Περιγραφή θέματος

  • Θέμα 1

  • Θέμα 2

    • Required Reading

      J. Peter Pham, “What is the National Interest? Hans Morgenthau’s Realist Vision and American Foreign Policy”,American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.30 (2008), pp.256-265.

      J Joseph S. Nye, Jr, “Redefining the National Interest”,Foreign Affairs, Vol.78, No.4, July/August, 1999, pp.22-35.

      Joseph S. Nye, Jr, “The American national interest and global public goods”,International Affairs, 2002, Vol.78(2), pp.233-244.

      Condoleezza Rice, “Promoting the National Interest”,Foreign Affairs, 1 January 2000, Vol.79(1), pp.45-62.

      Martin Rochester, “The Paradigm Debate in International Relations and its Implications for Foreign Policy Making: Toward a Redefinition of the ‘National Interest’”,Western Political Quarterly, Vol.31(1), pp. 48-58.

      Robert W. Sellen, “National Interest, A Neglected Element in American Foreign Policy”,The Midwest Quarterly, Spring, 1990, Vol.31(3), pp.314-329.

      Christopher J. Fettweis, “Threatlessness and US Grand Strategy”,Survival, 03 September 2014, Vol.56(5), pp.43-68.

  • Θέμα 3

  • Θέμα 4

    • Required Reading

      Tim Clancey,“US Presidents and the Making of Foreign Policy”,History Review, Mar 2006, Issue 54, pp.39-44.

      Arthur Schlesinger Jr. “Congress and the Making of American Foreign Policy”, Foreign Affairs, 1 October 1972, Vol.51(1), pp.78-113.

      J. Garry Clifford, “Bureaucratic Politics”,The Journal of American History, June 1990, pp.161-168.

      Harlan Cleveland, “Coherence and Consultation, the President as Manager of American Foreign Policy”, Public Administration Review, March-April, 1986, Vol.46(2), p.97-104.

      Peter Trubowitz, “Sectionalism and American Foreign Policy: The Political Geography of Consensus and Conflict”International Studies Quarterly, June, 1992, Vol.36(2), pp.173-190.

      William C.Olson, “President, Congress and American Foreign Policy: Confrontation or Collaboration?”, International Affairs, 1 October 1976, Vol.52(4), pp.565-581.

      John Tower, “Congress Versus the President, the Formulation and Implementation of American Foreign Policy”,Foreign Affairs, Winter, 1981, Vol.60, pp.229-246.

      Lee E. Dutter, “The 75-years' War, 1914-1989, Some Observations on the Psychology of American Foreign Policy-Making During the 20th Century”, Political Psychology, 1 September 1991, Vol.12(3), pp.523-553.

      Robert Jervis, “Do Leaders Matter and How Would We Know”, Security Studies, 01 April 2013, Vol.22(2), pp.153-179.

      Eben J. Christensen & Steven B. Redd, “Bureaucrats versus the Ballot Box in Foreign Policy Decision Making”,Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2004, Vol.48(1), p.69-90.

      Graham T. Allison & Morton H. Halperin, “Bureaucratic Politics: A Paradigm and Some Policy Implications”,World Politics, Vol. 24, Supplement: Theory and Policy in International Relations (Spring, 1972), pp. 40-79.

      Graham T. Allison, “Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis”,The American Political Science Review, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Sep., 1969), pp. 689-718.

  • Θέμα 5

  • Θέμα 6

    • Required Reading

      Trevor Rubenzer, “Campaign Contributions and US Foreign Policy Outcomes, an Analysis of Cuban American Interest”,American Journal of Political Science, Jan, 2011, Vol.55(1), pp.105-116.

      Eytan Gilboa, “Global TV News and Foreign Policy, Debating the CNN Effect”,International Studies Perspectives, 2005, Vol.6(3), pp.325-341.

      Steven Kull & Clay Ramsay, “Challenging US Policymakers' Image of an Isolationist Public”,International Studies Perspectives, 2000, Vol.1(1), pp.105-117.

      Ikuo Kabashima & Hideo Sato,“Local Content and Congressional Politics, Interest-group Theory and Foreign-policy Implications”,International Studies Quarterly, 1 September 1986, Vol.30(3), pp.295-314.

      Andrew Battista, “Unions and Cold War Foreign Policy in the 1980s: The National Labor Committee, the AFL-CIO, and Central America”,Diplomatic History, 2002, Vol.26(3), pp.419-451.

