover and the earth could no longer bear. Relentless fires were too fierce to be extinguished, and floods spread everywhere out of control. Fierce beasts and birds fed on innocent people, and eagles preyed on the old and the weak. To stop the catastrophe, Nüwa forged the five-colored stones to mend the sky.
She cut off the legs of a giant turtle to replace the four pillars that supported the sky, killed the black dragon to save the people on the land of Ji, and managed to control the floods with reed ashes.

姓名:邢昕妍 学号:0213700957

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once a terrible disaster hit the earth in ancient times:the sky collapsed and cracked, the earth tilted and split. Endless rains caused fierce floods, crevices in the ground sent out raging fires. Nüwa came out to save the world. She melted rocks of colours to mend the sky; she broke off the legs of a giant turtle and used them to support the four corners of the fallen sky; she killed the black dragon to save the people and checked the flood with reed ashes. By doing so, fortunately, the sky was mended and lifted, the cracks of the earth were filled, the fires put out, the flood tamed and thus, the people saved.

0213100938 钟震昊

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

The Chinese legend of Nüwa repairing the sky goes that in ancient times, after the creation of the world and the human beings by Panku and Nüwa respectively, exploded the so-called Water War, in which the mighty Gong was defeated. So furious and humiliated was he that he hit his head into the peak of the Buzhow Mountain. With the peak flying up to the sky, it punched a huge hole in it, which caused the collapse of the dome of heaven. The four pillars that used to hold the sky was ruptured and the earth, cracked into pieces, was sunken. Neither the heaven could cover all things, nor could the earth carry them. The fire burst out with its brutal flame ravaging the land; the flood rushed through with anger deluging the creatures. The beasts of prey devoured innocent people; the fierce birds seized old and weak humans with their piercing claws to fill their stomach.
Witnessing the view of apocalypse, Nüwa melted down a great quantity of rocks and, on the Incredible Crags of the Great Fable Mountains, she moulded the amalagam into 36501 large building blocks, the so-called five-colored stones, to mend the sky, remaining only one block unused. To erect the four pillars to hold the heaven, she cut off the four legs of the great tortoise. To rescue the people of the state Ji, she killed the dragon monster. To dry up the inundation on land, she accumulated the ashes of reeds. From then on, the world was repaired and the innocent people survived.

钱佳悦 0213701128

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars that underpinned the sky collapsed, while the earth also cracked. The sky could not cover all things, and the earth could not either. The fire spread to everywhere and could not be extinguished, and the floods were out of control. Fierce beasts devoured the kind people, and fierce birds clawed at the old and the young. Thus, Nuwa used the five-coloured stones to mend the sky, and cut off the feet of the giant turtles in the sea to make pillars in order to underpin the sky. She killed the devil dragon to save people in Ji, and used reed ashes to stop the floods.

0213700955 吴若瑄

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars which upheld the heaven and the earth were broken, and the earth was torn apart into pieces, with the result that the heaven failed to completely cover all things and the earth could not hold all things either. Fire spread everywhere and was hard to be crushed out. Water surged out of control and could not be stopped. Wild beasts ate benevolent people and savage birds captured the elderly and the toddlers. And thereupon, Nüwa patched the heaven with melted five-colored stones and cut off the legs of the giant sea turtle to make the four pillars of the heaven, as well as killing the black dragon to save Jizhou and using reed ashes to stop the flood. Thanks to Nüwa’s efforts, the heaven was mended,the four pillars were restored and the flood receded. Tranquility in Jizhou was resumed subsequently. Good-will people survived while savage birds and beasts were dead.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the four heavenly pillars tilted and the earth collapsed. The sky damaged and couldn't completely cover all things and the earth couldn't fully carry all things. The fire burns and does not go out. The flood is vast and the ocean does not subside. Beasts devour good people and ferocious birds catch old, weak and young people. So Nu Wa refined five colored stones to fill the sky. She cut off the four feet of the big turtle to erect four beams and columns. She also killed the black dragon to save Yizhou and accumulated reed ashes to stop excessive floods.