      Philip J. Powlick & Andrew Z. Katz, “Defining the American Public Opinion / Foreign Policy Nexus”,Mershon International Studies Review, 1998, Vol.42(1), pp.29-61.

      Kurt Taylor Gaubatz, “Intervention and Intransitivity, Public Opinion, Social Choice and the Use of Military Force Abroad”,World politics, 1995, Vol.47(4), pp.534-554.

      Alexander Odorov & Anesu N. Mandisodza, “Public Opinion on Foreign Policy: The Multilateral Public That Perceives itself as unilateral”,The Public Opinion Quarterly, 1 October 2004, Vol.68(3), pp.323-348.

      Thomas Knecht, M. Stephen Weatherford, “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: the Stages of Presidential Decision Making”,International Studies Quarterly, 2006, Vol.50(3), pp.705-727.

      Donald L. Jordan & Benjamin I. Page, “Shaping Foreign Policy Opinions, The Role of TV News”Journal of Conflict Resolution, June, 1992, Vol.36(2), pp.227-241.

      Jerel Rosati, Michael Link & John Creed, “A New Perspective on the Foreign Policy Views of American Opinion Leaders in the Cold War and Post-cold War Eras”,Political Research Quarterly, Jun 1998, Vol.51(2), pp.461-479.

  • Θέμα 7

  • Θέμα 8

    • Required Reading

      William B. Allen, “The Moral Foundations of Political Choices George Washington Foreign Policy And National Character”,The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 01 December 2011, Vol.9(4), pp.3-12.

      Lane Crothers,“The cultural roots of isolationism and internationalism in American foreign policy”Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 01 March 2011, Vol.9(1), pp.21-34.

      Salah Oueslati, “US Foreign Policy and the Complex Factors in the Decision-Making Process”,Society, 2014, Vol.51(5), pp.472-481.

      Constance G. Anthony, “American Democratic Interventionism, Romancing the Iconic Woodrow Wilson”,International Studies Perspectives, August, 2008, Vol.9(3), pp.239-253.

      Stephen G. Walker & Mark Schafer, “Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as Cultural Icons of US Foreign Policy”,Political Psychology, 2007, Vol.28(6), pp.747-776.

      Lloyd E. Ambrosius, “Woodrow Wilson and George W Bush: Historical Comparisons of Ends and Means in Their Foreign Policies”Diplomatic History, 2006, Vol.30(3), pp.509-543.

      Loch K. Johnson & Kiki Caruson, “The Seven Sins of American Foreign Policy”,Political Science and Politics, 2003, Vol.36(1), pp.5-10.

  • Θέμα 9

  • Θέμα 10

    • Required Reading

      Chapter II, “George F. Kennan and the Strategy of Containment”, John Lewis Gaddis,Strategies of Containment : A Critical Appraisal of American National Security Policy during the Cold War,New York : Oxford University Press ,2005.

      J. PhilippRosenberg,“Presidential Beliefs and Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Continuity During the Cold War Era”,Political Psychology, 1 December 1986, Vol.7(4), pp.733-751.

      Ken Young, “Revisiting NSC 68”,Journal of Cold War Studies, 2013, Vol.15(1), pp.3-33.

      Chapter I, “Prologue: Containment before Kennan”, John Lewis Gaddis,Strategies of Containment : A Critical Appraisal of American National Security Policy during the Cold War,New York : Oxford University Press ,2005.

      ArnoldOffner,“Presidential Address ‘Another Such Victory’: President Truman, American Foreign Policy and the Cold War”,Diplomatic History, Spring 1999, Vol.23(2), pp.126-155.

      N. Stephen Kane, “Reassessing the Bureaucratic Dimension of Foreign Policy Making: A Case Study of the Cuban Sugar Quota Decision, 1954-56”,Social Science Quarterly, 1983, Vol.64(1), pp.46-65.

  • Θέμα 11

  • Θέμα 12

    • Required Reading

      George C. Herring, “America and Vietnam: The Unending War”,Foreign Affairs, Winter, 1991, Vol.70(5), pp.104-119.

      Ken Cunningham, “A Critical Theory of the Rationality of US Foreign Policy: The Case of the American War in Vietnam”,New Political Science, 01 December 2002, Vol.24(4), pp.509-523.

      John Lewis Gaddis, “The Tragedy of Cold War History”,Diplomatic History,1993, Vol.17(1), pp.1-16.

      Michael Mandelbaum,“Ending the Cold War”,Foreign affairs, 1989, Vol.68(2), pp.16-36.

      Joshua Muravchik, “The End of the Vietnam Paradigm”,Commentary, May, 1991, Vol.91(5), pp.17-23.

      Thomas G. Paterson, “Cold War Revisionism: A Practitioner's Perspective”,Diplomatic History, 2007, Vol.31(3), pp.387-395.

      Benjamin O. Fordham, “Domestic Politics, International Pressure, and the Allocation of American Cold War Military Spending”,The Journal of Politics, 1 February 2002, Vol.64(1), pp.63-88.

      Jussi M. Hanhimäki, “The (really) good war? Cold War nostalgia and American foreign policy”,Cold War History, 02 October 2014, Vol.14(4), pp.673-683.

      Edward Pessen, “Appraising American Cold War Policy by its Means of Implementation”,Reviews in American History, 1 December 1990, Vol.18(4), pp.453-465.

      John Lewis Gaddis, “Toward the Post-Cold War World”,Foreign Affairs, 1 April 1991, Vol.70(2), pp.102-122.

      John Lewis Gaddis, Chapter 12, “Epilogue: Containment After the Cold War”,Strategies of Containment : A Critical Appraisal of American National Security Policy during the Cold War,New York : Oxford University Press ,2005.

      Heather Marie Stur, “Hiding Behind the Humanitarian Label: Refugees, Repatriates, and the Rebuilding of America's Benevolent Image After the Vietnam War”,Diplomatic History, 2015, Vol. 39(2), pp.223-244.

  • Θέμα 13

  • Θέμα 14

    • Required Reading

      Alvin Richman, Eloise Malone, David B Nolle, “Testing Foreign Policy Belief Structures of the American Public in the Post-Cold War Period”,Political Research Quarterly, Dec, 1997, Vol.50(4), pp.939-955.

      Brian Frederking, “Constructing Post-Cold War Collective Security”,American Political Science Review, 2003, Vol.97(3), pp.363-378.

      Alfred E. Eckes, “Trading American Interests”,Foreign Affairs, Fall, 1992, Vol.71(4), pp.135-154.

      Saul B. Cohen, “Global Geopolitical Change in the Post-cold War Ear”,Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 01 December 1991, Vol.81(4), p.551-580.

      Sherle R. Schwenninger, “World Order Lost: American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War World”,World Policy Journal, 1 July 1999, Vol.16(2), pp.42-71.

      Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer & Michael D. Young, “Presidential Operational Codes and Foreign Policy Conflicts in the Post-Cold War World”,Journal of Conflict Resolution, Oct, 1999, Vol.43(5), pp.610-625.

      Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard, “Bill Clinton s Democratic Enlargement and the Securitisation of Democracy Promotion”,Diplomacy & Statecraft, 03 July 2015, Vol.26(3), pp.534-551.

      Steven Livingston & Todd Eachus, “Humanitarian Crises and US Foreign Policy, Somalia and the CNN Effect Reconsidered”,Political Communication, 01 October 1995, Vol.12(4), pp.413-429.

      Leslie H Gelb & Justine A Rosenthal, “The Rise of Ethnics in Foreign Policy: Reaching a Values Consensus”,Foreign affairs, 2003, Vol.82(3), pp.2-7.

  • Θέμα 15

    • Required Reading

      Bruce W. Jentleson,American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century, 4th ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2010, pp.342-404.

      Charles Ziegler, “Russian-American relations: From Tsarism to Putin”,International Politics, Nov 2014, Vol.51(6), pp.671-692.

      John Lewis Gaddis, “History, grand strategy and NATO enlargement”, Survival, Spring, 1998, Vol.40(1), pp.145-151.

      Dana H. Allin,” The Atlantic Crisis of Confidence”,International Affairs, 2004, Vol.80(4), pp.649-663.

  • Θέμα 16

    • Suggested Reading

      Ayaz Ahmed, “China Vs America: The Unfolding New Cold War”,Defence Journal, Apr 2016, Vol.19(9), pp.36-42.

      Kazuhiko Togo, “Japan-China-US Relations and the Diaoyu Islands Dispute”,Asian Perspective, 2014, Vol.38(2), pp.241-261.

      ChristopherMoraff, "Africa Might Become the Staging Ground of a New Cold War with China."Is There a New Cold War?, edited by Stefan Kiesbye, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Originally published as "AFRICOM: Round One in a New Cold War?"In These Times, 19 Sept. 2007.