张影影 0213701124


回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the pillars of the sky collapsed and the land was divided. The heaven could not shelter all things universally, nor could the earth contain all things comprehensively.The fire was so fierce that it could not be extinguished, the flood was so great that it could not be stopped. Evil beasts ate the kind; rapacious birds seized the weak . For this matter, Nüwa smelted five-colored stones to mend the loopholes in the sky, cut off the horns of the giant tortoise to make pillars to hold up the four corners, killed the black dragon to save the land of Ji, and used reed ash to control the flood.
郭亨玉 0213701053

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars propping the heaven collapsed and the earth cracked. As a result, the heaven could not encompass the whole world and the land could not bear the burden as before. Fiery flames blazed the earth and never let up; massive flood deluged the country and never slowed down. Ferocious beasts devoured the kind; predatory birds snatched the elderly and the weak. Therefore, Nuwa smelted together five colored-stones and used them to patch up the sky, cut off the four legs of the tortoise to use as new pillars to support the sky, killed the black dragon to provide relief for Ji Province, and collected reed ashes to stop the flood.
余点 0213701041

Re: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the end of the earth fell apart, with the sky not covering the land, the land not holding anything. The fire on earth was too fierce to be put out while the flood was too severe to be stopped. The monsters ate the innocent people while the wild bird took away the old and the weak.
Therefore, Nuwu melted the colorful stone to repair the sky, broke the turtles' legs to uphold the sky. She also killed the black dragon to save Jizhou, as well as accumulating the ash to fight against the flood. In the end, the sky was repaired and flood dried. Jizhou once again became a peaceful land, since all those monsters were eliminated and kind people eventually survived.

姓名:祝诗萌 学号:0213701061

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars that supported the sky collapsed, making earth sink and sky incline. Therefore, the sky could no longer cover the earth, nor could the ground bear all the living things, and many disasters occurred: ceaseless fires were everywhere and floods deluged the earth; wild beasts ate the mass and fierce birds caught the vulnerable with their claws. In order to rescue people from an abyss of suffering, Nüwa, one of the most beneficent and capable goddesses, melted and refined the five-colored stones to mend the broken sky and she chopped off the four legs of a huge legendary turtle to prop up the sky; she killed Black Dragon, the water monster, to save people in the State of Ji and accumulated ashes of reeds to get rid of floods.

As Mrs.Jiang asked us to “rewrite” the story, I added some reasonable details to make it more vivid.
姓名:郦若园 学号:0213700953

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars connecting the sky and the earth collapsed, and the earth thus broke. As a result, the sky could no longer cover all things and the earth no longer board all things. Great fire and floods devoured the world but receded not. People were eaten and ripped apart by beasts and raptors. To fix the world, the Goddess Nuwa melted the five-coloured stone to patch the sky, cut the four legs of an old tortoise to replace the four pillars, killed a black dragon to save the people, burned reeds and piled the ash to stop the floods.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth split open. The sky could not cover all the things under it, and the earth could not carry all the things on it. The fire burned everything and would not die out. The flood covered everything and would not disappear. Savage beasts devoured innocent people, and ferocious birds preyed on the old and weak. The goddess Nuwa could not bear to see such tragedies. Therefore, she made five-color stones to mend the broken sky and supported it with four feet cut off from a giant turtle. In addition, she killed the black dragon to save people on the earth, and collected ashes of reeds to stop the flood.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, four pillars underpinning the heaven collapsed and the earth was cracked. Therefore, heaven couldn’t cover the whole world, and neither could earth stand the world. Inexorable fire and relentless flood engulfed the world. Innocent civilians were eaten by cruel black dragons, the elderly and children got caught under the claws of fierce birds. In face of such emergencies, Nüwa smelted five-color stones to repair the sky, cut off legs of the huge legendary turtle to erect as new pillars, protected the people by killing the black dragons, and blocked floods by piling ash of reed. Finally, the sky was successfully repaired and underpinned by new pillars, floods faded away, the world restored tranquility, and fierce wild animals vanished while innocent civilians survived.

姓名:刘芳琳 学号:0213701037

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

There is a legend goes that the sky, in ancient times, was supported by four pillars. One day, the four pillar collapsed and the earth got broken into patches. The sky could no longer protect all the livings under it and the earth could also no longer hold the livings on it. The blaze raged and could not be put off; the flood was devastating the world and no one can control it. Wild beasts devoured the kind people and fierce birds take the elderly and children with their sharo claws. Nvwa therefore strived to refine a kind of colorful stone with which she repaired the sky. In adittion, she cutted the legenday massive turtle's four legs and used them to support the sky. In order to save the world, she also killed the devil black dragon and piled plant ash up to block the flood.
姜超 英语口译1班 0213701065

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four pillars holding up the sky broke and the earth cracked. The broken sky could no longer cover everything and the cracked earth could no longer support everything. Fire was burning everywhere and could not be put out. Flood inundated everywhere without sighs of abatement. Beasts ate the innocent people and the ferocious birds preyed on the old and the young. Therefore, Nüwa molded stones of five colors to repair the sky. She chopped off the four legs of a giant turtle to replace the four pillars. She killed the black dragon in the sea to save the land of Ji. She accumulated the ashes of reed to fend off the great flood.

姓名:马菽培 学号:0213701059

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In the ancient times, the four pillars that supported the heavens collapsed and the earth was cracked. The heavens no longer covered the earth and the earth no longer contained all living creatures. Wildfires raged and floods plagued the countryside. The wild beasts ate the innocent peoples. The fierce birds attacked the old and the weak. Hereupon Nü wa melted stones of the five colors to repair the heavens. Cutting off the legs of the giant sky tortoise Ao, she set upright the four extremities of the earth; killing the black dragon, she saved Ji continent; gathering the ashes of burning reeds, she stopped the flooding waters.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Once upon a time, four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the ground underneath cracked. As a result, the sky could not provide shelter for people and the earth could not bear the burden. The burning fire and the serious flooding was out of control. Fierce creatures devoured the kind, and ferocious fowls harmed the weak. Therefore, Nüwa refined stones of five colors to repair the heaven, cut off the legs of the great turtle to support the corners, killed the monster to save the city of Ji, and piled up the reed ashes to stop the waters.

0213701033 李秋琪

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

One day, four pillars supporting the sky collapsed while the land sinking. People were plagued by raging fire and devastating flood. And the frequent visits of fierce beasts and birds put people’s life at risk. To end people’s sufferings and save people’s life, Nuwa made colorful magical stones to repair the sky, cut off a huge turtle’s feet as pillars of the sky, killed the black dragon that wreaked havoc in Yi area (one of the nine main areas of ancient China) and stopped the flood with reed ash. By doing so, everything returned to normal.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. therefore, the sky could not cover and the earth bear all things. The fire and floods were too fierce to be stopped; ferocious beasts and birds harmed and ate the weak. under these circumstances, NVwa smelted the five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the four feet of the giant turtle to pop up the sky, killed the black dragon to save the people, and used reed ashes to stop the floods.

姓名:阿晓萌 学号:0213700996

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, four pillars supporting the sky collapsed, and the earth split apart. As a result, the broken sky could not cover the earth, nor could the earth then carry all things on it. The fire raged and never died out, while floods swept everywhere and never receded; the kind were devoured by cruel beasts, while children and the elder were captured by fierce birds. In the circumstances, Nüwa smelted five-color stones to repair the sky, cut off the giant turtle’s legs to prop the sky, killed the black evil dragon to save the State of Ji, and piled out the ashes of reeds to stop flooding.