      Jiechi, Yang. "China and the US Are Ready to Build a New Model for Major-Country Relationships." Originally published as "‘Concerning Peace and the Development of Humanity’,"Foreign Policy, 22 June 2015.

      Karabell, Zachary. "China Has Become a Scapegoat for American Outsourcing Fears."Outsourcing, edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Originally published as "Watch out for the China Bashers,"Wall Street Journal, 5 Sept. 2007.

      Kane, Thomas M. "China Is a Nuclear Threat."China, edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2006. Originally published as "Dragon or Dinosaur? Nuclear Weapons in a Modernizing China,"U.S. Army War College Quarterly, vol. 33, Winter, pp. 98-113.

      Pastreich, Emanuel. "China Might Be Opposing U.S. in a New Cold War."Is There a New Cold War?, edited by Stefan Kiesbye, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Originally published as "Is China the Nemesis in a New Cold War?"Nautilus Institute, 6 Mar. 2006.

      Subramanian, Arvind. "China Threatens US Economic Dominance."What Is the Future of the US Economy?, edited by Ronald D. Lankford, Jr., Greenhaven Press, 2013. Originally published as "In Growing Chinese Dominance, A Wake-Up Call for America,"Washington Post, 29 Apr. 2011.

      Millar, David B. "China’s Claims that the United States Wants to Prevent Its Prosperity Are False."Originally published as "Challenging the Chinese ‘Containment’ Myth,"The Conversation, 1 June 2015.

      Bandow, Doug. "China's Military Buildup Is Not a Threat to Legitimate U.S. Interests.” edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Originally published as "China's Military Rise Means End of U.S. Hegemony?"Korea Times, 5 May 2009.

      Kissinger, Henry. "Conflict Between the United States and China Can Be Averted."China, edited by James D. Torr, Greenhaven Press, 2001. Originally published as "Dangerous Drift,"Los Angeles Times, 12 Sept. 1999.

      Gaffney, Frank J. "Conflict Between the United States and China May Be Imminent." edited by James D. Torr, Greenhaven Press, 2001. Originally published as "Are the United States and China on a Collision Course?"American Legion Magazine, Mar. 2000.

      Hale, Galina, and Bart Hobijn. "Much of the Money Spent on Chinese Imports Goes to US Businesses." Originally published as "The US Content of 'Made in China,',"FRBSF Economic Letter, 8 Aug. 2011.

      Eland, Ivan. "The Modernizing of China's Military Is Overstated." edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2006. Originally published as "Is Chinese Military Modernization a Threat to the United States?"Policy Analysis, 2003.

      Shapiro, Robert J. "The United States Should Not Blame China for the Trade Deficit." edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Originally published as "Thinking About Our Trade Deficit with China,"www.ndn.org/advocacy/globalization/ourtradedeficit.html, 13 Apr. 2007.

      Carafano, James Jay. "The US Must Stand Up to China’s Bullying with Proactive Measures." Originally published as "Wake Up, America: China Is a Real Threat,"The Heritage Foundation, 10 Feb. 2015.

      Scott, Robert E. "The US Trade Deficit with China Has Cost American Jobs."Is China’s Economic Growth a Threat to America?, edited by Ronald D. Lankford, Jr., Greenhaven Press, 2013. Originally published as "Growing U.S. Trade Deficit with China Cost 2.8 Million Jobs Between 2001 and 2010: Hundreds to thousands of jobs displaced in every U.S. congressional district,"Economic Policy Institute, 20 Sept. 2011.

      Ross, Robert S. "The U.S.-China peace: great power politics, spheres of influence, and the peace of East Asia."Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, 2003, p. 351+.

      "Top U.S. Diplomat Outlines Complicated Issues Facing U.S., China."All Things Considered, 2 June 2016.

      Edwards, Martin. "US Objections to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Are Shortsighted." Originally published as "US Should Stop Blocking China’s AIIB and Join Allies in New Club,"The Conversation, 6 Apr. 2015.

      Halloran, Richard. "War with China over Taiwan Is Possible." edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2006. Originally published as "Taiwan,"Parameters, vol. 33, Spring 2003, pp. 22-34.

      O'Hanlon, Michael. "War with China over Taiwan Is Unlikely."China, edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2006. Originally published as "Why China Cannot Conquer Taiwan,"International Security, vol. 25, Fall 2000.

      Americans’ Views of US-China Relations, Spring 2015

      Top US Exports to and Imports from China, 2015

      China’s Holdings of US Treasury Securities, 2002-September 2015

  • Θέμα 17

    • Required Reading

      Bruce W. Jentleson,American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century, 4th ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2010, pp.405-641,672-719.