阳彬 0213701009

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars which propped up the heaven collapsed and the earth was rifted and cracked. Therefore, the sky could not cover everything and the ground could not contain all the living things. The flames were ever-raging and the waters were ever-flooding. The beasts ate kind people and the ferocious fowls grabbed the old and the weak to eat. So Nüwa smelted the five-colored stone to repair the sky, cut off the giant turtle's four feet as the four pillars,, killed the black dragon to save Yizhou and accumulated ashes of reeds to combat the flood. With those actions, kind people survived.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, because the four pillars of heaven were broken, the world was being destroyed. The sky was damaged, which could not cover all things, and the earth was broken, which could not carry all things. The blazing fire burned. The floods did not recede. The fierce beasts devoured the good people. The fierce birds seized the old and weak. So Nüwa made the five-colored stones to mend the sky, and cut off the four feet of the giant tortoise to support four corners of the fallen sky. And then she killed the black dragon, the sea monster, to save the people, and used the ashes of reeds to resist the flood.

0213701093 范一蕾

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long ago, the four poles collapsed and the land cracked. The sky could not shield the earth and the land could not foster anything. At that time, the earth was reduced to purgatory: the fire burning, the flood sprawling and beats opening wide mouths, threatening the good and the poor. Luckily, a goddess, Nuwa, stood up. Nuwa fired five-color stones to repair the sky, chopped off a giant turtle’s four feet to substitute the poles, killed the black dragon to render the Ji State peaceful, and, burned reeds and collected their ash to stop flood from spreading.

0213701035 周鸿钰

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the sky collapsed and the earth sank. The sky was damaged and could not cover everything; the earth was cracked and could not fully bear everything. The raging fire was unquenchable, and the overflowing flood didn’t seem to fade away. Ferocious beasts devoured kind people, feral birds grabed the old and the weak people with claws. So Nvwa made five-color stones to mend the blue sky; cut off the four feet of the big tortoise as the four pillars of the sky; killed the black dragon, water monster to save Yizhou; and accumulated the ashes of the reeds to stop the vast flooding.
0213700960 柯彐儿

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars supporting the heaven collapsed, and the earth cracked; therefore the sky could not cover everything as usual, and the earth could not contain all ; the fire spread and could not be extinguished, and the floods could not be stopped; ferocious beasts ate the kind, and fierce birds grab old people and children with their claws. So Nuwa smelted five-colored stones to mend the sky, cut off the feet of the giant turtles to make pillars that hold up the heaven, and killed the black dragon to save China, and used reed ash to stop the floods.

姓名:陈奇 学号:0213701140

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

In ancient times, the four pillars holing the four sides of the sky and earth collapsed, then the earth cracked; The sky was broken so that it could no longer provider shelters to all living creatures. The earth was also destroyed that it could no longer hold the creatures. The fire swept across the earth and could not be extinguished, and the water was too great to stop. Ferocious beasts ate good people, ferocious birds used their paws to grab old people and children. In this case, Nv wa smelted the five-color stones to repair the sky. She cut off the feet of giant turtles in the sea to prop up the four pillars, killed the black dragon to save Juzhou, and blocked the flood with piled reed ash.

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky

Long, long ago, one day, the four pillars supporting the heaven suddenly collapsed and the earth cracked. The heaven was unable to cover what it used to, and the earth couldn’t bear the burden of all creatures. Flames raged endlessly. Floods rushing through the lands but never receded. Fierce beasts preyed on defenseless people. The old and the weak were carried off by ferocious raptors. It was in this catastrophe that Nvwa melted the five-colored stones to mend the heaven, cut off the legs of the Great Turtle and made them the new four pillars, killed the black dragon to relieve the land of Ji, and piled up reed ashes to ward off flooding.

黄睿琪 0213700014

回复: Nüwa repairs the Sky


In ancient times, the four pillars that supported the sky were tilted and the earth was cracked. The sky could not cover all the earthand the earth could not keep all creatures alive anymore. The fire kept burning and could not be extinguished, and the fierce flood didn’t subside. Fierce beasts devoured kind people, and ferocious birds preyed on the weak. Nüwa melted the five-colored stone to mend the sky and cut the legs of giant turtles as the four pillars to support the sky. She slew the black dragon to save the world and accumulate the ashes of reeds to control the excessive flood.

0213701123 吕珊