      Andrew Newman, “Arms Control Proliferation and Terrorism: The Bush Administration’s Post September 11 Security Strategy”,Journal of Strategic Studies, 01 March 2004, Vol.27(1), pp.59-88.

      Mark Salter, “The Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terrorists: An Imperialist Discourse”,Global Dialogue, Winter 2003, Vol.5(1/2), pp.116-125.

      Jerzy Zajadlo, “Legality and Legitimization of Humanitarian Intervention: New Challenges in the Age of War on Terrorism”,American Behavioral Scientist, Feb, 2005, Vol.48(6), pp.653-670.

      Helen V Milner & Dustin H Tingley, “Who supports global economic engagement? the sources of preferences in American foreign economic policy”,International Organization, 2011, Vol.65(1), pp.37-68.

      Pamela Chasek, “US Policy in the UN Environmental Arena: Powerful Laggard or Constructive Leader”,International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 2007, Vol.7(4), pp.363-387.

      Nicolas Bouchet “The democracy tradition in US foreign policy and the Obama presidency”,International Affairs, 2013, Vol.89(1), pp.31-51.

      Pierre M. Atlas, “US Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring”,Digest of Middle East Studies, 2012, Vol.21(2), pp.353-385.

  • Θέμα 18

    • Suggested Reading

      "Apparent progress in negotiations to end North Korea's nuclear program."American Journal of International Law, Oct. 2008.

      Price, Owen. "Aggressive U.S. Policies Will Reduce the North Korean Threat."North & South Korea, edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2008. Originally published as "Kim Jong Il: Three Strikes,"CSIS Commentary, 11 Oct. 2006.

      Hymans, Jacques E.C. "Assessing North Korean nuclear intentions and capacities: a new approach."Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, 2008, p. 259+.

      Podvig, Pavel. "Missile Defense Offers a False Promise of Protection from Nuclear Attack." edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Originally published as "The False Promise of Missile Defense,"thebulletin.org, 14 Sept. 2009.

      Perry, William. "North Korea Poses a Serious Nuclear Threat."North & South Korea, edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2008.

      "North Korea rejects past nuclear commitments, tests another nuclear weapon, and provokes additional UN sanctions."American Journal of International Law, July 2009, p. 597+.

      Clemens, Walter C., Jr. "North Korea's quest for nuclear weapons: new historical evidence."Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, 2010, p. 127+.

      Sylvestre, Peter. "Nuclear North Korea: a Debate on Engagement Strategies."Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2005, p. 171+.

      Mueller, John. "Nuclear Weapons Are Not as Dangerous as World Leaders Claim." edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Originally published as "Think Again: Nuclear Weapons,"foreignpolicy.com, Jan.-Feb. 2010.

      Bolton, John R. "Talks with North Korea Would Worsen the Nuclear Threat."North and South Korea, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2014. Originally published as "North Korea: Not the Time for Talks,"Wall Street Journal, 3 Jan. 2011.

      Revere, Evans J.R. "Talks with the United States Could Reduce the North Korean Nuclear Threat." Originally published as "Re-Engaging North Korea After Kim Jong-il's Death: Last, Best Hope or Dialogue to Nowhere?"The Brookings Institution, no. 29, Jan. 2012.

      Harrison, Selig S. "The forgotten bargain: nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament."World Policy Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, 2006, p. 1+.

      Spring, Baker. "The United States Should Employ a Missile Defense Against North Korea's Nuclear Weapons."National Security, edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2007.

      Harrison, Selig S. "The forgotten bargain: nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament."World Policy Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, 2006, p. 1+.

      Hackett, James. "The Regime in North Korea Must Be Changed." edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2008. Originally published as "What North Korea Wants,"Washington Times, 11 July 2006.

      Eaglen, Mackenzie. "The United States Must Have a Viable Missile Defense System." edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Originally published as "Why Missile Defense,"heritage.org, 3 Aug. 2010.

      Blumenthal, Dan. "The United States Should Not Negotiate with North Korea."edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2008. Originally published as "He Huffs and He Puffs: North Korea's Dear Leader Threatens to Explode a Nuke,"Weekly Standard, 16 Oct. 2006.

      Chart: Public Opinion on Dealing with North Korea

      Public opinion on what the United States should do to stop North Korea from developing and testing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, July 2006

      The effectiveness of sanctions